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Thursday, May 2, 2024

~~~ Click here for this Sunday's bulletin ~~~

Bulletin available on Friday

Quarterly Gathering - Sunday, May 5

We will gather in Covenant Hall following the 10:30 service for the quarterly report from each of the Areas and Officers. Here's your chance to be well-informed about what our church is doing!

A message from our Pastor and Teacher

May 5, 2024 ~~ Sixth Sunday of Easter & Quarterly Gathering ~~ "Jesus, Iconoclast" 

What kind of relationship do you have with God? How do you envision that relationship? In Sunday’s scripture passage, Jesus makes some statements that sound both familiar and comfortable to our modern and postmodern ears but must have been shocking to his contemporaries. Jesus calls God his Father. He gives them a new commandment. He calls them his friends.


The first two statements would be considered blasphemous by the Jewish follower of his day. The third, though not blasphemous, would have been both challenging and life-changing to those who heard him. 


How can we, in our 21st century context, understand the impact of Jesus' teachings on the people of his day?

Sunday's Scripture:

John 15: 9 -17

Concerns / Prayers:

  • Sue Hammond is home after a time in the hospital with heart conditions. 
  • Craig Wesson had a mild heart attack but has been able to be back in church.
  • Charlie Seek is back home and doing better following kidney surgery.  
  • Dianne Landeros' cousin Monty Montano passed from life to Life on 3/26/24.
  • Coralyn’s niece, Shannon, with 20 percent heart function after COVID. 
  • Judith Gregory requests prayers for her granddaughter Allyson and Allyson’s newborn baby Paisley. Judith is being tested for blood clots in her legs.
  • Jolene Barrow's brother Andrew will receive kidney surgery in April.  
  • We continue to hold in our prayers the people of Ukraine, the Middle East, and wherever war and violence prevail. 
  • Tom Medlicott recovering from a broken neck.  
  • Lori Glass is still having throat problems and has not yet received a referral to ENT to get a diagnosis. 
  • Rick and Georgia Sforza request prayers for the family, Rick’s mother passed.
  • Jayne Miller requests prayers for the healing of her husband Tom's wound.   
  • Marla and Richard Steffen and family.
  • Inez Diggs' son Shelton is recovering from rotator cuff surgery and her niece Kelly Graham was diagnosed with breast cancer. 

Ongoing Concerns:

Karen & Daniella

Jerry Andrews

Stephen Arth

Scott Ault

Dave, brother of Johanna Ballard

Bill Buchanan

Denise Cain

Cousin of Rick Cruz

Norma Erickson

Katia Hage

Mary Lou Haney

Beki Hill

Harriet Holt, Beki Hill's mother

Jules Rattray’s sister, Jenny

Amber McGuigan

Cynthia McGuigan

Don Don and Scott Mong

Floyd Orr

Ryan and Evan Paul

Julie Phillips

Jake Pomeroy

Dick Ault's Brother-in-law, Charles Proctor

Dan Schoepf, Michael Schoepf

Spencer, friend of Stacey Greene

Robert Silver

Rick Sforza's father Frank

Nancy Ternasky

Arika Torres

Beth Welsh

This Saturday is not only Sacred Saturday...

It is also World Labyrinth Day - a day set aside all around the world as a day of walking for peace. It's a day where thousands of people will be joining together in a moving meditation for peace. We will be participating in this worldwide event as part of our time together this Sacred Saturday, May 4, from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at the church. We will gather to open and close our time and will offer a dedicated time to walk the labyrinth as a group. Of course you may walk at any time on your own. For those who may not be physically able to walk the prayer path, we we have hand-held and paper labyrinths available as well.

Although the worldwide event's goal is to have a rolling wave of peaceful walkers by walking "as one at 1:00" we will be walking a bit earlier. This is RUCC after all - we are always a "bit ahead of our time." 

If you are not available to be at Sacred Saturday, you are encouraged to walk the labyrinth at RUCC or U of R on your own - keeping a prayer for peace as you walk.

