January 22-28, 2018
Online Course Redesign Academy
February 2018
This in-depth professional development series provides context, dialogue, and support to faculty in the design and development of online/hybrid courses.

There are four required trainings throughout February, and faculty who apply and are accepted into this program will receive a $1,000 stipend split in two installments for 1) full participation in the academy and 2) redesigning their course based on Quality Matters standards.

Apply by Saturday, January 27th
Celebration of Great Teaching Retreat in Bandera, TX
April 6-8, 2018
A retreat based on the premise that 1) teachers learn teaching best from other teachers and 2) that creativity is enhanced by mixing teachers of diverse teaching fields, experience levels, and interests.

This retreat is a great opportunity for part-time and full-time faculty to examine in depth what calls them to teaching and how to be the best they can be.

Apply by Friday, February 19th
Important Information & Reminders
Course Material Orders & FacultyEnlight:
Starting with Summer 2018, all course material orders will be exclusively entered into FacultyEnlight. The Ellucian system will be retired on February 1st, 2018 and the materials selection option in eStaffing will be turned off. This change is in accordance with Course Materials Order Administrative Rule 4.01.006. Read more...
Student Accessibility Services (SAS):
Reminders for testing accommodations and ensuring students with disabilities have access to ACC's curricula, programs, and course materials. Read more...
Testing Centers:
Important information from the Instructional Testing Centers that will assist faculty in use of services during the Spring 2018 semester. Read more...
Teaching & Learning Excellence Division (TLED):
In case you missed the Spring 2018 Updates from Dr. Susan Thomason, AVP of the Teaching & Learning Excellence Division (TLED), get up-to-date on the reorganization that merged instructional services under this area. Read more...
Online Workshops for January
Share Your Expertise
The Faculty Center for Teaching & Learning is looking for guest blog writers for the Faculty Forum Blog: a blog written BY ACC faculty, and FOR ACC faculty.

All ACC faculty are invited to share their insight on classroom techniques, teaching philosophy, strategies on how to engage students, and more. Consider submitting a minimum 500-word blog post OR take a moment to recommend this opportunity to a respected colleague.

Recent entries were written by: Roie Black, Herb Coleman, and Anne Fletcher.
Call for Speakers:
Global Issues Speaker Series
April, June, July 2018

International Programs is looking for ACC faculty who would like to share their global expertise with our students, employees, and the greater Austin community.

Previous Events include:
  • The Origins of the Syria Disaster and Its Global Impact
  • India and the Impact of Globalization
  • The Global Migration Crisis
  • Navigating the Global Creative Media Landscape

Contact William Hayden for information:
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Teaching & Learning Excellence Division | TLED@austincc.edu | tled.austincc.edu | 512.223.7522