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Q2 2024

The 2024 PIER campaign is underway

In May, MPAC sent approximately 35,000 request letters to owners of income-generating properties as part of our Property Information and Expense Return (PIER) campaign, our largest data collection initiative.


The information provided to MPAC through this campaign is critical to our analysis of property markets and ensures our database remains current. This supports both our delivery of annual assessment rolls and the future development of quality assessments.

MPAC collects this information under the authority of the Assessment Act, which requires property owners to submit the requested information. Section 11 of the Act specifically authorizes MPAC to collect information for property assessment purposes.


This year’s submission deadline is July 15. For more information on the PIER campaign and helpful resources to assist property owners/representatives, please visit

Spotlight on hospitality

MPAC’s Valuation, Research & Advisory Services - Income team is responsible for supporting properties that are valued using the income approach. This work includes a dedicated team of experts responsible for the valuation of hospitality properties.


Continuing to meet with stakeholders and share our expertise with the broader assessment industry remains a priority for the hospitality team. They recently had the opportunity to deliver on both of these commitments.


Meeting with the Hotel Investment Sector

In April, we attended and hosted a booth at the Canadian Hotel Investment Conference.

The event served as an opportunity to speak with key stakeholders in the hotel sector and explain more about what we do, how hotels are assessed and how we collect income and expense information each year as part of our PIER campaign.

“The collection of PIER data for the hospitality industry is critical to supporting our understanding and analysis of the hospitality market,” said Roger Jarjour, Manager of Valuation, Research & Advisory Services.


We received positive feedback from attendees and look forward to attending next year’s event.


Sharing our Insights at the IPTI/IAAO Mass Appraisal Valuation Symposium

Two of our hospitality experts, Roger Jarjour and Hayli Masciotra, Senior Appraisal and Market Specialist, spoke at the recent IPTI/IAAO Mass Appraisal Valuation Symposium to discuss the evolution of hospitality property mass appraisal.


The presentation featured an overview of hotel properties in Ontario and details on the proforma approach in a mass appraisal environment.


“Ontario has a complex and vast portfolio of hospitality properties. By engaging with property owners and industry stakeholders through various forums, we’re able to broaden our understanding of market trends and share our own key learnings and best practices.”

– Hayli Masciotra


Let’s connect!

We are interested in finding out how our industry stakeholders want to connect with us. As part of our regular planning, we are looking at options for meeting with you in the future.

Interested in joining us? 

Which meeting style suits you best?
Hybrid (in-person with virtual option)
2024 Annual and Performance Report Covers

2023 Annual Report and Performance Report

At MPAC, our promise to bring more value to Ontario fuels everything we do. Our 2023 Annual Report highlights the many milestones we have achieved together over the year in our pursuit of excellence.

To learn more about what we have accomplished and our future goals in support of our stakeholders and property owners, read MPAC’s 2023 Annual Report.


Our 2023 Performance Report highlights our accountability and transparency as a public-facing organization, including how well we met our goals in areas such as capturing new assessments, customer and stakeholder engagement, and operational efficiencies.


For an update on how we are doing, read MPAC’s 2023 Performance Report.


Upcoming events

July 9-11: Canadian Directors of Assessment (CDA) Conference. Nicole McNeill, President and Chief Administrative Officer and Greg Martino, Greg, Vice President and Chief Valuation and Standards Officer, will be discussing issues, challenges/opportunities and key developments within our respective jurisdictions while continuing to explore opportunities for ongoing collaboration.

July 28-August 1: Wichita Property Tax Conference. Greg Martino will speak on a panel discussing Canadian Property Assessment Landscape: Methodologies & Management

August 25-28: International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) Annual Conference. Shelley Graham, Director of Valuation, Research and Advisory Services, and Lee May, Manager of Valuation, Research and Advisory Services, will discuss the challenges and opportunities of mixed-use properties in a mass appraisal environment. Brian Guerin, Director of Assessment Standards and Mass Appraisal, will share highlights from the 2023 Property Tax Policy and Administration survey. 

If you know someone who would be interested in receiving Industry Insights, have them send an email to

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