2013 q notes header
JUNE 2015

In the past few months, Funders for LGBTQ Issues has welcomed four new leaders within LGBTQ philanthropy to our Board of Directors: Alfredo Cruz (Foundation for Louisiana); Gabriel Foster (Trans Justice Funding Project); Surina Khan (Women's Foundation of California); and Rye Young (Third Wave Fund). We sat down with them informally to find out more about who they are, what inspires their philanthropy, and why they are excited to join the Board. ... Click here to learn more about them!

Tuesday, July 14 (San Francisco, CA)

While the LGBT community is making progress on many fronts - including a potential victory in the Supreme Court any day now - LGBT people living outside of progressive communities face a far different reality. While same-sex marriage may soon be legal in every state, in 29 of those states, LGBT have no protections against discrimination in employment or housing, and their families are often not protected under the law... Learn more about this event here.

Tuesday, August 7 (Chicago, IL)

Race and racial justice is at the fore of many people's minds in the United States. This funder conversation will feature a panel of funders and organizations exploring the intersections of race, gender, sexuality and the lived experiences of LGBT people of color, including a presentation on the funding landscape for LGBT communities of color... Learn more here.

Community Events:


AAPIs Behind Bars: Exposing the School to Prison to Deportation Pipeline
(Friday June 26th)

Our friends at Asian Americans / Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy (AAPIP) invite you to an afternoon conversation featuring elected officials, grassroots leaders, and community advocates who will report back from the AAPI's Behind Bars Conference in San Quentin State Prision and share current efforts to address the criminalization of AAPI communities. (click here for details)


Research, Resources and Updates 
  • LGBTQ and Two-Spirit media work in the United States
    Out for Change Towards Transformative Media Organizing recently published a strengths/needs assessment of LGBTQ and Two-Spirit media work in the United States, detailing how media work is crucial for long-term cultural shift, but also 21st century organizing.
  • "The Plight of Bisexuals in 2015"
    While 2015 has been a big year for the Bisexual community, this article reviews the many challenges still facing Bisexual communities, including startling statistics.
Requests for Proposals

Recent Grant Award Announcements

  • Chinook Fund supports LGBTQ anti-violence organization
    The Chinook Fund has announced its Spring 2015 grantees which include twelve groups doing outstanding social change work across the state of Colorado, including $6,400 to the Colorado Antiviolence Project, a community-based organization working to end violence in all its forms against LGBTQ communities in Colorado.
People on the Move in LGBTQ Philanthropy


Rebecca Wisotsky
We're thrilled to welcome Rebecca back to Funders for LGBTQ Issues as the Executive Associate and Philanthropic Outreach Coordinator! Rebecca helped to plan and coordinate our very successful Funding Forward conference in February this year. Welcome Rebecca!
Jobs in LGBTQ Philanthropy


Program Assistant

Arabella Advisors

(New York, NY)


Compliance Assistant

Arabella Advisors

(Washington, DC)


National Executive Director

Young Nonprofit Professionals Network

(New York, NY)

Funders for LGBTQ Issues seeks to mobilize philanthropic resources that enhance the well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer communities, promote equity, and advance racial, economic and gender justice

Board of Directors:

Chair  Cindy Rizzo (The Arcus Foundation)  ? Vice Chair Rebecca Fox (Wellspring Advisors) ? Treasurer Kristine Stallone (American Jewish World Service) ? Secretary Beatriz "Bia" Vieira (Philanthropic Consultant) ?  Rohit Burman (M.A.C. AIDS Fund) ?  Alfredo Cruz (Foundation for Louisiana)  ?  Gabriel Foster  (Trans Justice Funding Project)  ?  Matthew "Matty" Hart (Global Philanthropy Project and The Calamus Foundation, DE) ?  Surina Khan (The Women's Foundation of California)  ?  Mitchell Singer (Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors)  ?  Patricia St. Onge (Seven Generations Consulting and Coaching)  ?   Nathaniel "Toby" Thompkins  (Tides 21st Century) ? Rye Young (Third Wave Fund)
Institutional Members

11th Hour Project   ?   American Jewish World Service   ?   Amy Mandel and Katina Rodis Fund   ?  Anonymous ? Arcus Foundation ? Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice  ? Boston Foundation ? The Calamus Foundation, DE ? The California Endowment ? California Wellness Foundation ? The Cleveland Foundation ? Community Foundation for Northeast Florida ? Community Foundation Santa Cruz County ? Con Alma Health Foundation ? Cream City Foundation ? The David Bohnett Foundation ? Driscoll's Charitable Fund ? Dwight Stuart Youth Fund ? Elton John AIDS Foundation ? Equity Foundation ? Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund ? Ford Foundation ? Foundation for the Carolinas ? Foundation for Louisiana ? Freeman Foundation ? GE Foundation ? Gill Foundation ? Gilmour-Jirgens Fund ? Groundswell Fund ? Guilford Green Foundation ? Henry van Ameringen Foundation ? Horizons Foundation ? Jeff Chartrand Advised Fund ? John Larsen Foundation ? The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation ? Johnson Family Foundation ? Kicking Assets Fund ? Laughing Gull Foundation ? Levi Strauss Foundation ? M.A.C. AIDS Fund ? Marguerite Casey Foundation ? Mukti Fund ? New York Women's Foundation ? North Star Fund ? Our Fund, Inc. ? Overbrook Foundation ? The Palette Fund ? Philanthrofund Foundation ? Polk Bros. Foundation ? Pride Foundation ? Proteus Fund, Inc. ? Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors ? Rosenberg Foundation ? Tides 21st Century ? The Samuel S. Fels Fund ? San Diego Human Dignity Foundation ? San Francisco AIDS Foundation ? Santa Fe Community Foundation ? Small Change Foundation ? Stonewall Community Foundation ? Vermont Community Foundation ? Wells Fargo ? Wild Geese Foundation ? The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation ? Women's Foundation of California

Have a content idea for Q Notes?  Contact Naa Hammond at naa@lgbtfunders.org or 212.475.2930.

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