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News from Province V - Jan 2024

Highlights of this edition:

  • Opening Prayer
  • Big Provincial Gathering 2024 - Registration is Open!
  • Province V Synod Details
  • Prov V T-Shirts - order yours today!
  • Anti-Human Trafficking Prayer Service - Jan 11
  • Archives Basics for Churches - begins Jan 9
  • A Case for Love Documentary
  • Trinity Leadership Fellows
  • CPC: Quilt and Fiber Raffle
  • Contemplative Renewal Immersions
  • Using Picture Books for Racial Healing
  • YA/CM Event - register by Jan 10
  • Campus Ministry Consultant discernment continues
  • Coaching for Vestry Meetings / Retreats
  • Episcopal Parish Network events
  • Book Corner, sponsored by CPI
  • Festival Thursdays
  • Young Adult Service Corps
  • Philadelphia 11 Screenings
  • Self-Guided Retreats
  • Grants
  • Networking Conversations
  • Affiliated Organizations
  • Upcoming Events and Webinars
  • Epiphany Resources
  • Lenten Resources

Opening Prayer

From the Prayer Service to End Trafficking,

Jan 11, 2024

based on a Franciscan prayer

Let us pray.

May we be blessed with the discomfort with easy answers,

half-truths and superficial relationships,

so that our lives have depth and vision.        


May we be blessed with courage to confront injustice

and exploitation of people,

so that we work for justice and peace.


May we be blessed with tears to shed for those who suffer,

so that we reach out to comfort them.

to turn their pain into joy.


May we be blessed with enough faith and "foolishness”

to believe that we can make a difference in this world,

and do what others claim cannot be done.

Big Provincial Gathering

The Province V Synod meeting will be held on Friday afternoon.

This meeting is open to all and required for Synod Deputies and Bishops.

Registration opens today!!!

Main BPG page - includes the schedule and other information

Registration Page - for the main and additional events

Pre-Event trainings - come early to dig deep into a topic

Lodging Guide - stay at the conference hotel, another nearby hotel, or with a local host.

A Scholarship form is posted here. If you need assistance for the BPG, we are able to give scholarships for the BPG. We want ALL to be able to participate!

Swag and Exhibit Tables - information now available

Swag - two types of swag will be gifted at the BPG

  • digital swag - submit a slide to be included in a presentation that runs throughout the event and will be posted on the Province V website after the event
  • physical swag - submit items to be included in the swag bags

Exhibit Table - if you'd like to have an exhibit table, there will be an opportunity to share your ministry or information on Friday.

Sign up for any of these opportunities on this page.

THANK YOU to our sponsors!

Prov V Synod details

The Province V Synod will be held on Friday, April 26, 2024, in the afternoon. Synod Deputies from each diocese and the bishops will meet to do the business of the province. This meeting is open to all who would like to attend.

Things of note:

1. Nominations for Officers for Province V Executive Board are due by Feb. 28, 2024. Role descriptions and nomination forms can be found on this page.

2. Resolutions need to be submitted by March 1, 2024. These resolutions may be either addressed to Province V or be crafted as a resolution to be given to General Convention. If you need assistance formatting your resolution, contact Heather to be connected to a member of the Province V Executive Board Resolutions Task Group.

3. Registration opens today. To register for the Synod, please complete the BPG registration form. All Deputies and Bishops must register.

Province V T-Shirts!!!!

Province V t-shirts are available for a limited time! Order yours for $15 by March 1, 2024.

They will be available to pick up at the Big Provincial Gathering. If you are unable to attend in person, please designate the person to whom we should give your shirt.

Choose from:

Use this form to order.

Registration is required.

Archives Basics for Churches

This 5-session, 75 minute online course to learn the basic of record keeping is being offered Tuesdays, January 9 - February 6 at 7:30 ET / 6:30 CT. The topics covered will include policies and practices, organizing organizations records, personal papers, and operations and administration.

Here is a full description of the course.

To register, click here.

A Case for Love Documentary
Jan 23 only
Make plans to see “A Case for Love” a film inspired by the teachings and writings of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. The film will be shown in 1,000 theaters nationwide, one day only, Tuesday, January 23, 2024.  Advance individual and group tickets can be purchased here! (click on JAN 23 for individual tickets; scroll down lower right for BRING A GROUP)

Trinity Leadership Fellows

Apply by January 31

Trinity Wall Street is now accepting applications for a new cohort of Trinity Leadership Fellows, a nonresidential, fully funded program that prepares professional and community leaders of faith, as well as ordained leaders across faith traditions, with the mind-sets and practical skills they need to energize and empower their congregations and communities. Fellows will learn from leading scholars, leadership experts, and mentors interconnected through faith. Learn more and apply.

