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BESE needs to hear your voice.  Contact BESE members and attend BESE meetings (March 7-8).
Meet Us At BESE On March 7th 

ALL LaTEACH members are encouraged to attend the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education meetings on March 7th and/or 8th.  

All LaTEACH members should contact their BESE member by calling or emailing to have their voice heard.

Find contact information on your BESE member HERE and don't forget that BESE members who are members at large represent you too!!
LaTEACH members have a number of concerns regarding the proposed funding changes and how they will impact students with disabilities. 
  • decisions regarding identification
  • segregation
  • services
  • addressing individualized goals and objectives
  • loss of resources to the school serving their student
The LA Department of education was directed by the legislature to study these inequities and make changes to correct them.  The Louisiana Department of Education will formally introduce it's proposed changes to BESE during the Administration and Finance Committee that will start at 9:30am on Thursday March 7, 2013.  Then BESE will introduce the changes they approve  to the legislature on March 15th.  

Time is limited to have your voice heard.  NOW is the time to take action and let your BESE members know what you think of the proposal BEFORE they approve it and send it to the legislature.
Why LaTEACH members are concerned?
Regardless of
HOW the funding is changed in traditional schools
DOES NOT STOP your student's money from following other students to other schools.


Do you need a purple LaTEACH shirt to wear on these meeting days?  Click the link below and tell us your shirt size.  Area Coordinators will have a shirt waiting for you at the meeting.

What is being proposed?
Quick facts on current MFP and proposed changes
To view a brief explanation of the proposed funding changes please click the link below:
 Read what the Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council has to say by clicking HERE.
More Information:
The current structure of the MFP gives local school systems an additional 150% weight for every student identified as having an exceptionality  (has and IEP).  
Proposed changes will give local school systems varying amounts (weights) for every student having an IEP base on certain educational characteristics of the student.  Those characteristics are:
  1. Exceptionality as defined on the IEP
    (disability category on IEP)
  2. Environment/Placement of the student (what type of classroom is the student educated in)
  3. Student performance (how the student scores on state standardized tests and the value added model as determined by student learning targets)
 Each of  the above categories is then split into subcategories and each subcategory has a weight attached.
The proposed changed further break down the education money meant to serve students with disabilities to give school systems funding based on:
  1. how well they use RTI and lower their rates of referral to special education.
  2. A hold harmless clause that will continue money for students who the school system has determined no longer need special education services for one or two years
Put On Your Purple
Thursday, March 7 @ 9:30 am
Friday, March 8 @ 9:00 am
Claiborne Building
Room 1-100, Louisiana Purchase Room
1201 North 3rd Street
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
LA BESE Administration and Finance Committee

Where BESE will decide a new funding formula for education.  Advocates have expressed concerns and requested BESE not move forward with the changes.
 Please click the links below to access meeting information and materials for the March BESE meetings:


Thursday, March 7



Friday, March 6


 Current agendas and meeting materials are always available on BoardDocs. Changes to initial agendas, such as designation of items to be added to the Consent Agenda, can be viewed there prior to the meeting. 



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