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News from Province V - Nov 2023

Highlights of this edition:

  • Opening Prayer
  • Big Provincial Gathering 2024 - Musician announced, swag/exhibit table info
  • Synod - nominations open
  • Advent Planning
  • Campus Ministry Consultant discernment continues
  • Campus Minister Retreat picture
  • Province V Youth Update
  • Archivists visit the Episcopal Church Archives
  • Katharine Hayhoe event
  • The 2023 Great EpisGOpal Race
  • Situations where coaching is helpful
  • Creating Prayer Stations Event
  • Advocacy Days from Office of Government Relations
  • Trailer for The Philadelphia Eleven
  • Episcopal Church Foundation
  • Episcopal Parish Network event
  • Book Corner, sponsored by CP
  • Networking Conversation
  • Affiliated Organizations
  • Upcoming Events and Webinars

Opening Prayer

All Saints’ Day

Almighty God, you have knit together your elect in one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of your Son Christ our Lord: Give us grace so to follow your blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come to those ineffable joys that you have prepared for those who truly love you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.

  • Book of Common Prayer, 245.

Big Provincial Gathering

The Province V Synod meeting will be held on Friday afternoon.

This meeting is open to all and required for Synod Deputies and Bishops.

Meet the BPG Musician!

Westley Art Hodges is a native of New Orleans and resides in Chicago, IL, as of 2018. Westley is the Director of Music Ministries at St. Mark's Episcopal Church ( in Evanston, IL. Before being at St. Mark's, they served as Director of Music for The Annunciation of Our Lady Episcopal Church in Gurnee, IL, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Peoria, IL, St. Joseph's Episcopal Church, McDonough, GA, St. Aiden's Episcopal Church, Alpharetta GA, and St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, Long Beach, MS. Outside of church work, Westley performs as an accompanist and solo artist and teaches private music lessons to a studio of 24+ students.

Westley earned their Associate of the Arts in Music Education at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, Perkinston, MS, studied Clarinet Performance at Delta State University, Cleveland, MS, under Dr. Andrea Cheeseman, earned a Bachelor of the Arts in Liberal Studies with a Minor in Women and Gender Studies at The University of Illinois Springfield and is currently completing a Masters of the Arts in Liberal and Integrative Studies with a focus in Women and Gender Studies at the University of Illinois Springfield. 

Outside work, Westley enjoys spending time with their fabulous husband, Joseph, and their eleven-year-old black lab, Daylie-Lark. Westley and Joseph are both Lakeside Pride Symphonic Band ( members, and Westley is also the clarinetist in the Amethyst Wind (, a professional woodwind quintet in Chicago. For more information about Westley, please visit

Workshops - Descriptions due Dec 1!

Saturday, April 27 will be full of workshops offered "ministry fair" style. Do you have something to share with others? Are you particularly proud of a project you did or a ministry you support? Start thinking about if you'd like to host a workshop. All information about workshops will be needed by December 1. See all of the details and fill out the form!

Swag and Exhibit Tables - information now available

Swag - two types of swag will be gifted at the BPG

  • digital swag - submit a slide to be included in a presentation that runs throughout the event and then posted on the Province V website after the event
  • physical swag - submit items to be included in the swag bags

Exhibit Table - if you'd like to have an exhibit table, there will be an opportunity to share your ministry or information on Friday.

Sign up for any of these opportunities on this page.

Prov V Synod - nominations open

The Province V Synod will be held on Friday, April 26, 2024, in the afternoon. Synod Deputies from each diocese and the bishops will meet to do the business of the province. This meeting is open to all who would like to attend.

There will be some elections during that meeting.

1. Province V Clergy Representative to the Executive Council - due Dec 15, 2023

Nominators must be the Bishop or a member of the Standing Committee from the nominee's diocese.

2. Officers for Province V Executive Board - due Feb. 28, 2024

Both forms can be found on this page.

Advent Planning

Illustrated Ministry resources

Living Compass resources

Church Publishing inserts

Episcopal Church Advent and Christmas resources

Are you near a higher-ed campus?

Would you like to reach out but don't know how?

Is your parish near an institution of higher learning? (this might be: community college, trade school, specialty training schools - anything that provides post-high school education)

We want to hear from you!

The next step of discernment is starting now!

Fill out this form if you'd like to be part of the conversation!

Listening sessions will begin soon.

