Presidents Message
Greetings everyone!
Your PI division continues its work to keep you informed of our activities and involved. This year, we have continued our very successful webinar series, and at the annual conference, presented a careers panel discussion. In addition, a number of members have continued to contribute to the literature of process industries by wring book chapters, publishing new books, and contributing articles to industry publications.
One of the challenges we face in PID is how to keep the division aligned with an industry that overlaps a number of functions. For example, such functions as Lean and Work Systems apply to both discrete and process industries. As such, we are working on a new strategy for organizing the division to make the division more relevant to the membership. At our upcoming virtual town hall, we will discuss this new strategy. So stay tuned, and we hope you can attend and contribute your ideas.
As always, the Board of the Process Industries Division seeks new members. consider joining. The incoming president, Dr. Grace Guo is looking forward to working with you in the coming year. I would like to thank the members who contributed to our success this year and who helped with webinars, conference activities and the Board. Also, a special thanks to Anna Olender for her work as Board Secretary.
Best Regards,
Vincent W. Howell, FSME
2015/2016 PID President
Welcome to Our New President
It is our pleasure to introduce Dr. Weihong (Grace) Guo, the 2016-2017 President of the Process Industries Division of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers.
Weihong 'Grace' Guo is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Rutgers University. She earned her B.S. degree in Industrial Engineering from Tsinghua University, China, in 2010 and her Ph.D. in Industrial & Operations Engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 2015.
Dr. Guo's research interests are in the areas of statistical quality control and process monitoring, data mining for manufacturing and healthcare systems modeling and improvement, and quality-oriented design and modeling of complex manufacturing systems.
Her current research focuses on data fusion methods in the interface between applied statistics and system control/optimization.
Dr. Guo is a member of IISE, INFORMS, and ASME. She is the recipient of the 2014 ISERC Quality Control & Reliability Engineering Best Student Paper Award Finalist, the 2014 International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing Sciences Best Paper Award, the Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship from the University of Michigan, and the Wilson Prize for the Best Student Paper in Manufacturing. Her teaching interests include quality engineering, data analytics, and manufacturing systems.
Send Dr. Guo an email to say "Welcome!"
PID Jobs Fair at IISE Annual Conference
During this year's Annual Conference in Anaheim, California, the Process Industries Division hosted a panel on career development in the process industries. The panelists, Laquanda Leaven of NC state and Renee Thiesing of Simio LLC, provided insight from their own experiences in industry and academy for professionals and students alike. The discussion topics fit well into three categories: What to do before looking for jobs, how to get the job, and what to expect once on the job, with focus on the first and last categories.
The panelists were able to offer valuable insight to students and professionals looking to work in the process industries. Read more.
Update on IISE Body of Knowledge
General Description
The IE Body of Knowledge (IEBoK) is a (41 page) document that represents a repository of essential information for the field of Industrial Engineering (IE), and it is made up knowledge areas representing a taxonomy of relevant IE concepts.
The IEBoK is comprised of twelve (12) knowledge areas. Each knowledge area is represented by an outline that defines what needs to be known to achieve a mastery in the field of IE.
In addition, a section of Related Topics is provided that includes closely associated areas with which an IE should be familiar.
The PID board extends congratulations to our TVP, Mike Testani, on the recent publication of his book,
Lean for Sales: Bringin
g the Science of Lean to the Art of Selling. Mike is co-author with Sean Gillespie and Sreekanth Ramakrishnan. The book was published by CRC Press.
Upcoming IISE Webinars
Lost in Translation: Making Strategic Planning Meaningful
Presented by ELSS Conference Committee - OPEN TO ALL
Aug. 16 | 2 p.m. Eastern time
Presenter: Kelly Frankson, lean black belt, Vancouver Coastal Health
This case study will focus on the implementation of strategy deployment at Vancouver Coastal Health, an organization of 24,000 people who started introducing lean in 2006. The focus was initially very project based but has since shifted towards cultural change.
Standard Data Systems
Presented by Managing Work Standards Conference Committee - OPEN TO ALL
Aug. 23 | 2 p.m. Eastern time
Presenter: Steven Thompson, vice president, IISE Solutions
Standard data systems is one of the methodologies used to develop standard times. Standard times are developed from work measurement which is a systematic procedure that is employed to determine the time required to perform work tasks using the "best" method.
Choosing the Right Fit for Your Ergonomic Needs
Presented by AEC GOErgo Conference Committee - OPEN TO ALL
Sept. 1 | 2 p.m. Eastern time
Presenter: Elmer Lee, Ph.D., head of exploration, Conceptual Innovation LLC
Material handling with carts is such a relevant industry topic. This webinar's aim is to clear some of the confusion by focusing on key components of caster designs, detailing the benefits of different design choices and the potential cost impact of those choices.
Presented by knowledgeable professionals and experienced volunteers, these free* one-hour presentations are a tremendous benefit to the IISE membership.
*Webinars presented by the Society for Health Systems and the Society for Engineering and Management Systems require membership in those societies to attend.
Applying industrial engineering tools in the process industries can vary greatly from applying these same tools in discrete parts manufacturing. The Process Industries Division is a forum for the exchange of ideas in theory and practice of industrial engineering techniques applied to process industries; facilitating greater interactions among industry and academic professionals by organizing.
Aug 15
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Sep 08
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Sep 19
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