Dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus, part of the growing repentance remnant, cleansing as His Bride, getting ready for His soon return as our Bridegroom-----

Having repented to join His Kingdom, you and I now have His Holy Spirit with which we can intercede to support one another "onto the walls of intercession." Here is a key message from our sister, Kathleen Mitchell, which timely calls upon you and me who love the Lord and who love Israel, to intercede:



Shalom Everyone!

This is intended to be a call to urgent intercession for all who, love the Lord, and who love Israel!  

During the nighttime hours, between Thursday and Friday, I was awakened at 2:00 AM with the Hebrew song (written and sung by Karen Davis), “YAKUM ELOHIM” filling my spirit.  It means, ARISE LORD!  It calls for a scattering of His enemies by the sound of His praises being heard across the Land. I got up and prayed for a while and returned to sleep. At 6:30 AM, the same thing happened, but this time I was unable to return to sleep. The song was so loud in my spirit that I began to sing along with it; making it a declaration. I had been praying Thursday evening, for the safety of PM Bibi Netanyahu, in regard to his trip to Washington DC this Sunday night. Yesterday morning as I was singing YAKUM ELOHIM, I saw something very troubling in the Spirit. I saw a blue airplane (believing it to be Bibi’s official state jet) in the sky. Suddenly there were clouds of black spots coming at it from all sides; like a bunch of mosquitos. Within an instant, I could clearly see that these spots were many drones. I’m very aware that suicide drones are very hard to defend against … especially when coming in groups. We’ve had that reality to deal with in the north of Israel, as drone attacks continue to create damage and fires whenever they cannot be intercepted. Immediately, I was prompted to check the security report on my cell phone. It contained a report that a suicide drone had come into Tel Aviv under the cover of darkness, and had hit an apartment building very close to the U.S. Tel Aviv Embassy. It had caused a violent explosion; resulting in the death of one person, and I believe, in 7 people being injured. The attack was made by a high-tech drone, produced by Iran, with the Houthi terrorists claiming responsibility for the hit.  Then, I noted the map, that was included in the report; showing exactly where the drone had hit. 

When my eyes landed upon map … revealing that the drone had struck in the middle of a major city, and very near the US governmental building … I heard “Behold … the evil ones have now left their calling card!” My spirit leapt within me in an urgency to connect with major intercessors immediately. Why? Well, for many years, I have noted that the global luciferian elite (the illuminati) ALWAYS put a foreshadow warning out in front of the eyes of the public, before they enact their evil deed. If the people miss the warning, or do nothing about it, then the elite claim that all the death, suffering, and losses, from that event, are our own fault for us being ignorant, or inattentive, to their hints of warning/foreshadows. EXAMPLES: They produced television shows about a COVID virus (almost exactly as it came to us) … as well as the bioweapon contained in vaccines. They did this “reveal” years before they brought Covid-19 into our experience. They made THE MATRIX movies, long before they revealed (this year at the WEF meeting), that the goal for 2028 is to have the electricity, that naturally operates within the human body, harnessed and harvested to run the cities (they now have this technology) … while the humans live a cyberspace virtual reality, through technology created by Ai … as the people mindlessly live in their little pods of containment (which is what Klaus Schwab was really referring to when he said: “BY 2030 YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY”). I could give you countless other examples, but will stop there. Suffice it to say, the elite warned us about the attempted shooting of Trump some weeks ago in some specific graphics, and now they are warning that they are planning to kill Bibi by a drone … most likely while he is in DC or flying to (or from) the USA.

The important thing to note is this:  In this game that the elite play with the lives of human populations, they know there is a way that we can stop them from being successful. If we take note of their calling card, which announces their plans … and if we arise and block it in the Spirit, or take physical action against it … they fail and must withdraw their attack plan. That is why I am writing to you right now. As the plan has been revealed, we can take it down, if we do our part and trust the Lord to do His.

Yesterday, the Lord sent me an amazing confirmation that this threat is a reality. I phoned Karen Davis and asked her to begin singing her song, loudly over the Land and over Bibi. The song has been given an anointing to counter the assignment. In addition, I felt strongly led to connect with Chris Mitchell, the Bureau Chief of CBN, Jerusalem. I had been trying to connect with Chris for a couple of days, but our communications were not meshing us for some reason. So, after breakfast yesterday morning, the Lord directed me to dress and to go meet with Chris. I had no idea where to find him. I had left his phone number back in the States. Connecting by email had proven to be ineffective. Anyway, the Lord said to go meet him, so I got dressed and obeyed; trusting the Lord to bring us together. I had never visited Chris’ office and studio, but he had given me the address earlier. After a light rail ride to city center, the Lord had me walking on foot, as His Spirit directed me. He indicated EXACTLY where I was to walk, where to turn, and how fast to move. Honestly, I would not have gone the route (the route that I was being directed to follow), had I been choosing the path to get to Keren Hayesod St.  I eventually found the building, but there was no way for me to know how to enter it. So, I stood on the street and said, “Lord, I’m here, as You have asked me to do. I have no phone number for Chris, and no access to this building. You will have to bring him to me.” Within a couple of seconds, a car pulled up to the curb, and a lady stepped out. Then, a gentleman emerged and stood up. It was Chris Mitchell. We looked at each other, and exclaimed loudly in our surprise of literally bumping into each other. From there, we went to his office for a chat about what I had seen in the Spirit, and then went to the office war room to pray through it with the CBN staff.  