Campus Minister Retreat

Campus Ministers from across Province V gathered at Holy Wisdom Monastery in Middleton, WI for a time of retreat thanks to a grant from Living Compass. 

(L-R The Rev. Bobbi Kraft & Jackson: UW-Madison; The Rev. Christian Maxfield: UW-Platteville; The Rev. Heather Barta: Province V Coordinator; The Rev. Donna McNiel: Michigan State University; The Rev. Matthew Lukens: University of Michigan; Pastor Ben Adams (kneeling): Wayne State University; Pastor Dawn Black: Indiana State University; The Rev. Hilary Cooke: Purdue University; Steve Mullaney: University of Minnesota; Pastor Madeline Burbank: UW-Whitewater)

Province V Youth Update

In July 2023, 10 of the 14 dioceses in Province V were represented at the Episcopal Youth Event in College Park, Maryland. The EYE23 planning team ensured an opportunity for delegations to gather in their respective provincial groups, and we had students & adults (including a few bishops) present within the Province V gathering. Our students enjoyed meeting peers from across the Midwest, shared about the things happening in their dioceses, and got to experience their diocesan youth leaders sharing great things about the students present. 

The Province V Youth Ministry Network, primarily composed of diocesan-level youth workers across the Upper Midwest, are currently busy as ever working to support youth, camp, and congregational ministries, among many other duties as assigned, in our respective dioceses. We last convened as a group via Zoom on Oct. 3 for check-in, brief debrief from summer with a look at fall programs, prayer, conversation on what is happening in our local contexts, upcoming events, and so on.

Four of our Prov V diocesan youth leaders are just about to leave Nashville after spending most of a week for the Diocesan Youth Leader Gathering (Oct. 24-27), which brought together leaders from across the mainland U.S. for continuing education, worship, outreach, and fellowship. 

Upcoming Events: 

2024: Wednesday, April 10, 11:45am-1:00pm Eastern Time - Virtual Event with Traci Smith

This will be a VIRTUAL event open to ANY AND ALL children's and youth ministry leaders, parents, and/or adults & older youth who work with kids throughout Province V. Traci Smith is an ordained Presbyterian pastor with a passion for empowering families with faith formation activities & practices at home. Her books include "Faithful Families: Creating Sacred Moments at Home", as well as volumes for Advent & Christmas and Lent & Easter. 

You can learn more about Traci's work and resources at More event details to come.


2025: Province V Youth Event 

Youth Network Page

Province V visits the Archives of the Episcopal Church in Austin, TX!

From November 27th - 29th three members of the Province V networking group for Archivists and Historians will visit the Archives of the Episcopal Church in Austin, Texas.

Sue Rehkopf (Diocese of Missouri), Newland Smith (Diocese of Chicago) and the Rev. Dr. Brian K. Wilbert (Diocese of Ohio) will spend a day touring the new facility and meeting the staff. They will also be recording an Oral History with Sue and Newland who have long labored as Archivists in their respective dioceses.

In addition to Bishop Johnson (Missouri), Bishop Clark (Chicago), Bishop Jolly (Ohio) and the Province V Executive Board who are underwriting the expenses for this trip, the adventure came about in a conversation between the Rev. Heather Barta (Province V Coordinator), Edie Wakevainen, PhD (former Province V Executive Board Liaison to the Archivists' Network) and the Rev. Dr. Brian K. Wilbert (Current Convener of the Province V Archivist’s Network). 

Because the Archives of the Episcopal Church moved from the Seminary of the Southwest to a new “temporary” office/warehouse space in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, not many people have been able to visit. Both Sue and Newland have been faithful keepers of God’s story in each of their Dioceses, and because of their interest in the Archives of the Episcopal Church it was decided to feed many birds with one loaf–a trip to Austin - to bring these faithful and knowledgeable servants to the Archives in Austin

Others who are helping to make this “field trip” a reality are the Rev. Deacon Marlene Hogue (current Province V Executive Board Liaison to the Archivist’s Nework), Whitney R. Hughes (the Interim Director of the Archives of the Episcopal Church) and David Hales (Deputy for Administration).

Stay tuned for a post-trip chronicle!

Brian K. Wilbert (OH), Convener of the network and Host of the trip

Katharine Hayhoe

to Speak at Nov. 7 General Meeting for Third Act Faith

World-renowned climate scientist and evangelical Christian Katharine Hayhoe will be the guest speaker at the next Third Act Faith General Meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 7. The virtual meeting will begin at 8 p.m. EST (5 p.m. PST). This meeting is open to the public. Register in advance for this meeting.