Church Periodical Club: Quilt and Fiber Raffle

The raffle opens on January 2, 2024,

and the drawing will be on

Valentine’s Day February 14, 2024.

The link is

You will find descriptions and photos of this year's offerings.

Contemplative Renewal Immersions

The Center for Clergy Renewal (CCR) offers spiritual renewal to Christian pastors through immersion experiences into the life of Holy Wisdom Monastery, and an ongoing community of monastic resources and support that extends beyond the walls of Holy Wisdom. Details and application to join the 2024 cohort are here. Deadline to apply is Jan 31, 2024.

Using Picture Books for Racial Healing

Picture books offer an excellent way to discover, discuss, and share stories about topics that many people did not study in school but that are crucial to the work of repairing, healing, and seeing God in each other. Registration is open for Dismantling Racism training sessions taking place in the coming months. Miriam McKenney leads the trainings, which take place on Zoom. 

A training course occurs during one month, so you only need to sign up for one.

  • February (6, 7, 8, 13, 14, & 15 from 12 to 1 p.m.). Sign up here
  • March (12, 19, 26 from 6 to 8 p.m.). Sign up here.
  • April (10, 17, 24 from 1 to 3 p.m.) Sign up here.
  • May (15, 22, 29 from to 8 p.m.). Sign up here
  • June (4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13 from 12 to 1 p.m.). Sign up here.
  • August (14, 21, 28 from 6 to 8 p.m.). Sign up here.

Email the Diocese of Southern Ohio's Director of Dismantling Racism Miriam McKenney to learn more.

Register by Jan 10!

Are you near a higher-ed campus?

Thank you to all of those who were part of the first round of listening sessions. There is more to come in the new year.

Fill out this form if you'd like to be part of the continuing conversation!

Vestry/Committee meeting coaching

What is your plan for your Vestry/Bishop's Committee retreat 2024?

There is still time to talk with a coach about how they can help your Vestry/Bishop's Committee set their priorities for 2024. They can focus on team / relationship building, creating goals and objectives, building a stronger community.

Some of their questions might include: What are the strengths of the Vestry/Bishop's Committee? What ministry areas are their focus this year? Who is responsible for each task and how will the team keep each other accountable to the plan?


Contact a LCP coach THIS month to find out how they might assist your Vestry/Bishop's Committee in making their 2024 planning become a reality! Start by contacting Heather to be connected to a coach that will be a good match for your team!

Coaches are available to ALL leaders – clergy and lay. You can be coached individually, create a group of people, or bring a team together for creating shared goals and plans. Our coaches offer an introductory session so you can together discern if you are a good fit. If you work in a rural area, you may qualify for free coaching. Don't put off setting goals that could expand, enhance and enrich your life, project or ministry. Meet with a trained coach this week to find out how they can offer you a safe, nurturing space to dream, plan and find your focus.

View and share this 2 minute video:

Upcoming Webinars

What We Have is a Failure to Communicate: Strategic Communications

Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 3:00 pm ET

Register Here

Elevate Your Understanding: Fiduciary Responsibility & Fraud

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at 3:00 pm ET

Register Here

Understanding Parish Assets and Securing the Future

Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 3:00 pm ET

Register Here

Ethical Investing: The Church’s Responsibility to the Greater Good

Monday, January 29, 2024 at 3:00 pm ET

Register Here

View more details at their workshop page.

Book Corner

An indispensable resource that supports vestry members and clergy in their ministry.

Trusted by tens of thousands of vestry members, wardens, and rectors for over thirty years, The Vestry Handbook is the essential guide to the daily functions of an Episcopal parish. The handbook includes explanations of parish finances, building maintenance, tax considerations, and more. This new fourth edition responds to the changing needs of Episcopal churches with additional coverage of diversity and inclusion, new guidance for parish finances, and advice tailored to small congregations. The volume has been updated throughout to reflect the current canons of the Episcopal Church.

Pre-order now for new vestry members in 2024!

Available from any Episcopal bookstoreChurch PublishingAmazon, or your favorite bookstore.

January 2024 | List Price: $18.95 | Paperback | 9781640656703

Join us for monthly 'Festival Thursdays' on Zoom 

Join us for monthly 'Festival Thursdays' on Zoom. Register here for all events.

