Dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah, part of the growing repentance remnant, cleansing as His Bride, getting ready for His soon return as our Bridegroom-----

In light of the unanimous verdict by a New York jury, deciding President Trump "guilty" on all 34 felony counts, may we all, including those with a national voice, regardless of party, gain the revelation---putting on our spiritual eyeglasses--- that we need to return to our Godly roots with God's Solution: personal and national repentance.

The Lord is shaking all that can be shaken " that the things which cannot be shaken may remain." (Hebrews 12:27). "Our God is a consuming fire." (Hebrews 12:29).

This "fire" includes pruning for me and for you: " I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit." (John 15:1,2).

Pruning to bear more fruit begins certainly among the pastors, priests, shepherds in the "ecclesia" --the Bride, the Body of Messiah/Christ: "For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God..." (1 Peter 4:17).

Almost 200 years ago attorney/evangelist Charles Finney, pointed out what causes a nation to deteriorate:

“If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. 

If the public press lacks moral discernment, the pulpit is responsible for it. 

If the church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. 

If the world loses its interest in Christianity, the pulpit is responsible for it. 

If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. 

If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, 

the pulpit is responsible for it.”

Our 300,000 Christian pastors, priests, "shepherds" in America need to be examples to the flock of true conversion (Acts 3:19) from this secular culture. They need to repent, be born again, receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit, as were the first disciples (Acts 6:3), demonstrating to the flock, to the neighbors, to the local community, new, fresh Godly character, "fruit worthy of repentance." They need to preach repentance (Luke 24:47).

Join me in praying that this spiritual revelation will wake up the lukewarm Body of Christ in this nation. If we awake, this Way of the pruning of America will return this nation to its Godly roots and its Covenant with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The book "Nation Imploding: God's Solution" highlights one such root, the 1607 Godly root planted by Reverend Robert Hunt:

On April 26, 1607, 105 settlers and 40 seamen on three ships arrived at what they named Cape Henry, after King James' son. Before going ashore, the Reverend Robert Hunt, their spiritual leader, required each colonist to wait on the ships " in a time of personal examination and repentance." The journey had been difficult; some infighting among the group had surfaced. If consecrating the land for God's purposes was desired, Reverend Hunt wanted the entire Company to be contrite in heart. 

After the three days had passed, Reverend Hunt, in a Bishop's robe, led the group ashore, where they planted in the sand a seven-foot wooden cross constructed from a spare mast.

As they knelt in the sand Reverend Hunt reminded them of a warning from the British Royal Council, taken from Matthew 15:13: 'Every plantation, which my Heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up." He then read from the Anglican Book of Prayer for April 29: Psalm 29, 2 Kings 2, and Acts 26.  

Pastor/author Bob Fox, in his excellent book, Healing America's Soul, recounts at page 4 what happened next: " As he [ Rev Hunt] read Acts 26:17-18, he suddenly felt the overwhelming Presence of the One Whose book he was now reading. The words seemed to leap off the page where Paul described how God directed him to 'the Gentiles, to whom I am sending you, to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.' Finally, choking with emotion, he raised his eyes and his trembling hands to heaven and prayed, ' from these shores the Gospel shall go forth to not only this New World but also to the entire world.' In doing so, Rev. Hunt prayed the only prayer that Jesus ever asked his followers to pray for others: that God would send Christians in to His harvest all over the world. ' The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.' 

"The air was suddenly unusually still. The gulls now glided silently in a tight arc above the motionless clump of men around the tall, weather-beaten cross. The surf behind them pounded out the same rhythmic beat on the soggy sand. It seemed that nothing discernible changed. 

"But high above the earth, where men cannot see or hear, all heaven broke out in thunderous applause as the Son of God stood up and shouted a victory shout that reverberated throughout the heavens and shook the gates of hell.

"'Victory for Jesus!' the heavenly hosts sang at the top of their lungs. 'Victory for the Lamb! the 24 elders shouted as they fell before Him. 'Victory for His Kingdom! the cloud of witnesses repeated.

"Never before in the history of the world had a nation been born like this. Never before had God been glorified in this way by the first settlers of a land as they entered it. For a moment in time, Christian men stood before God with pure hearts to glorify Him in the founding of a new nation that would take the gospel to this land and every land for which Jesus died. This First Landing was a first on earth…and in heaven." 

The land was now pregnant with the Kingdom of God, and yet in that DNA "birth defects" soon arose, including violence with the Native Americans and the spirit of mammon. "


Today, once you and I have repented and joined His Kingdom, His Holy Spirit indwells us, with His Spirit of Liberty, with the peace of Christ, and with a Godly passion that " from these shores the Gospel shall go forth to not only this New World but also to the entire world.'" It was that prayer and Declaration on which this nation was founded. May His Flame of Liberty be lit again! May we follow God's Solution, repentance, to return to the Godly roots which birthed this nation.


My book, "Nation Imploding: God's Solution" prophetically speaks to the current situation. Amazon carries an ebook copy, but if you wish one of the remaining printed copies I'll sign and send you a copy for any amount the Lord places on your heart.

Our two volunteers in NDR count on you to support us to refresh His Godly roots, in nation after nation, by awakening and encouraging His gift of repentance. As you donate we donate to others preaching repentance. Thank you in advance for giving, whatever amount, in the sacrificial spirit of Luke 8:3, and 2 Corinthians chapters 8 and 9.

God bless you,

Pastor Jeff Daly

National Day of Repentance

You're invited each Wednesday to "Teshuvah,Cleansing the Bride"- time with the Lord, privately, to remove old sin patterns, replacing them with God's Word. The focus also is standing with Israel. To connect by zoom or phone please email us for details. A beautiful call took place recently:


a powerful teaching and beautiful sharing of communion was given by Susan Hammer on an Africa Kneels call. great teaching:

The Lord makes it clear: Luke 13:1-5, repent or perish. Here's a NDR video on this key scripture:

Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

2 Corinthians 7:1

National Day of Repentance |