Chief scientist for The Nature Conservancy, Katharine Hayhoe is a professor at Texas Tech University. Her TED talk has over 4 million views, and her book “Saving Us – A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World” is a best seller. She served as lead author of the second, third and fourth National Climate Assessments, and her PBS series, “Global Weirding: Climate, Politics and Religion,” continues its multi-year run.

Widely recognized as the world’s foremost communicator on the climate crisis, she makes climate science easily understandable and reaches across the political divide. As an evangelical Christian, she faces the challenge of climate change with hope and the belief that we can come together to act.

As fall starts to unfold around us in the Northern Hemisphere, the cooler weather invites us to head outside to exercise or simply explore nature. Many of us love to join a Turkey Trot in November to walk or run as part of our Thanksgiving tradition. Maybe you want to commit to walking more now that the weather is nicer, or start taking a class at a local gym. Whatever physical activity you are looking forward to this fall, we hope you’ll pair it with The Great EpisGOpal Race.

Read more

Any of these sound familiar?

It's time to call a coach!

Coaches are available to ALL leaders – clergy and lay. You can be coached individually, create a group of people, or bring a team together for creating shared goals and plans. Our coaches offer an introductory session so you can together discern if you are a good fit. If you work in a rural area, you may qualify for free coaching. Don't put off setting goals that could expand, enhance and enrich your life, project or ministry. Meet with a trained coach this week to find out how they can offer you a safe, nurturing space to dream, plan and find your focus.

View and share this 2 minute video:

It's All About Love: Festival Thursdays

Office of Government Relations: Advocacy Days

On November 7th OR 8th and 9th, there will be two options for advocacy training in support of people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and expressions. The Office of Government Relations will provide further information about the Equality Act which would guarantee rights at the federal level for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and expressions, and LGBTQIA2S+ people from discrimination. 

LBGTQIA2S+ Advocacy Days – November 7th OR 8th-9th.

Click here for more information

Watch the Trailer!

In 1974, a group of 11 women and their supporters organized their ordination to become Episcopal priests in an act of civil disobedience. This story is told in a compelling new documentary The Philadelphia Eleven.

This film tells a story that echoes today as women continue this fight for the pulpit. It explores the lives of these remarkable women who succeeded in transforming an age-old institution when they took a stand despite the threats to their personal safety and the risk of rejection by the church they loved. These women are an inspiration for a generation of women in the ministry, and a clarion call for the entire Christian Church.

Watch the trailer and share with others!

Province V screenings:

November 2nd at 6:30pm. St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Des Plaines, IL.

November 3rd at 6:45pm at Toby Theater at Newfields, hosted by Trinity Episcopal Church and Spirit & Place Festival, Indianapolis, IN. Filmmaker Margo Guernsey, and the Revs. Nancy Wittig and Carter Heyward will be present.

Lake County Film Festival, Lake Forest, IL

See the full list of screenings that are planned.

You can host your own screening: Fill out this form.

Adaptive Ministries

The Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF) is excited to launch a new program area: Adaptive Ministries. Previously known as Leadership Resources, Adaptive Ministries recognizes that congregational vitality and sustainability are contextual and require varying approaches specific to each local community. Adaptive Ministries will help equip, resource, and inspire congregations to discover what God is calling them to be in a changing church and world. Learn more here.

Faith Formation in 2023 (and, Beyond)

Tuesday, November 14th

3:00pm EST

Remember your formation in the church? Each of us would probably be surprised at how formation has changed and how it is much more than Sunday School. During this digital workshop, our panelists will explore just what those changes look like and how the church is adapting. 

While we know that formation programs were impacted by COVID and changing societal engagement with religion, practical theologians such as Maria Harris and John Westerhoff predicted significant shifts in Christian faith formation decades ago. Even with dramatic challenges and increased need, changes have come slowly to formation in congregational life in many churches.

Join this workshop where leaders from Forma, the network for Christian formation practitioners in the Episcopal church and beyond, will share how church leaders are re-visioning and adapting. Learn how the landscape of parish Christian formation is adapting and the what formation thought leaders are doing to equip formation practitioners in local contexts.


