Summer Edition 2024

Message From Senior Director of External Relations

We are less than two months from celebrating Two Rivers' 20th birthday on Saturday, September 7! All are welcome to this free festival from 11am-2pm on the lawn at Young Elementary School. Sweet treats are on us; there will be food trucks if you care to purchase lunch. Catch up with former staff, alumni, board, and families. Sing from the TR community meeting playlist. Play in the bounce house and inflatable course. Get a tour of the middle school and, of course, get your TR merch!

If fancy is your thing, then reserve your spot at the 20th Anniversary Gala - a black tie optional awards and fundraising dinner on Saturday, October 19. (Ticketing information is below.)

Check out our TR20 activities here!

Also in this edition, we celebrate highlights from the spring (Celebration of Learning, 8th grade Passage Portfolio, middle school musical, promotion ceremonies) and feature another round of spotlights of amazing members of our community.

Enjoy and see you back on campus soon!

20th Anniversary Festival

Save the Date! September 7 marks a major milestone as Two Rivers turns 20! Join us for this free event as we commemorate two decades of living the mission as crew. We're excited to invite our entire community to join the festivities – current and former students, families, board, staff, neighbors, and partners.

Help us plan!

20th Anniversary Gala Tickets

Join us for an intimate gala dinner with founders, alumni, students, educators, board, and outside community members where we celebrate the journey of Two Rivers and set the stage for another incredible 20 years. Take advantage of the $50 early bird discount code, TR20EarlyBird.

Saturday, October 19, 6:00 PM | Two Rivers Middle School

Get your tickets today!

Student Spotlight - Violet

Staff and Family Spotlight - Ann Selzer

Alum Spotlight - Fitz Morrissey

Violet - Student Spotlight

Congratulations! You are now a rising 9th grader. In which grade did you start at Two Rivers? 

I started at Two Rivers in Kindergarten (SY 2015-16)

You had an incredible academic, arts, and sports career at Two Rivers. Can you please share a bit about your achievements and what makes them special to you?

Maintaining good grades while pursuing other interests is extremely important to me. Throughout middle school, I have consistently achieved the highest level of honor roll while taking part in the TRMS musical, co-ed soccer team, and participating in many activities outside of school. Being on the soccer team was a memorable experience for me because I have played soccer almost my entire life and have been advocating for TRMS to offer soccer since I was in sixth grade. This is the first year we have had a soccer team, and I had the honor of co-captaining it to a championship victory at Audi Field, home of D.C. United and the Washington Spirit. This spring I have been sidelined with an injury, but have been active in attending games and supporting the team, who just won the spring tournament to solidify themselves as back-to-back DC Scores co-ed champions. Although I am disappointed I could not play, seeing this team succeed is something I will think back fondly on for years to come. I am so glad I finally had the opportunity to play for Two Rivers before going to high school.

If you were to meet someone unfamiliar with Two Rivers, what do you want them to know about this place?

If I had to describe Two Rivers relative to your average school, I would emphasize how important the community is at Two Rivers. Community is something that has been stressed ever since I began here in Kindergarten. This ranges from family events like Spanish night, to parent events such as the Gala, or even the fact that we are referred to as 'crews' rather than classes and spend lots of time doing activities with our crews. I believe that these practices have made Two Rivers far less clique-y than the schools you hear about in books or movies, and it has brought the diverse community close together.

What plans do you have for the summer and next year?

My big plans for this summer are a trip with my grandma and cousin, a tradition in my family when grandchildren graduate from eighth grade. We are traveling to Iceland and Norway, and I am really looking forward to it. Next year I will be in ninth grade at School Without Walls. I am excited to start high school and I am looking forward to the environment of learners at Walls.

What does being a student leader mean to you? How does this shape your vision for high school?

In my eyes, a student leader is anybody who pushes their peers to do better. This is somebody who cares about their peers, wants to see everybody succeed, and is willing to help people when they need it. Going into high school, I hope everyone is like this to some level--always doing their best and helping others do the same--and that our competitiveness with ourselves can serve as a way to boost each other at the same time.

Scholarly Habits - is there one you really like? Which one speaks to you?

All of the Scholarly Habits are important and I am not going to argue that one is better than others, but the one that has always stood out to me the most is 'I am independent and resilient.' It can apply not just to school but to anything I do, and its success is purely contingent on myself and my performance. It reminds me to give every task my best effort, and to keep working until the product is satisfactory. I also think it goes hand-in-hand really well with 'I act with integrity.' These two Scholarly Habits together provide a very simple but effective philosophy for tackling difficult projects, and are important ideas to keep in mind while doing so.

