December 2018


DONATE TO OUR TOY DRIVE!     Support families in our Eviction Prevention Unit by donating an unwrapped toy to our Forest Hills Community Center  108-25 62nd Drive,  Forest Hills, NY 11375 by December 14.

Email with questions.
QCH & NYIC Offer Safe Space to talk about Public Charge
On December 4 and 5, our staff partnered with 
The New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC)  to organize public forums in both Jackson Heights and Forest Hills on the new "public charge" rule published by the  Department of Homeland Security.  Public charge  is essentially a 'test' that determines if someone is likely to become dependent on specific government programs. A n immigrant who is found to be "likely to become a public charge" may be denied admission to the U.S. or lawful permanent resident status.  While the proposed rule is not current law and we are many steps away from a final rule, its proposal has resulted in increased fear and stress across our immigrant communities. Click here to read more.
Generation Q hosts first-ever Parent Support Group
On December 3, Generation Q offered its first-ever public Family Support Group to parents and family members of LGBTQ youth. The group provided a safe space for parents to ask questions, meet other parents and take home resources that will help them better support their children and other LGBTQ youth.

Given that Queens is home to a wide variety of cultural and religious communities, t he group is specifically geared toward immigrant and first generation families who may have varying views on LGBTQ issues.

"Parents who attended the first session were incredibly grateful to have this resource," said Generation Q Program Director, Lindsey Duel. "We spent a lot of time talking about how to better support their kids in school and what they hope to gain from the following groups. They also expressed an interest in recruiting other parents to attend."

This new initiative was made possible by Stonewall Community Foundation's Stonewall Quarter Share Grant (SQS). Generation Q was selected from the largest pool of competitors to date and was awarded for its work in centering and uplifting the voices of marginalized communities within Queens' LGBTQ community. 
Thank you for a generous
Giving Tuesday!
In Queens Community House's most generous Giving Tuesday to date, hundreds of supporters came together to say: community matters. Together our community raised $14,471.70! We would not be able to provide our 50 comprehensive programs to 25,000 Queens residents without you. Thank you for your ongoing support!