The Puerto Rico Public-Private Partnerships Authority has announced a number of projects or proposed projects that may be of interest to some of you. Following is a list of some of them.  

Brief Description
Estimated Investment
Ferry system
Operation and maintenance.
$10-15 M
Electronic Traffic Ticket System
Including handheld devices.
Parking Facilities
Concession agreement.
Express highway lanes
Express or reversible lanes.
Water meters
Replacement to intelligent water meters.
Concession for maritime cruiseliners ports
Regional Airports
Maintenance and Operation
Natural Gas Plant -
Palo Seco
Convert to natural gas
Natural Gas Plant - Costa Sur
Plant development / conversion to natural gas.
Design, construction, maintenance.
Improve infrastructure.
Medical Center and Psychiatric Hospital
Infrastructure improvements to the medical center, hospital, and student residences; commercial facilities.
Renewable Energy
Various projects.
Student residences - University of Puerto Rico
Improvements to the Mayaguez Campus' student residences.
Train system Caguas -San Juan
Design, construction, finance, operate, and maintain the system; integration to the existing urban train.
Mixed use project
Construction of a commercial mall; hotel with 200 rooms; casino; residential complex with 20 buildings; and related facilities

Contact Persons:

Thelma Rivera - Tel. 787.759.4104 / Fax 787.474.2317 /
Francisco Dox - Tel: 787.759.4220 / Fax 787.474.2342 /
American International Plaza / Suite 1500 / 250 Muñoz Rivera Ave.  
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00918