
An external affair we have with others.

An internal hug we give to ourselves.

Experiencing Corona-Cation in-sync as a world. Apart. Together.

What I have learned the most from this pandemic is that kindness is a self-leadership skill-set not to be under-rated! Kindness starts with your relationship with yourself. It is a gift you give to others, yet it is the ultimate gift you give to YOU.

Thank you to my dear Randi Levin Coaching Community. Thank you for allowing me into your in-box, for following me, for your kindness. Every month for the past 6 years, my LIfe. A View From The Coach's Corner Newsletter, has been anchored in a monthly message of 600-1000 words of wisdom and DIY action steps. This month is different. This month I am being kind to myself!

The truth is we are all experiencing the fall-out of this pandemic differently. Some are sleeping more, some are writing more, some are engrossed in family. For me, I am leading myself, my family, my clients and my audiences forward to recalibrate and shift through unprecedented times via interviews, circles, endless Zooms and one-on-one collaborations and connections. Yet the truth is at this juncture the writing of posts, articles, and newsletters is something I need to be kind to myself about. Talking is easy. Writing which is generally natural and simple for me is not.

Not right now.

So my message to each of you is what is your "not right now?"

Honor that.

Meet yourself where you are.

Meet others where they are.

Vulnerability is an important part of the human condition and yet we tend to hide. Make this a time you rip off your masks. Expose what you need. Expose what you can give.

Be kind.

It starts with a conversation with yourself.

Sending love and light and inspiration to you all!

Be well. Be well. Be well.
Introducing Quarantine & Caffeine

Grab a cup of tea or coffee, or sip on a glass of wine or water, and join me via phone or Zoom for conversation, connection, inspiration and kindness. Recalibration manifests as a series of conversations, ideas, pivots, and small steps. Let us ideate and motivate!

Join me in my new virtual home!

The Recalibration Network is an on-line private virtual community of amazing connections. Anchored as a Facebook Group, the group features Zoom Networking and Content Recalibration Circles filled with enriching content and connections. the Recalibration Network is your source for up-to-the minute topics, resources, communication, connection, and intelligent conversation. It is a place and a space for you to come as you are and give and get what you need.


Recalibration Circle

Networking and conversation.

Collaboration meets content.

Monday 3/30 @ 11am EST virtually via Zoom

Open agenda. Today's core thought is about Owning the Moment. This is a power tool. Join me to learn how staying in today can support you in all that you do.

Bonus: I will be sharing a body scan technique that you can use to stay calm and recalibrate.

Covey Club

Excited to be interviewed by Lesley Jane Seymour for Covey Club.

Together we discuss how to visualize our new world and the changes we will need to make in ourselves to live in it. Join us via Zoom on Monday 3/30 @ 8pm EST.

About this Event

One certainty in all this uncertainty? That nothing will stay the same. We will look at every sector of our lives--our relationships differently, our spouses, the time we devote to work—differently. In fact, there will probably be a new BCV designation and ACV. Virtual Transitional Life Strategist, Randi Levin, will help us begin to visualize our new world and the changes we will need to make in ourselves to live in it.

All non-members and Subscribers can purchase tickets here. If you are already a Nest with Covey or Rule the Roost member with CoveyClub, this event is free.

This is a virtual event over the Zoom Network. Once you sign up or purchase a ticket you will be registered for the Coffee & Conversation and sent the links.

Virtual How to Design a New Decade
Doors Close on Tickets Today 3/30

This workshop is now virtual via Zoom. Once you register via Eventbrite you will be sent a link to register for the Zoom as well as a PDF containing the worksheets for this event. If you already registered for this event please check your email because Zoom links and worksheets have been emailed to you.

Tue, Mar 31, 2020 6:00 PM EST
Virtual How to Design a New Decade

Recalibration Circle

Networking and conversation.

Collaboration meets content.

Thursday 4/2 @ 2pm EST via Zoom

Open agenda. Today's core thought is about the new normal of setting and maintaining personal and professional boundaries in a virtual world. When one day melts into another, and your home is filled with virtual family "co-workers" how do you create space mentally and physically that is productive and enriching?