What is IMPOSSIBLE for us, to accomplish by ourselves, our obedience alone, will bring into place, EVERY detail that we cannot arrange. I will NEVER get tired, of seeing how the Lord leads, and brings us, both joy and success, as we obey and follow His leading. Any delay in my journey to the office … any change in the path that I took … and we would never have met. Chris would have gone into his office and I would have missed him. Only 30 seconds late or early, I would not have been in position to connect on Kingdom business with him. Be encourage by that fact. THE LORD HAS ALL THE DETAILS IN HIS HANDS. HIS TIMING IS PERFECT!  IT’S ALL ABOUT HIM! We just get the fun of serving Him and watching Him do marvelous things (which includes, tripping up the Enemy). The only contributions that we can effectively make to the process, is our obedience and our faith in Him.

Now here is what I would ask you to do:

**Declare and decree that the HAND OF ALMIGHTY YHVH covers and protects Benjamin Netanyahu, as surely as He protected President Donald Trump a week ago.


**Bind and rebuke ALL FORMS AND SOURCES of witchcraft and sorcery, which are working to bring the death of Bibi, through curses set against him from false friends, from deceived countrymen, or from obvious foes. (do the same for Trump)

**Pray for YHVH to release His angelic forces to add, yet another, layer of protection around Bibi, around his plane, around his entourage, and around all those who are involved with this trip, and with his speech in Congress of Wednesday.

**Pray for the Lord to reveal those, who are the betrayers … and those, who are the “plants” of the enemy, as they operate around Bibi and Trump. Pray that no hidden betrayer, assassin, spy or informant escape identification, exposure, and arrest.

**Pray for an increase in the number of the wise and the trustworthy people of YHVH around these men. Pray for the Lord to empower the trustworthy, even as He disables the wicked ones around them.

**Pray for the Lord to send alerts in the Spirit to His servants, who have influence and authority … alerts against any threats from any direction or source … even dreams, visions, radar signals, intercepted communications etc.

**Pray for all drones to fail in their launches, and in their flight operations. Confuse the signals and shatter the electronic communications and programming.

**Pray for a sovereign storm to change the course of Bibi’s flight plan, if necessary … and even to send lightning strikes to hit any drones, or rockets launches, against his jet, automobile, living quarters, meeting places, etc.

**Pray for all curses being leveled against Bibi and Trump fall to the ground as dust, while the FEAR OF YHVH boomerangs back to the senders to immobilize them, and to humble them with failure.

**Pray in the Spirit as often as possible. Sing praises to our God and worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. Declare the scriptures of YHVH’s victory for His people.

NOTE: I find today’s Shabbat scripture portions to be particularly encouraging and applicable.

**TORAH PORTION … Numbers 22:2-25:9

**HafTorah Portion … Micah 5:7-6:8

**Brit Hadesha … Roman’s 11:25-32

I need to sign off now, and get this to your inboxes for immediate distribution among the intercessors and prayer groups.  Thank you for pressing in. As we do our part, and bless the Lord for doing His part, we may never see any manifestation of a drone attack against Bibi. May it be so. YHVH, REIGNS!




It's time each day for personal and national repentance in every nation. We're in a spiritual battle requiring His spiritual solution, in His Word, a solution larger than any person or political party in any nation. Please join us, sowing into this repentance movement by your prayers, support and participation. Join us each week as we Cleanse as His Bride on our several zoom calls, honoring Israel and giving participants time in privacy with the Holy Spirit for several minutes each time, to remove old sin patterns we all have---cleansing to be that much more ready as His Bride. Our Bridegroom is coming soon. This coming Tuesday and Tuesdays thereafter, God willing, we will have a one hour zoom at evening Jerusalem time, focusing entirely on standing with Israel and uncovering God's gift of teshuvah-repentance. Please email Susan Hammer at for the zoom information for Australia, Israel and the USA and Africa.

And thank you for any donation to NDR of any size, planting any seed into this very fertile move of the Holy Spirit, encouraging His gift of repentance--------His Solution for healing in any nation with His believers !

God bless you,

Pastor Jeff Daly

National Day of Repentance


The Lord makes it clear: Luke 13:1-5, repent or perish. Here's a NDR video on this key scripture:

and this video on ETERNITY:

Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

2 Corinthians 7:1

National Day of Repentance |