Please register here:

Book Corner

A new, definitive work from a renowned scholar on global Anglicanism.

In recent years, the Anglican Communion has been consumed by debates about gender, sexuality, authority, and biblical interpretation, which have frequently divided along lines between the Global North and South. Much of these controversies stem from the colonial history of Anglicanism.

Written by a pioneer in post-colonial theology, Kwok Pui-lan, this groundbreaking volume challenges Eurocentrism and racism in the Anglican Communion by highlighting the voices of theologians and church leaders from the Global South. The Anglican Tradition from a Post-Colonial Perspective scrutinizes Anglican theology and history to advocate for decolonization. It examines controversies on Christianity and the social order; economic justice; gender and sexuality; women’s leadership; worship; and the Church’s mission in a religiously pluralistic world.

“Kwok’s clarion call for truth and reconciliation, not gaslighting, among Anglicans could model healing for other Christian communities.”—Stephanie Y. Mitchem, Interim Chair, Women’s and Gender Studies, University of South Carolina

Available from any Episcopal bookstoreChurch PublishingAmazon, or your favorite bookstore.

List Price: $24.95 | Paperback | 9781640656505

Networking Conversations

Province V's work in the world is to "Connect. Network. Support." Networks exist for people to gather around areas of interest and share resources with each other. Sometimes networks host webinars to share information and sometimes they develop new resources to support leaders in their local contexts. 

ALL are welcome to attend these Zoom conversations. Please share the information with friends, colleagues, and in your parish newsletter. Most network meetings last about 60 minutes. See their webpages or email their contact for more information. For a full list of Networks and other Affiliated Organizations, visit the Province V website.


Date of next meeting: Dec 11, 11 am ET / 10 am CT

Zoom link: (password: 5)

Convener: Brian Wilbert, Ohio


Creation Care

Date of next meeting: Nov 13, 1 pm ET / 12 noon CT

Zoom link: (password: 5)

Contact: Jeanette Ettin, Eastern Michigan


For our November online gathering we have invited Pheobe Chatfield , Program Associate for Creation Care Reconciliation, Justice & Creation Care, to speak about Love God, Love God's world.

Let us explore how we can use this in our own settings and what are the best practices for using it. Let us discover together how to facilitate conversations within our settings so that we can get the most out of this program.

We invite you to join us and bring your questions and comments!

Love God, Love God's World

Love God, Love God’s World is a nine-session, film-based curriculum, ideal for Episcopalians anywhere on the journey with creation care and environmental ministry—from newcomers looking to take their first step to seasoned leaders seeking a transformative small-group experience.

Dismantling Racism

Date of next meeting: Nov 2, 1 pm ET / 12 noon CT

Zoom link: (password: 5)

Convener: Margaret D'Anieri, Ohio


We meet on Thursday, Nov 2 to continue our conversation about the Big Provincial Gathering, to hear from the group that has done some work on this between meetings., and from some young adult missioners who may join us to offer some perspective on participation from that cohort. 

It is also All Souls Day, and we will take a few moments in remembrance and prayer.

Intergenerational / All-Ages Worship

Date of next meeting: Jan 17, 2023, 3 pm ET / 2 pm CT

Zoom link: (password: 5)

Convener: Miranda Hassett, Milwaukee


Lay-Led Congregations

Date of next meeting: Jan 20, 2024, 11 am ET / 10 am CT

Zoom link: (password: 5)

convener: Jim Mogensen, Michigan


If you missed October's meeting, you can view the recording.

Migration Ministries


Date of next meeting: Nov 28, 8 pm ET / 7 pm C

Zoom: (password: 5)

Conveners: Silvia Huth, Michigan and Jack Lloyd, Chicago


If you missed our September meeting - you can watch the recording!

"Welcoming Refugees: A Small Episcopal Church Takes on a Big Challenge" 

Episcopal Asylum & Detention Ministry Network

Episcopal Migration Ministry hosts an Asylum and Detention Ministry Network that meets virtually on the fourth Wednesday of every month. The Ministry Network’s collaborative work and conversation focus on best practice-sharing in areas of direct service, organizing, advocacy actions, Christian formation and worship resources, and community education to protect asylum, promote humane and dignified alternatives to detention, and to support asylum seekers and those harmed by the immigration detention system. Learn more and register to attend meetings here.


