Coaching helps me to prioritize and plan for what is most important. Somewhere along the way I learned that rather than to “prioritize my schedule” what I really need to do is to “schedule my priorities.” Think about that for a second. It’s a great shift, and makes a great sound bite. But scheduling my priorities is actually pretty hard to do by myself. Unlike my mentor, and unlike my spiritual director, my coach asks the questions that help me to articulate what’s most important as I look ahead. I then hear the questions that help me to put first things first. Coaching leads me to make a concrete plan to implement my priorities. In addition to all the other kinds of leadership support we receive, Coaching is one of those vital relationship for leaders.
  • The Rev. Matthew Cowden, bishop-elect, West Virginia

We are here to support you!
Coaches are available to ALL leaders – clergy and lay. You can be coached individually, create a group of people, or bring a team together for creating shared goals and plans. Any of them will offer an introductory session so you can together discern if you are a good fit. If you work in a rural area, you might qualify for free coaching. Find out more and explore coaching with a trained leadership coach!

For information on LCP Coach training or to discuss Coaching by one of the LCP Trained Coaches, visit this website or contact Province V Coordinator Heather Barta at or (989) 413-3229.