Racial Justice reflection of the week

While the civil war is associated with the end of slavery in the US, it survived throughout much of the Confederacy right to the end of the conflict.


“Many Confederates saw slavery as indelibly bound up with their bid for independence and used the slave trade to try to build a world around an independent slaveholding republic,” Professor Robert Colby says.


In “An Unholy Traffic: Slave Trading in the Civil War South,” Colby cites a shocking statistic. Between 80% and 85% of people enslaved in the Confederacy on the eve of war in 1861 were still enslaved when Gen Robert E. Lee surrendered in Virginia four years later. The number of Black people who were bought and sold over that span is estimated in the thousands.

And the Confederacy didn’t merely defend slavery within its borders.


“Essentially, anytime the Confederacy invaded a place where slavery was either more tenuous or people had fled from slavery, it absolutely took people back into slavery … many times, people who had not been enslaved at all,” Colby says.



From the Envrironmental Justice Team

Ten years after the discovery of lead contamination in the water supply for Flint, Michigan, we have a lot of work left to do:


A 2023 report from the EPA revealed that in 2021, lead made up 9% of the nation's service line infrastructure, representing an estimated 9.2 million pipes. Half of those pipes are concentrated in six states: Florida, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and New York.


In Chicago alone, 400,000 homes still get their tap water through lead service lines. A recent study published in JAMA Pediatrics found that nearly 70% of young children in the city are exposed to lead through their home tap water. The study also found that Black and Hispanic neighborhoods are more likely to have lead exposure, but less likely to be tested for lead.


Source: “Ten years after Flint, the fight to replace lead pipes across the U.S. continues,” E. Kwong, P. Huang, R. Carlson, and R. Ramirez, National Public Radio, 4/26/24:

Sunday School in the Garden Postponed to May 19

We have postponed our special Sunday School in the Garden due to uncertainty with the weather.

This Sunday, May 5, we will have Sunday School indoors.

On Sunday May 19, we will have our special Sunday School in the Garden. (Fingers crossed for a beautiful weather forecast!)

Any questions please contact

Youth Hope needs our help on May 22

Dear Church family,

A few days ago I received this request from Christy at Youth Hope. They need our help with lunches on Wednesday, May 22. We need one or two folks to step up and coordinate this effort. Unfortunately, I'll be out of town that week. We usually have a good number of folks who will donate supplies and who usually stay to make sandwiches. We'll also need water, Gatorade, chips, fruit, and cookies or other treats.

I know we can get this done! Please contact me by email or text if you can help.

Thank you, Carol Robb

As I mentioned on our call, we have a volunteer who needs to step aside, for jury duty, on her normal day delivering lunches. This happens to be on Wednesday May 22nd.


If your group could assist on that day we would be so grateful! Approximately 50 youth would need to be fed. Whatever you would like to provide would be greatly appreciated!❤️


Thank you and please confirm at your convenience.



Christy Royer

Youth Hope volunteer 🙂

Pilgrim Pines Camperships available

RUCC has a generous Campership policy: all RUCC members automatically receive 50% off their tuition at Pilgrim Pines! 

The first session of the summer begins June 30, so use the button below to learn about all the programs scheduled at Pilgrim Pines this summer. Do it NOW. Don’t miss the chance to enjoy summer camp at Pilgrim Pines this summer!

Also: it is very important that you contact before registering your child on the Pilgrim Pines website: we need to complete the campership paperwork here before you register with Pilgrim Pines.

Pilgrim Pines

Caring for Kin - Peppermint Ridge

For the month of May, Caring for Kin will be partnering with Peppermint Ridge! Erin Beardemphl let us know that PR could use new or gently used kitchen utensils and appliances as well as new linens such as sheets for twin or double beds and kitchen and bath towels. The cart will be out and ready to accept donations!

Youth Group Fundraiser: Cool Labyrinth Stickers $1 Each

Please consider supporting our new fundraiser: these awesome Labyrinth Stickers are just $1 each! (Or more if you’re feeling generous!)

These Labyrinth Stickers are very high quality—you can place them on just about any surface and trace the labyrinth path with your finger.

