Promoting Academic Success Among Black School Children

Some Relevant Truths

  • Much of the literature on Black youth and their academic achievement has focused on what has been labeled as "the achievement gap." Multiple studies have shown that Black students exhibit persistent underachievement.
  • What is not being presented as often are the multiple times dedicated educators have facilitated Black youth achievement to the degree that it outpaced their peers. The rules typically change in those cases, so Black students still look like they are flagging behind.
  • A relevant truth: Black children have a history of high academic achievement -- against seemingly insurmountable odds.

Tell Black children the truth about themselves. Tell the stories of resistance and Black excellence. Connect them to successful Black undergraduates and professionals. Surround them with pictures of Black business people, educators, scientists, and artists. Lift them up with some relevant truths.

If you want to learn more about how to facilitate academic excellence among Black children and other youth of color, enroll in one of our courses:

"Promoting Academic Success in Black Children: Pre-K to HS Graduation"

Enroll Now!

CRESTSprogram, LLC | 504-499-1476 | |

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