Dear CSBG and WAP Members,
NASCSP, CAP, and CAPLAW held a webinar yesterday on a recent initiative being pursued by the Department of Homeland Security, which would make changes to what is referred to as the Public Charge Rule. Under the proposed changes, use of certain government programs would count as negative factors against legal immigrants when they apply for citizenship. Medicaid, SNAP, and certain housing programs are specifically called out in the proposal. CSBG, WAP, LIHEAP, and Head Start are
not included in the proposed rule. However, this proposal could have spillover effects negatively impacting Community Action programs and clients.
Comments on the proposed rule are due
December 10th
via the portal. NASCSP, CAP, and CAPLAW have put together template comments to assist States, State Associations, and local agencies with submitting comments if they choose to do so. Below you will find resources to assist you. The federal government is required to review all comments that it receives. If you have any questions, please contact Eric Behna at
Thank you for your engagement on this very important issue.
- Federal Register Notice- This is the official posting where you can read the proposed ruled change sought by the Department of Homeland Security
- Comment Templates- These Word document templates can be customized with your organization's information.
- FAQ on Public Charge- This document from CAPLAW gives an overview on the proposed rule and its impact.
Other Resources:
Protecting Immigrant Families- This coalition, started by National Immigration Law Center and CLASP, has compiled an extensive resource bank. A few important ones to note:
Food Research & Action Center (FRAC)- This
resource page contains more helpful information, particularly regarding the public charge rule and SNAP/Food stamps.
National WIC Association FAQ- This document answers frequently asked questions regarding participation of immigrants in WIC and the public charge rule.