The good conversations that began during summer's "It's All About Love" festival in Baltimore continue with monthly workshops featuring festival presenters and Q&A. Workshops are the second Thursday of each month at 3 p.m. ET. View past 'Festival Thursday' conversations at this link.

Young Adult Service Corps

Offering a new extended age limit, the Young Adult Service Corps (YASC) invites Episcopalians ages 21 to 35 to consider a year of international mission engagement as their “next faithful step.”

Applications for 2024-2025 placements are being accepted. The deadline to apply online is Feb. 16. More information can be found here. Application is here.

Philadelphia 11 Screenings

Cleveland, OH | January 30, 4:30 pm | Register here!

St. Paul's, Cleveland Heights | Feb 11, 4 pm

Trinity, Marshall, MI | May 11

St. John's, Midland, MI | May 18

Emmanuel, Petoskey, MI | June 15

See all of the details of this project, and learn how to host your own screening.

Deep Breath: Self-Guided Retreats at Holy Wisdom Monastery

Pastors are invited to come to Holy Wisdom Monastery for a personal retreat. Rev. Kathleen Owens serves as the chaplain for this program and will work with each pastor ahead of your retreat to structure a time that will help you to listen to God and your own heart in your retreat time. Details about the program and the applications can be found here.


Check out the list of grant opportunities.

- Church Periodical Club - Deadline for Adult Books is Mar 1

- Becoming Beloved Community - 

info session - Jan 9, 6 pm ET / 5 pm CT

grant form - deadline, Mar 1

- Episcopal Evangelism Society - deadline Feb 24

Networking Conversations

Province V's work in the world is to "Connect. Network. Support." Networks exist for people to gather around areas of interest and share resources with each other. Sometimes networks host webinars to share information and sometimes they develop new resources to support leaders in their local contexts. 

ALL are welcome to attend these Zoom conversations. Please share the information with friends, colleagues, and in your parish newsletter. Most network meetings last about 60 minutes. See their webpages or email their contact for more information. For a full list of Networks and other Affiliated Organizations, visit the Province V website.


Date of next meeting: Mar 11, 11 am ET / 10 am CT

Zoom link: (password: 5)

Convener: Brian Wilbert, Ohio


Archive Basics for Churches: Tuesdays, January 9 - February 6, 7:30pm ET / 6:30pm CT


Full description here

Creation Care

Date of next meeting: Jan 8, 1 pm ET / 12 noon CT

Zoom link: (password: 5)

Contact: Jeanette Ettin, Eastern Michigan


2023 has been an exciting year for Creation Care not just for Provinces IV and V, but for the whole of the Episcopal church and beyond. It may seem like we have taken small steps but we have made substantial inroads towards our goals.We have much to be joyful about even knowing that we are still short of some of our long term goals.

As a reminder: we had a creation care focused retreat,several inspiring speakers to help point us in the right direction,and moving closer to our goal of increasing congregational participation in our mission. 

Since January is time for reflection and revision, let's take a look at what we have done as provinces and what we would like to do by the end of 2024 and beyond and how it can impact our long term goals for Creation care in our provinces. 

Please join us January 8 2024 at 1 pm, so that we can bring in the new year sharing our gifts for love of creation and how we hear the call to action!

Love God, Love God's World

Love God, Love God’s World is a nine-session, film-based curriculum, ideal for Episcopalians anywhere on the journey with creation care and environmental ministry—from newcomers looking to take their first step to seasoned leaders seeking a transformative small-group experience.

Two upcoming webinars! Click on the picture to register.

Dismantling Racism

Date of next meeting: Jan 4 / Feb 1, 1 pm ET / 12 noon CT

Zoom link: (password: 5)

Convener: Margaret D'Anieri, Ohio


Intergenerational / All-Ages Worship

Date of next meeting: Jan 17, 2024, 3 pm ET / 2 pm CT

Zoom link: (password: 5)

Convener: Miranda Hassett, Milwaukee


Sin, Repentance, Confession, and Absolution in Intergenerational Worship

Lay-Led Congregations


Date of next meeting: Jan 27, 11 am ET / 10 am CT

Zoom link: (password: 5)

Convener: Jim Mogensen, Michigan


Moving forward together: reconnecting after the break for the fall holidays. 

Upcoming gatherings:

See you on Zoom: Jan 27, Feb, 24, Mar 23.