Reply to and let us know how many stickers you would like to purchase. Also: we will have Youth Group members on hand this Sunday to sell the stickers.

Thank you!


Getting comfortable with the tech at church - resumes on Monday, May 6

This class is for everyone who would like help with all the technology here at RUCC. Led by Dan Abushanab, this course will help us all become more familiar with Teams, Forms, QR Codes, Screen sharing and more!

  • Week 3 (May 6): Scheduling and hosting meetings in Teams and using the room systems available at the church.
  • Week 4 (May 13): More advanced tools. Gathering content in Forms, making a QR code, adding new tabs to channels
Classes meet in the Founders Room starting at 6 p.m. and ending at 8 p.m. (Note the earlier start time)

Blood Drive - May 15

Our Second Annual RUCC Blood Drive will be in Covenant Hall on May 15th. The need for all blood types is acute right now. Last year we had a larger-than-expected number of donations and I hope this year we can do even better.

It helps if you can make an appointment—see the attached flyer for how to do that—but walk-ins are always welcome. 

If you have any questions, ask me at church or call me. Thanks for your support!

  —Kerry Dunn

Wider Ministries seeks your input about donations by May 19

If you know a worthwhile charitable organization to which the church should consider giving a donation, RUCC Wider Ministries wants to hear from you! There were many outstanding groups represented at last month’s Caring Fair. Wider Ministries donations must go outside of RUCC to other deserving groups. Donation criteria are 1) Designation as a 501 (c ) (3) charitable organization 2) Support for the mission and values of RUCC and 3) A relationship with RUCC in some way, such as participating in our recent Caring Fair, or being a group that a RUCC member is involved with. 

You can find donation suggestion forms by clicking HERE, or on the Wider Ministries Bulletin Board, where you can also find Thank You letters to RUCC from many of the organizations we help. Donation forms may be turned into Kathie Blakley (, Wider Ministries area leader, or to any member of the Wider Ministries group.

The deadline is May 19, which is the next Wider Ministries Quarterly Meeting.


  • May 4 - Sacred Saturday
  • May 5 - Quarterly Gathering in Covenant Hall
  • May 6, 13 - Getting comfortable with technology 3rd in a series of classes
  • May 14 - Munch and Muse
  • May 14 - Stewards Meeting
  • May 15 - Blood Drive 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at RUCC. To make an appointment, call 1-800-879-4484, or visit
  • May 19 - Wider Ministries Quarterly Meeting to approve donations (see article above)
  • May 21 - Board Meeting
  • June 7-8 - Southern California Nevada Conference of the UCC Annual Gathering at Chapman University and on line - (See article above)
  • June 23 - 27 - Western Regional Youth Event

The church calendar is found at

Click on "calendar" in the red banner near the top of the page

This Week at Redlands United Church of Christ

Sunday, May 5 - Congregational Gathering

  • 9:20 a.m.- Seekers
  • 9:30 a.m. - Kids' Zone
  • 10:30 a.m. - Worship service
  • 11:30 a.m. - Congregational Gathering in Covenant Hall

Monday, May 6

  • 6:00 p.m. - Tech Class

Tuesday, May 7

Wednesday, May 8

  • 1:30 a.m. - Mah Jong
  • 6:00 p.m. - Handbells Rehearsal
  • 7:00 p.m. - Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, May 9

Friday, May 10

Saturday May 11

  • Sacred Saturday

Sunday, May 12

  • 9:20 a.m. - Seekers
  • 9:30 a.m. - Kids' Zone
  • 10:30 a.m. - Worship service & Communion
  • 11:30 a.m. Fellowship Time/Coffee Hour

RUCC Staff

Interim Pastor: Rev. Elaine Schoepf

Honorary Minister of Arts and Worship:  Rev. Erin Beardemphl

Music Director: David Wells

Associate Music Director: Sophia Ohanian

Children's Education Director: Susi Jacobsen

Director of Youth Ministries: Vacant

Office and Property Manager: Veronica Bermudez

Child Care: Caitlin Walsh



Phone: 909-793-3520


Staff and Other Emails,