What else would you like to share about yourself or your crew?

I have had a positive middle school experience, and I am grateful for all of the wonderful teachers and friends I have worked with along the way.

Ann Selzer - Staff and Family Spotlight

Please share how you landed at Two Rivers and when? What compelled you to join the crew?

I joined Two Rivers in 2009 as a Kindergarten teacher at 4th St. I had been a founding teacher at an EL school in Chicago and when I moved to DC I looked for other EL schools because I really believed in the pedagogy of EL schools.

The teaching profession has changed fundamentally with fewer teachers having the tenure that you have. What keeps you in the classroom? What does "winning" as a teacher mean to you?

I stay (and returned) to the classroom because I believe being a classroom teacher is one of the most important and impactful professions there is. So many of our world's problems and difficulties can be solved or impacted by a good teacher and a strong school. I love having a space where I can create a nurturing classroom where students can learn to love learning, grow in their academic and social-emotional skills, and have fun! Also, there is a lot of joy to be found in a kindergarten and first grade classroom. I love the excitement and wonder of this age.

As a kindergarten and first grade teacher, I have the opportunity to set students up to be successful in school. Students who are not on grade level by the end of first grade will often continue to fall behind in school. I work hard to make sure students leave first grade ready for second grade and loving school. If I have done these two things, then I feel like I have "won" as a teacher.

In addition to being a TR teacher, you are a TR parent. Why was it important for you to have your child come to the same school where you teach?

I am grateful that I teach in a school that is a good fit for my own daughter. I believe in the EL model and the mission of Two Rivers. I love the diversity of our students and staff. And I think the teachers and staff work hard to create a space that is good for students. Two Rivers is not perfect, but no school is. My daughter has been very happy this year in Ms. Sherrie and Ms. Cheryl's class. It is so fun to experience TR as a parent. I get to hear my daughter come home talking about "integrity" or a problem they have to solve in their expedition. She plays "Community Meeting" with her dolls and sings the Spanish songs she learns from Ms. Dilenia.

Fitz Morrissey - Alum Spotlight

In which grade did you join Two Rivers?


We tell students that the quality of your character and your work is what matters now and years from now. How did you develop as a human being at Two Rivers? Who helped you along the way? Are there any stories you'd like to share?

I think that the expeditionary style of learning prepped me for daily life in more ways than I can imagine - problem solving is a skill that I have and can attribute to this style of learning from TR.

What about high quality work - are there expedition, art products (including performance), or sports about which you are incredibly proud, even after so many years?  

I often think about when we planted and grew UAV for the Anacostia watershed. I am proud to have done that.

What high school did you attend?

Duke Ellington School of the Arts

What was your proudest moment during high school?

Middle School Musical - Stage Management

Where will you go for college? Why did you make this choice?

UNCSA - I will attend to continue my arts training, who I can thank Ms. Tonia Vines for kicking off!

What advice would you have for your middle school self? Your high school self?  

I would say to belong where you do, and don't push to fit in elsewhere. Life has a way of pushing you down the right path, so follow it!

Check out these photos of our 5th and 8th Grade promotions on our Instagram page! Click on the highlighted links below to see the celebrations.

Check out these photo highlights:

4th Street Elementary

Young Elementary

Middle School

Our Spring Celebration of Learning was a huge success!

Our scholars truly shined as they proudly presented their learning to their families. From showcasing academic growth and creativity to highlighting their progress across various subjects, they pridefully reflected on their comprehensive development. With engaging presentations, interactive sessions, and a display of captured work, our scholars celebrated their achievements and overcame challenges. We couldn't be more proud of their dedication and hard work this year! 

Check out these photo highlights:

4th Street Elementary

Young Elementary

Middle School

Our Middle Schoolers took us on a whimsical journey with their incredible production of Willy Wonka Jr. last month! From stunning singing to dazzling dancing and all the backstage magic, their talents truly shone on stage.

Thanks to Ms. Ashanti and her dedicated team for bringing this fantastic show to life! Bravo to all the students for their hard work and tireless efforts! You made us all so proud!

Check out the photo highlights here.

At Two Rivers, our 8th graders embark on a meaningful journey of reflection and growth with their Passage Portfolio Presentations. This milestone moment allows students to look back on their middle school years, celebrating their achievements and showcasing their readiness for high school. With the guidance of our dedicated educators, students craft presentations highlighting their academic growth and high-quality work, embodying our commitment to excellence in education.

Check out our post here.

Stay connected!

Follow us @tworiverspcs



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