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One School System Roundup

The issue of religion (and accommodation of religion) in publicly funded schools continues to generate new dialogue throughout the country, touching off disagreement and debate on issues of culture, public health (e.g. immunization), government financial responsibility, government neutrality toward religion and more..  

The  One School System Network, headed up by Leonard Baak has been active for many years on the issue of Ontario's publicly-funded Catholic school boards.

Catch Mr. Baak and Alberta Secularist Luke Fevin, on 580 CFRA Radio:

A Few Critical Links

Ontario: One of Many articles regarding accommodation of religion in schools

British Columbia: Religion or Culture?

Quebec: Bill 62: Religious Neutrality

Nova Scotia: Religious Safe Spaces

Newfoundland and Labrador: Education "tailored" to culture, language and religion as a right

Will public funding and accommodation of religion be one of the hottest issues for upcoming federal and provincial elections?  If so...what should CFIC and other secularist individuals and organizations be doing now to be in the best position to affect those elections and future public policy on thes issues?

Did You know....

That Ontario also has a Protestant Separate School Board in Penetanguishene?

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