See you in person at the BPG

Migration Ministries


Date of next meeting: Jan 16, 8 pm ET / 7 pm C

Zoom: (password: 5)

Conveners: Silvia Huth, Michigan and Jack Lloyd, Chicago


If you missed our September meeting - you can watch the recording!

"Welcoming Refugees: A Small Episcopal Church Takes on a Big Challenge" 

Episcopal Asylum & Detention Ministry Network

Episcopal Migration Ministry hosts an Asylum and Detention Ministry Network that meets virtually on the fourth Wednesday of every month. The Ministry Network’s collaborative work and conversation focus on best practice-sharing in areas of direct service, organizing, advocacy actions, Christian formation and worship resources, and community education to protect asylum, promote humane and dignified alternatives to detention, and to support asylum seekers and those harmed by the immigration detention system. Learn more and register to attend meetings here.


Conveners: Carmen Piggins, Michigan

Erin Wolf, Milwaukee/Wisconsin


Mark your calendar!

Virtual Event with Traci Smith

Wednesday, April 10, 11:45 am - 1:00pm ET / 10:45 am - 12 noon CT

Registration is required.

Young Adult / Campus Ministry

Date of next meeting: Feb. 20, 1:00 pm ET / 12:00 noon CT

Zoom link: (password 5)

Convener: Matthew Lukens, Michigan


If this is your ministry area, make sure that you're part of the Google Group!

This is a new group name, so please update in your address book.

Affiliated Organizations

There are a number of organizations affiliated with the Episcopal Church and working across Province V. These groups have a "structure" that is more organized than a network. They have resources and information that are useful in your local ministry contexts.

For a full list of Affiliated Organizations, visit the Province V website.

Church Periodical Club: Important Announcements

ADULT GRANTS ARE ONLY AVAILABLE ONCE PER YEAR: Adult grant application (NBF, National Books Fund) can be found on our website. We funded multiple types of written word resources from Bibles, choir music to cookbooks ESOL workbooks etc. to meet the needs of Episcopal sponsored outreach and in reach. Applications are due March 1, 2024, and granting will be done June 8 2024.  Information and applications found at

Children and youth grants are done all year round. Please consider applying for one of these grants. From books for baby pantries to youth camps, detentions centers and the list goes on. These are called MOP (Miles of Pennies) and information and applications can be found on our website

Quilt raffle returns start Jan 2, 2024 through Feb 14, 2024 -  Details here.

NOTE: Maryfran is able to sign your application if you do not have a Diocesan Contact.  Also standing committees may sign when there is a bishop vacancy.

Please Contact: Maryfran Crist, Province V CPC Representative

      ,  815-257-7012

sign up for the ECW weekly blast here

United Thank Offering

Subscribe to the newsletter

click here

Julia Chester Emery Feast Day – Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 7pm Eastern time

Register here:

January 9 is the feast day of Julia Chester Emery, founder of the United Thank Offering, and this year we are celebrating the life and ministry of Miss Julia with Kristen Wheeler of Ministry of the Saints: Modern Iconography. She’ll join us to share more about her process of creating the Julia Chester Emery icon, the symbols found in it, and about her research into Miss Julia. Kristen is also hard at work on the UTO History Brochure that we will release at General Convention in 2024, so this is a great time to come and learn, share, and celebrate the life of Saint Julia Chester Emery, without whom UTO would not exist.

United Thank Offering invites 2024 annual grant applicants

The United Thank Offering Board is pleased to announce the availability of its 2024 UTO Annual Grants, with a focus on projects that welcome and include “the stranger.” Application deadline is Jan. 19 for dioceses of The Episcopal Church.

Upcoming Events and Webinars




Jan. 13-15

The Episcopal Church Office of Indigenous Ministries invites all interested to participate virtually in Winter Talk, an annual conference that honors and highlights Indigenous and Native American traditions and contributions within the church. The event, which takes place in Port Aransas, Texas, includes special greetings and speakers, music, presentations, and more. Portions of the conference will also be livestreamed on social media. View the full agenda. 

Registration is required

Forma Events

Forma Conference - Registration Open

3:30 p.m. January 22 - 6:30 p.m. ET January 25, 2024, online. 

Click here to register via Eventbrite.

Register now for the Forma Annual Conference. The conference is an intentional time of networking, learning, and inspiration. Note that current Forma members receive a 25% discount on General Registration. Registration closes January 25.

