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Eversource 115-kV Project Update

Hello Eversource,

This is an update on activities related to the Eversource 115-kilovolt (kV) Underground Transmission Project in Sudbury and Hudson. Across the inactive MBTA rail corridor, crews are accessing manhole locations to prepare the underground duct bank system for cable installation by proofing the underground conduit. Crews have also resumed work in the Hudson streets.

Work Hours

  • Sudbury - Approved work hours are 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday. During the cable installation process, crews will work from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Saturday. All other activities in the corridor will happen from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. BOND and ETL crews will not be working April 15th, but Haugland will be on site on April 15th. 
  • Hudson - Approved work hours are 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday. Crews will be working in the Hudson roads, from 7a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. During cable installation, crews will be active from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Saturday. BOND and ETL crews will not be working April 15th, but Haugland will be on site on April 15th. 

Occasional activities may extend beyond the approved hours, due to unforeseen circumstances, based on approval from local officials. Crews work between manholes (MHs) placed along the project route. For a closer look, view the project map.

Hudson Activities

  • Road work in the Hudson streets, on Forest Avenue, has resumed between MH2 and MH1. Crews are working west of Marlboro Street on Forest Avenue moving toward Hudson Light and Power excavating and installing duct bank. One lane of alternating traffic will be maintained whenever possible.  
  • Starting as soon as April 16, a crew may begin relocating a distribution duct bank underground outside of Hudson Light & Power on Forest Avenue to make room for the new underground transmission duct bank. 
  • At Bridge 130, between Chestnut St and Main St, crews are working on concrete slab installations. 
  • Between Parmenter Road and White Pond Road, crews will be accessing and working on conduit in the area.   
  • Crews may be working on cable installation between White Pond Road and the Town Line. 

Sudbury Activities

  • Crews are accessing manhole locations underground in Sudbury throughout the MBTA corridor to proof the recently installed transmission conduit. This process takes several hours and is in advance of the cable installation.  
  • Between Bridge 127 and the Sudbury Substation, crews will be installing duct bank next week.  
  • Between the Town Line and Dutton Road, crews will be working on cable installation. 

*Due to the complexities of underground construction and weather, the two-week schedule described above is subject to change.

Stay Informed

Eversource is committed to being a good neighbor and doing any work with respect for you and your property. If you have questions, please contact us directly or click on one of the resources below.

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