Feature Stories
While many people think that breast cancer screening and mammography are synonymous, Claire Conley, PhD, wants people to know that, for women who are at higher than average risk for breast cancer, screening may also includes an MRI.
Using complex molecular tools, researchers have determined how to measure, in real time, the effect that radiation treatment for cancer can have at the cellular level on surrounding healthy tissue. This collaborative effort between cellular and radiation labs and the clinic at Georgetown University’s Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, led by Anton Wellstein, MD, PhD, and colleagues, showed that changes in a form of DNA called cell-free methylated DNA can trace the effects of radiotherapy down to the cellular level and provide a readout of what should be the most biologically effective radiation dose that could be absorbed by healthy tissues without causing damage.
Thea Kano, artistic director of the Gay Men's Chorus of Washington, DC (GMCW), learned about the BellRinger Ride from a Georgetown Lombardi physician after being treated for sarcoma. Motivated by her experience and empowered by the close-knit community around her, she knew GMCW would want to get involved.
As a regular feature for GUMC Update, we highlight members of our staff/AAP - all critical to our mission. Today, meet Debra Grandy, program manager in the School of Nursing.
Ayub to Serve as Interim Medical Director of the Student Health Center
Mariam Ayub
Mariam Ayub, MD, associate professor of medicine, will serve as the interim medical director of the Student Health Center. Ayub joined MedStar Georgetown University Hospital in 2014 and serves as division chief of general internal medicine within the Department of Medicine.
The External Award Review Committee is seeking 2-3 new committee appointed members. Applicants must be tenured faculty members, preferably at the rank of associate or full professor, and are welcome from all departments. Apply by July 11 and contact Josef Rauschecker if you have any questions.
Registration remains open for the Second Annual Georgetown Center for Healthy Aging Symposium on July 12 in the Fisher Colloquium in the Hariri Building and online. The symposium, titled “Advancing Knowledge About Aging to Improve Health and Health Care,” will include oral papers, panels, posters and breakout sessions on new research collaborations, career development, community outreach and grant proposal development. Networking opportunities will include a luncheon and a closing wine and cheese reception. Organized by the Georgetown Center for Healthy Aging. Register here
The application deadline for postdoctoral fellows to join the 2023-24 NIH TL1 Translational Biomedical Science (TBS) Training Program has been extended. The program is funded by the Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinical and Translational Science (GHUCCTS). Postdoctoral fellows who have a primary appointment at either Georgetown, Howard, a MedStar institution or the Washington DC Veterans Affairs Medical Center are encouraged to apply by June 30.
GUMC in the News
Calendar of Events
Tuesday, June 27
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Via Zoom

Presented by Jan Blancato, PhD, professor of oncology and associate professor of neurology. Part of the Summer Seminar Series in Cancer Biology.
Wednesday, June 28
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Medium Auditorium (RM WG-01; Ground level), Research Building; Live Demonstrations: Preclinical Imaging Research Laboratory (PIRL; RM WB-01)

Features a live demonstration of preclinical photoacoustic imaging using the FUJIFILM VisualSonics Vevo LAZR-X with Laurie Rich, PhD, applications scientist at FUJIFILM VisualSonics. Also featuring keynote speakers Muyinatu Bell, PhD, director of the PULSE Lab at Johns Hopkins University, and Parag Chitnis, PhD, associate professor and principal investigator with the Biomedical Imaging Lab at George Mason University; and discussion and networking opportunities. Please register.
Wednesday, June 28
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Via Zoom

The Specialty Respect Community of Practice (SRCoP) at Georgetown University provides a forum to promote a culture of specialty respect in medical education and to explore potential solutions for eliminating specialty disrespect in the learning environment. RSVP to receive the Zoom meeting information.
Thursday, June 29
2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Via Zoom

Learn how to use Tableau Public to create engaging and interactive charts and maps. No coding or programming experience is required.
Friday, June 30
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Via Zoom 

During each session of the CENTILE-sponsored Consultation for Health Education and Evaluation Research (CHEER) program, two presenters receive feedback from Teaching Academy members on their educational projects.
Friday, July 7
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Via Zoom

The tenth of 12 sessions of the CENTILE-sponsored Teaching Certificate Program is presented by Rebecca Evangelista, MD, associate professor of surgery and associate dean for clinical faculty and MedStar director for clinical faculty affairs.
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Georgetown Lombardi
School of Medicine
School of Nursing
School of Health