St. Gregory's Abbey will be hosting its annual vocation program during the month of July, 2024. Participants get a glimpse of monastic life as they follow the abbey schedule and work, socialize, and pray with the monks. Classes on monastic life are given and individual conferences are offered. The program is geared toward people who have an interest in monastic life and are wondering if they are called to that life. The program is open to men 18-50 years old (the upper age limit is an approximation and can be negotiated). Applications will be accepted starting January 1, 2024. For more information, go to the monastery website or the vocation program page

The Word in the Wilderness: A Lenten Retreat

February 15th-17th at The DeKoven Center (Racine, WI)

Begin your journey into the wilderness of Lent with a brief retreat. Join Father Chris Arnold and Mother Pippa Lindwright to make space for Lent as a time of refreshment, self-examination, and dedication to the love of God. Arrive Thursday evening and depart Saturday morning, or just come for the day on Friday. The cost is $220 for overnight retreatants, $120 for commuters. The deadline for registrations is February 1st, 2024. More information and registration can be found here.

African Descent Ministries

2024 International Black Clergy Conference

April 8-11 - Baltimore, Maryland


This triennial conference welcomes Episcopal bishops, priests, and deacons, as well as participants from the Anglican Church of Canada, and Anglicans and Episcopalians from the Province of the West Indies and throughout the United Kingdom.

  • Location: Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor Camden Yards.
  • Days will begin and end with prayers, reflection, and music from the Afro-Anglican tradition.
  • Plenaries will include presentations from affinity groups across the diaspora and programming developed by the Office of African Descent Ministries.

Epiphany Resources

Chalking the Door: An Epiphany Tradition

Lenten Resources

UTO: 2024 Lenten Materials Now Available

Our theme for our 2024 Lenten materials is “40 Days of Grateful Presence” and they are a call to giving thanks for the many things in our lives we take for granted. Our hope is that during the 40 days of Lent we can all use gratitude to help us be more present in our daily lives. Find out more about the resources available for Lent here.

2024 Lenten Book Club: Thanks A Thousand: A Gratitude Journey

Register here.

UTO is offering a 5-session book club on Thanks A Thousand: A Gratitude Journey by A.J. Jacobs. The book follows Jacobs as he decides to try and thank everyone who contributes to daily cup of coffee. This is a perfect book to explore during Lent because it can encourage us to think more deeply about the everyday items we use without really thinking about the effort that goes into creating them. We’ll explore this book together and see what we can learn about gratitude as a tool for being more present in the midst of our daily routines. While reading the text prior to the meeting will enhance your experience, it is not required. Bonus, there is a TED talk with A.J. Jacobs you can watch if you don’t have time to read each week. You’re also welcome to attend all 5 sessions or just the ones when you’re available or where a topic interests you. See the newsletter for the full schedule.

Living Compass

Lent 2024 Devotional

Practicing Forgiveness with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind (available in English and Spanish)

Order here!

Province V Executive Board

Do you have questions about Province V? Would you like to be more involved in planning the events that are offered at the provincial level? The Executive Board of the Province meets monthly on fourth Tuesdays at 3 pm ET / 2 pm CT via zoom.

Contact your diocesan representative to the Executive Board:

The Rt. Rev. Matthew Gunter, Fond du Lac and Eau Claire, President

Mr. Rick Stanitis, Northern Michigan, Vice President

Ms. Adrienne Dillon, Missouri, Secretary

Ms. Rebecca Elfring-Roberts, Chicago, Treasurer

Ms. Louisa McKellaston, Executive Council Representative

The Rev. M.E. Eccles, Executive Council Representative

Ms. Laura Jackson, Chicago

Dr. Elizabeth Jordan, Eastern Michigan

The Rev. Marlene Hogue, Eau Claire

Ms. Lesley MacKellar, Indianapolis

Dr. Edie Wakevainen, Michigan

The Rev. Matthew Buterbaugh, Milwaukee

Ms. Betty Bowersox, Missouri

The Rev. Dr. Terri Bays, Northern Indiana

Mr. Rick Stanitis, Northern Michigan

The Rev. Rachel Harrison, Ohio

Mr. Edward Lasseigne, Southern Ohio

Ms. Jan Goossens, Springfield

Heather Barta, Province V Coordinator

Visit our Website


Share this newsletter! Forward to your friends and colleagues, or have them visit this site to sign up for themselves. (There is a link at the bottom of the homepage, also.)

Province V

General Province V Facebook page

Dismantling Racism Facebook page

Creation Care Facebook group