Taking the Mystery out of "Prior Authorization"
Maybe you or your child's wisdom teeth need to be removed? Certain dental services may be covered by HUSKY Health and Covered CT, but they require "Prior Authorization."
Prior Authorization is the process of ensuring that the treatment proposed by a dentist is a HUSKY Health covered dental service that is necessary, appropriate, and meets dental standards of care. A Prior Authorization request may be approved, approved with a copay (HUSKY B), awaiting additional information, or denied. Read more.
Reflecting on 15 Years of the
Connecticut Dental Health Partnership
It’s hard to believe we are in our 15th year of operation! The CT Dental Health Partnership has come a long way, and we’re proud to be the dental plan for HUSKY Health and Covered CT.

We spoke with Donna Balaski, DMD, Dental Program Administrator at the State’s Department of Social Services – Integrated Care Unit to get her thoughts on milestones the program has reached over the years. Read the full interview here.
Bracing for Braces
Some children have abnormal bites and teeth that make it difficult to eat or may cause other medical issues. Your HUSKY Health benefits may cover some or all of the cost of braces or other orthodontic treatments for your children.

But what are braces? How do they work?
Braces straighten the teeth into realignment by applying a careful and constant pressure. Traditional braces are made up of small, square brackets cemented to the teeth, connected by a wire. The wire is periodically tightened by the orthodontist to gradually shift the teeth. Dental appliances may also be used to adjust the upper or lower jaws.

If you think your child could benefit from the straightening of teeth for significant dental health reasons (not cosmetic), be sure to ask your dentist for a referral to an orthodontist. Or you can call 855-CT-DENTALRead our brochure for more information about braces.

Note: Most orthodontic services require a prior authorization. Braces for adults or for cosmetic teeth straightening are not covered by HUSKY Health.
Be on the lookout - our HUSKY Health Dental Plan Member Survey will be coming your way soon. We look forward to hearing from you and getting your honest feedback.
Need to find a dentist, make an appointment,
or learn more about your benefits? 
Visit www.ctdhp.org or call us at
855-CT-DENTAL (855-283-3682)

Translation and transportation services available. Hearing impaired clients,
please dial 711 for Relay Connecticut assistance.

We Care About Your Dental Health
Have you moved, changed your phone number or email? Need to update your contact information? HUSKY A, B, and D Members can make updates: www.accesshealthct.com or
1-855-805-4325; HUSKY C Members can make updates: www.mydss.ct.gov or 1-855-626-6632.
The Connecticut Dental Health Partnership's mission is to enable all HUSKY Health members to achieve and maintain good oral health. We work to ensure all members have equitable access to oral health services.