Exploring Career Pathways through Work Experiences and Job Shadows

ProAct offers a paid work experience at its Eagan Production Center. The center is a fully integrated, competitive production center which gives participants an opportunity to learn about today’s workplace and build general work-related skills while being paid.

Kirk recently completed the 36-hour Production Skills Exploration service at ProAct where he explored what working looks like and what kind of work he may be interested in doing. He was able to try a variety of different tasks while on the production floor such as assembly, packing, sorting, sealing and more. Kirk also learned many different soft skills such as time management, teamwork, how to get along with coworkers and professionalism.

Kirk shared with his ProAct Employment Specialist how impressed he was with his coworkers and how well they do their job! Kirk also noted that even if he decides not to pursue production work, he learned first-rate work skills to take with him to his next position.

Prior to participating in the Production Exploration service, Kirk participated in job shadowing at The Rivers Assisted Living in Burnsville. Kirk really enjoyed his time there as well and feels these experiences gave him an opportunity to experience a variety of career fields!

Happy 3rd Anniversary to Virtual Enrichment!

ProAct’s Virtual Enrichment Services turned 3 in May, and what a journey it has been! Participants celebrated by creating a “May the 4th Be With You” Star Wars themed craft and discussing their favorite classes over the years. 

Some favorite activities are Fifty Nifty States, Exploring National Parks, Amazing Animals and Virtual Field Trips. The most popular classes are the music classes where participants can share and listen to their favorite musicians and songs, as well as the puzzles/brain teasers classes where everyone loves the challenge of solving trivia and word finds together. 

Virtual Enrichment Services is an amazing option for participants who prefer remote services. It allows flexibility for participants that may work on certain days and want to also fill their day visiting with friends or fitting in an exercise class. 

Virtual Enrichment Services began during COVID to combat isolation. Since then, it’s morphed and become a preferred option for participants who want to receive enrichment remotely. At its peak, ProAct reached 175 participants through Zoom classes. Today, we continue to serve 50+ participants and the referrals are growing. 

We hope to continue to grow and enhance Virtual Enrichment Services for participants who want to continue it as a programming option!

Celebrating Spring and Each Other

ProAct’s Shakopee team kicked off Spring with a picnic style lunch in May. The team enjoyed a little time together before getting back to the work at hand!

May Brings Smiles & New Adventures

Did you know that May includes National Smile Day, Star War's Day and Cookie Monster's Birthday? ProAct participants had so many reasons to celebrate last month!

In Shakopee, participants had special visits from the Book Mobile and the Scott County Sheriff's Office. Artists in the Painting with Lotta class painted American flags and sunrises. Celebrating spring, participants also planted some lovely flowerbeds.

In Red Wing, new adventures included Minnehaha Falls, Vermillion Falls, Weisman Art Museum, Quarry Hill, Oxbow Park, Como Zoo, and the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum. This was all in addition to getting outside to walk and play basketball, croquet and volleyball!

In Hudson, participants headed to Minnesota's largest candy store to enjoy some sweet treats. Games class played Pictionary and Bingo, while Culture Club learned about Cinco de Mayo and Buddha. For the latter, they created a colorful art project for the lesson!

In Eagan, participants continue to show their giving spirit by volunteering with Feed My Starving Children. Additionally, Essential Life Skills class focused on hygiene for this month, learning the importance of maintaining good personal hygiene, oral care, wearing clean clothes and getting a good night’s sleep.  

Check out more from May below!

Checking out the endless treats at Minnesota's largest candy store!

Learning about Buddha in Culture Club.

Wishing Cookie Monster a Happy Birthday!

ProAct Participants showing off their green thumb!

Eagan volunteering with Feed My Starving Children.

Exploring the beauty of nature at Minnehaha Falls.

ProAct is sponsoring a United Way Blue Bookshelf at Goodhue Elementary School.

A big high five to the Maintaining Skills Class celebrating their last volunteer project of the semester!

Warm weather means outdoor adventures with friends!

May by the Numbers

Total Hours: 45,963

Participants Served: 729

Independent Hires: 3

Monthly, ProAct’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee focuses on educating staff, participants and stakeholders in areas of culture, diversity and disability. The committee chooses one diversity related area and a disability as its educational focuses for the month. Bulletin boards, e-mails, class projects and other tools are used to educate staff and participants at each of our four locations.

The committee chose Older Americans Month and Stroke Awareness for the month of May.

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