In this Issue:
President's Message
Parent University 8th Class Reminder: Choosing & Supporting Future Successor Trustees for
Your Child's Special Needs Trust, July 23rd, 2020 at 7:00pm CST
Schools Struggle to Educate Students With Disabilities Amid Pandemic
How Do I Get My Child's IEP Going at the Beginning of the School Year?
Back-to-School Tips for Parents of Children with Special Needs
This is Where We Will Be...
Dear Clients and Friends,
Here we are in mid-July, with many of us trying to find "normal" in this newly shaped world we live in. I read an interesting article yesterday, about how we strive for normal and constantly struggle to get back to "whatever normal WAS for us". That emotional struggle versus reality is where we all seem to be these days, and it reminded me of a day with my sister Marcia. She would say to me that she wanted to be "normal" and I found myself laughing with her that there really is no ONE kind of normal. And the result was the picture of her turning normal upside down often for us. It made me remember just how much she would always teach me about the world. I still miss her every day.
I have learned over the last few months that we are resilient. We have begun teaching in new formats, creating new and exciting ways to educate families. And it always has me thinking about how we might make things better.
Our upcoming Parent University Teaching Series on Thursday, July 23rd is one of the results of our new way of thinking. My Guest Speaker for our session will be George Pennock, Director of Trust Services Consulting. He will help us understand the importance of selecting the right trustees for our special needs trusts, and I'm sure you will enjoy his insights.
And we will be ramping up many of our teaching sessions with groups, as well as kicking off our new Protected Tomorrows Podcasts this fall. We look forward to sharing it with you. In the meantime, embrace the normal that we are now living in, and be ready for some new opportunities as you embrace our new shaped environments.
Warmest regards,
Mary Anne Ehlert,
Founder & President
Class description: In this presentation we will dive deep into the best qualities for a Trustee/Trustees, Trustee duties/job, getting the right documents in order, making your wishes known, how to identify potential trustees, recognize the responsibility - does the trustee have what it takes?, benefits of naming a professional or corporate trustee, avoid feeling the "burden" guilt, and how to Build YOUR Special Needs Trust Dream Team. The Guest Speaker for this session will be George Pennock, Director of Trust Services Consulting. George will help us understand the importance of selecting the right trustees for special needs trusts.
Powered by Protected Tomorrows and presented by Mary Anne Ehlert, President and Founder of Protected Tomorrows, we are proud to offer you our ninth a series of educational webinar classes:
"The Recipe for Financial Success
August 20th, 2020
7:00pm - 8:00pm CST
There are a myriad of insurance plans to understand. Health insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, long term care insurance - what to use, when? What makes sense? The ABLE account rules are so confusing, and you don't want to make a mistake. We will review the basics of the ABLE account and how to select the right plan for you. How do we tie these accounts into the rest of our financial plan? Now that you have all the ingredients, what recipe to we use to make a true cohesive plan and have financial success?
Mary Anne Ehlert will host this free online Zoom webinar on August 20th, 2020 from 7:00 - 8:00pm CST.
Click here to register!
Schools Struggle to Educate Students With Disabilities Amid Pandemic
Advocates worry that the 7 million students with disabilities will be left behind in distance learning
by Lauren Camera | U.S. News & World Report
learning for the 55 million students who were forced out of school by the
pandemic is a challenge, but it's even more of a challenge for educators to figure out how to best educate the 7 million students with disabilities. And those students, who are less likely to be able to access online education, are also at much greater risk of falling behind.
"I like to look at things realistically," Eriel Jeffrey, a special education teacher and coordinator at the John F. Kennedy High School in Montgomery County, Maryland, says. "I'm not really sure what else we can do to really help and give the kids the services that are usually what they get in school because of contact. The kids we work with need that close proximity that we can't provide right now." Click here to read more.
How Do I Get My Child's IEP Going at the Beginning of the School Year?
by Bob Cunningham, EdM | Understood.org
My daughter got her first IEP last spring when she was a fifth grader. She started attending middle school this fall and it seems to be taking a long time for the school to line up some of her service providers. Is there anything I can do to help get her IEP going at the beginning of the school year?
A: Unfortunately, this problem is not uncommon. Schools often have to deal with faculty and staff leaving and new faculty and staff starting. Schedules sometimes change at the last minute. A new school year may also come with shifts in policies and procedures.
All of these changes help explain why it can be challenging to transition your child's IEP services from year to year-and especially from
school to school
. These kinds of things can fall through the cracks. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help the transition go as smoothly as possible for your child.
I'm grouping my advice for you in three buckets: what you can do now, what you can do to prepare for next year and how you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
Click here to read more!
Here are two more IEP resources to check out:
Protected Tomorrows Education Tutorial:
What's an IEP? This tutorial is free for the months of July, August, September, and October! When checking out, use Coupon Code:
Back-to-School Tips for Parents of Children with Special Needs
by Reading Rockets
A new school year means a new grade, new teachers, new goals, and maybe even a new school! In order to help you and your child with special needs be as successful as you can be, we've put together a list of eight helpful back-to-school tips that we hope will make the transition into a new school year a little easier for you and your child.
Click here to read more!
This is Where We Will Be...