In this Issue:
President's Message New Topic! Parent University™ 11th Class: The ABCs of IEPs - October 15th at 7:00pm CST
New Webinar Series! Special Olympics Illinois to Host a 3-Part Webinar Series:
"Achieve a Better Life Experience: Including IL ABLE in Your Special Needs Financial Plan" -
October 7th, 14th, and 21st
Domestic Employees - Is Workers Compensation Insurance Required? Bethel University Students Create Job Platform for People with Developmental Disabilities Big Wave Breaking Ground in Half Moon Bay: 'Intentional community' for People Living with
Disabilities Begins Development This is Where We Will Be...
Dear Clients and Friends,
As we move into the Fall of 2020, the erratic news seems to be swirling around us every day. I try to take a break from some of it, just to focus on the day at hand. Some of you that know me personally, know I'll say I just want "TO BE", and find some peace, but sometimes, it is not so easy. Right? This issue is full of new information, that I hope has a positive focus for you.
You'll find a brand new series of education around the ABLE account and how to use it, which is being sponsored by Special Olympics Illinois. Hope you can join us for that in October.
Also, you will see that we modified our Parent University™ class for October. I spend a lot of time these days talking to parents around education and remote learning, and I thought it would be best to use our time together in October to bring in a professional who can address what you should expect and ask for in regard to special education. And there are many other educational articles this month that I think you will find beneficial.
For now, I'll say "HAPPY FALL", and I'll see you online!
Warmest regards,
Mary Anne Ehlert,
Founder & President
NEW TOPIC! Our October Parent University™ class has changed to "The ABCs of IEPs". With everything going on and most of our children learning remotely, we felt this subject would be beneficial to all!
Powered by Protected Tomorrows and presented by Mary Anne Ehlert, President and Founder of Protected Tomorrows, and guest speaker Pam Linderman, Founder and President of The IEP Advocate, we are proud to offer you our eleventh a series of educational webinar classes:
"The ABCs of IEPs"
October 15th, 2020
7:00pm - 8:00pm CST
An IEP is more than just a program for your child while in school. The IEP is a blueprint, or plan, for setting and achieving goals. We will work together and discuss how to be a strong advocate for your child and how to navigate through the tangled system of rules and regulations. Joining us as a guest speaker is Pam Linderman, Founder and President of The IEP Advocate. Through personal experience, Pam started The IEP Advocate 11 years ago. Today, The IEP Advocate has a staff of 30+ advocates and they are the largest private advocacy organization in the country, serving families across the United States. Pam has personally participated in over 2,500 IEP meetings, consulted with over 4,000 families, and taught advocacy strategies to thousands more.
Protected Tomorrows will host this free online Zoom webinar on October 15th, 2020 from 7:00pm - 8:00pm CST. Click here to register!
NEW WEBINAR SERIES! Special Olympics Illinois to Host a 3-Part Webinar Series: "Achieve a Better Life Experience: Including IL ABLE in Your Special Needs Financial Plan"
Special Olympics Illinois in conjunction with IL ABLE and Protected Tomorrows will be hosting a 3-part webinar series titled, "Achieve a Better Life Experience: Including IL ABLE in Your Special Needs Financial Plan". Protected Tomorrows and IL ABLE will be guest presenters. Registration is required. We hope you will join us!
IL ABLE Account Basics - Part 1
Wednesday, October 7, 2020 12:00 PM CST
IL ABLE Accounts, Public Benefits and Special Needs Financial Planning - Part 2
Wednesday, October 14, 2020 12:00 PM CST
Including IL ABLE in Your Overall Financial Plan - Part 3
Wednesday, October 21, 2020 12:00 PM CST
Domestic Employees - Is Workers Compensation Insurance Required?
by Dennis Klocke | Lubin-Bergman Organization, Inc.
We recently came across a situation which we felt was important to review. As the employer of the Personal Support Workers for your family member's Medicaid Home Based Waiver, who is responsible if the worker is injured on the job? We asked a specialist in Workers Compensation insurance to explain the rules:
In Illinois, domestic workers that work at least 40 hours per week for at least 13 weeks are entitled to Workers Compensation benefits if injured on the job. Illinois law requires that the employer, whether it be a business or individual(s), must obtain a Worker's Compensation policy. If a domestic worker does not meet the required number of hours worked, the employer should consider getting coverage just in case the circumstances change in the future.
On January 1, 2017, the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights took effect. Under this bill, domestic workers receive certain rights and protection for fair treatment. The bill defines a domestic worker as a person who is regularly employed to do 8 hours of work per week in the following areas:
- House cleaning, housekeeping, and home management services
- Cooking and laundering
- Chauffeuring
- Companion services
- Nanny services
- Home health, personal care or care giving services for the elderly or individuals who are ill, injured or disabled
This coverage may be available on a Homeowners policy, and that would be the first place to check. However, in most instances, this coverage will need to be purchased through the Illinois Assigned Risk Plan. The premium charge is based on a per individual basis depending if the domestic worker is part time* (less than 20 hours a week) or full time (20 or more hours per week).
* If a single caregiver makes $20/hour and works 100 hours per month = 25 hours per week
Other things to consider:
- It is important to note that the State of Illinois is not the employer for the Medicaid Home Based Waiver, and provides no medical or workers compensation coverage for Personal Support Workers.
- Additionally, if you are working as your child's Personal Support Worker and are injured while 'on the clock' you may not be covered by your medical insurance, since injuries occurring or resulting from your employment are typically not covered.
- If you are the employer and a hired Personal Support Worker is injured while working, you may become liable for the medical bills, especially if the injury occurred in your home.
NOTE: The information in the article pertains to the State of Illinois. If you are in another state, please check with your local insurance provider for your state's rules and laws.
DISCLAIMER: We assume no responsibility for liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this article. The information contained in this article is provided on as "as is" basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness and without any warranties of any kind whatsoever, expressed or implied.
Bethel University Students Create Job Platform for People with Developmental Disabilities
Bethel University senior Ben Hernes and his sister Anna Substad, a 2019 Bethel graduate, are preparing to launch a platform that will help individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities jump-start their careers.
The online job board, called RecruitABLE, will offer individuals with IDD creative ways to showcase their talents and expertise beyond a traditional resume or cover letter.
"In today's market, there are a lot of obstacles to overcome for people with IDD to get a job, and to get a job that they like," Substad said. "It's risky to disclose if you have a disability, and from the employer's side of things, sometimes it's actually illegal to ask an employee directly if they have disabilities." Click here to read more.
Big Wave Breaking Ground in Half Moon Bay: 'Intentional community' for People Living with Disabilities Begins Development
by Sierra Lopez | San Mateo Daily Journal
Following two decades of planning and preparation, the Big Wave Project intended to house adults with developmental disabilities will finally break ground Saturday, rallying an excited crowd of families, county supervisors and community members.
"It was a difficult journey, a lot of stress, a lot of trials. That has to happen but once this is built we'll go back to being parents. It's a sweet victory," said Jeff Peck, the CEO of Big Wave who purchased the property where the development will go in 1999.
With the capacity to house up to 63 residents, the Half Moon Bay-based development just north of Pillar Point Harbor will be one of the first California-based "intentional communities," consisting of disability friendly places to work, places to socialize and housing for independent living. While most of the future units have been rapidly claimed, some spots are still available, said Sarah Sherwood, the information officer for Big Wave. Click here to read more.
This is Where We Will Be...