July 2024

Construction of Timber Road Landslide Repair approaches

Construction on the Timber Road Landslide Repair is expected to begin in September.

We expect that the road will reopen after construction is complete in November. Schedules are subject to change based on weather, availability of materials and other unforeseen issues. The road will remain closed throughout the construction process.

Our design consultant spent spring and early summer finalizing the design of the repair. We put the project out to bid and are in the process of formalizing the contractor selection and developing construction schedules.

During construction, the contractor will excavate the slope down to stable ground and rebuild it with stronger materials. The road will be rebuilt on top, with a stone embankment downslope to provide additional support.

For regular updates, visit Timber Road Landslide Repair.

Project Timeline

Schedules are subject to change

  • March 2023: Timber Road closed between Strassel and Cochran roads after we detected increased landslide movement and significant pavement displacement.

  • Spring-fall 2023: Our consultant completed a geotechnical evaluation to learn about the shape, location and movement of the landslide. Using that information, they developed multiple possible project concepts to stabilize the slide.
  • Fall 2023: We weighed the costs and benefits of the project concepts and worked to identify project funding. A project concept was decided on.

  • Winter 2023-June 2024: Our consultant designed the project.
  • June-July 2024: We are finalizing our bid for a construction contractor and developing schedules.
  • September 2024: We expect construction to begin.

  • November 2024: We expect construction will be complete and Timber Road will reopen.