Convener: Erin Wolf, Milwaukee/Wisconsin


2024: Wednesday, April 10, 11:45am-1:00pm Eastern Time - Virtual Event with Traci Smith

Young Adult / Campus Ministry

Date of next meeting: Nov 28, 1:00 pm ET / 12:00 noon CT

Zoom link: (password 5)

Convener: Matthew Lukens, Michigan


If this is your ministry area, make sure that you're part of the Google Group!

This is a new name, so please update in your address book.

2024 dates: Feb 20, May 21, Aug 20

Zoom for 2024:

Affiliated Organizations

There are a number of organizations affiliated with the Episcopal Church and working across Province V. These groups have a "structure" that is more organized than a network. They have resources and information that are useful in your local ministry contexts.

For a full list of Affiliated Organizations, visit the Province V website.

To learn more, visit their website:

Church Periodical Club: Important Announcements

Adult grant application (NBF, National Books Fund) can be found on our website. We funded multiple types of written word resources from Bibles, choir music to cookbooks ESOL workbooks etc. to meet the needs of Episcopal sponsored outreach and in reach. Applications are due March 1, 2024, and granting will be done June 8 2024.  Information and applications found at

Children and youth grants are done all year round. Please consider applying for one of these grants. From books for baby pantries to youth camps, detentions centers and the list goes on. These are called MOP (Miles of Pennies) and information and applications can be found on our website

Quilt raffle returns start Jan 2, 2024 through Feb 14, 2024 -  More details pictures to follow.

NOTE: Maryfran is able to sign your application if you do not have a Diocesan Contact.  Also standing committees may sign when there is a bishop vacancy.

Please Contact: Maryfran Crist, Province V CPC Representative

      ,  815-257-7012

sign up for the ECW weekly blast here

United Thank Offering

Subscribe to the newsletter

click here

Gratitude Comes Full Circle: A Discussion Featuring 2023 Grant Recipients

November 15 at 1p Eastern - Register here.

Join us for our annual webinar featuring grant recipients in conversation with one another and the work our 2023 grant recipients are engaged with around the worldwide incarceration crisis focus from Matthew 25. This year we will hear from four grant sites: Betheleham, Chicago, Iowa, and Oklahoma. Come to learn more about how Episcopal congregations and ministries are showing up and being the face of Christ in their communities while supporting returning citizens, families of incarcerated people, and more. Learn more here.

United Thank Offering invites 2024 annual grant applicants

The United Thank Offering Board is pleased to announce the availability of its 2024 UTO Annual Grants, with a focus on projects that welcome and include “the stranger.” Application deadlines are Dec. 1 for Anglican Communion partners and Jan. 19 for dioceses of The Episcopal Church.

Upcoming Events and Webinars


Province V Executive Board

Do you have questions about Province V? Would you like to be more involved in planning the events that are offered at the provincial level? The Executive Board of the Province meets monthly on fourth Tuesdays at 3 pm ET / 2 pm CT via zoom.

Contact your diocesan representative to the Executive Board:

The Rt. Rev. Matthew Gunter, Fond du Lac and Eau Claire, President

Mr. Rick Stanitis, Northern Michigan, Vice President

Ms. Adrienne Dillon, Missouri, Secretary

Ms. Rebecca Elfring-Roberts, Chicago, Treasurer

Ms. Louisa McKellaston, Executive Council Representative

The Rev. M.E. Eccles, Executive Council Representative

Ms. Laura Jackson, Chicago

Dr. Elizabeth Jordan, Eastern Michigan

The Rev. Marlene Hogue, Eau Claire

Ms. Chris Eggert-Rosenthal, Fond du Lac

Ms. Lesley MacKellar, Indianapolis

Dr. Edie Wakevainen, Michigan

The Rev. Matthew Buterbaugh, Milwaukee

Ms. Betty Bowersox, Missouri

Mr. Christopher Hillak, Northern Indiana

Mr. Rick Stanitis, Northern Michigan

The Rev. Rachel Harrison, Ohio

Mr. Edward Lasseigne, Southern Ohio

Ms. Jan Goossens, Springfield

Mr. Dick Porter, Western Michigan

Heather Barta, Province V Coordinator

Visit our Website


Share this newsletter! Forward to your friends and colleagues, or have them visit this site to sign up for themselves. (There is a link at the bottom of the homepage, also.)

Province V

General Province V Facebook page

Dismantling Racism Facebook page

Creation Care Facebook group