Dear Parents/Guardians: 

The first round of STAR testing will begin this week for all students in grades DK through 8. The primary reason for administering this assessment is to gain access to pertinent information in reading and math that can be used to assist the administration and faculty in making sound educational decisions about student learning, teacher instruction, and curriculum development. The assessment results allow us to monitor our students’ academic progress, and also helps us identify areas of achievement as well as areas of needed meaningful improvement within the curriculum. This is data that is continuously disaggregated and analyzed as learning outcomes are being measured. The teachers at St. Paul the Apostle School clearly understand that learning is a continuum, and not merely a set of discrete steps and achievement levels. Their main focus is student growth along the continuum. It is my belief that too often many students who struggle are prescribed a modified curriculum when what they really need is modified instruction. Our commitment to our students inspires us to want to provide the most effective instruction possible.

We know from experience that teachers evaluate academic progress by observing students in the classroom, assessing their daily classwork, grading their homework assignments and special projects, and administering post-unit tests. All of this information also helps a teacher determine how well a student is mastering grade level learning goals. Standardized tests are just another tool that provides us with “snapshot” of the skills and abilities of all our students.

All of that being said, we know from experience what standardized tests cannot do—indeed, what almost no test can do—is capture a child’s “essence”. As parents and educators, we cannot let our children become defined by their percentile rankings. No test can measure the important factors that play a major role in life success: curiosity, effort, resilience, integrity, good judgment and compassion. Our teachers obviously understand the importance of such factors, and work equally as hard to build up these qualities in our students as they do to develop and strengthen the math, reading and writing skills at each grade level. 

Because the tests are timed and administered in sequence, it is very important that our students are present every day and arrive at school on time. Students who miss a section of the test may not have the opportunity to take a make-up test at another time. It is equally important that students get plenty of sleep and eat a nutritious breakfast in the morning so they are alert and able to function at their best.

We truly appreciate your understanding and cooperation regarding these important topics.

Peace and Blessings,

Crystal Pinkofsky




Calling all student lectors! If you are a student in grades 5 - 8, have received the Catholic sacraments of Baptism and First Communion, and are interested in being a reader at the 9:30 a.m. Family Masses on Sunday, or interested in learning some tips about how to be an engaging reader for our school liturgies, please have your parent(s) email Lisa Wellik, our parish Liturgy Coordinator, at

There will be a training open to new lectors, and a refresher session for our experienced student lectors on Friday, September 20, at 12:45 p.m. in church. Interested students will meet with Ms. Masterson at her office, and walk over to church together. At the end of the training session, students can be picked up in church at 1:15 p.m., or signed out at After-School Care.


It is my hope that everyone was able to safely navigate through the hot weather we had this past week. During one of the days when the temperature was near 100 degrees, a colleague from another school reached out to ask me if there were any CA state guidelines for extreme heat. The answer to that question is “no”, there is no statewide standard for hot weather guidelines in California schools, BUT individual school districts, schools, and athletic organizations are responsible for establishing their own protocols. Needless to say, that was not the answer she was looking for. I did share with her the list of procedures that we follow here at SPA to help keep our students, faculty and staff safe during hot weather: 

  • Hydration is very essential…we make certain that students have access to water and we remind them drink it frequently.
  •  Activities: We limit activities that are outdoors, especially between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
  • Clothing: We encourage students to wear lightweight clothing; no sweaters, sweatshirts or jackets should be worn outside.
  • Sun protection: As always, we encourage students to wear sunscreen, and to wear hats or caps if they are allowed to go outside. (Special thanks to our Sun Safety Committee!)
  • Locations: We use the cooler areas of the school campus for recess, lunch or PE (i.e. the gym, air-conditioned classrooms, the library, any shaded areas)
  • Schedule flexibility: We consider rescheduling or canceling outdoor activities during extreme heat. 

The Department of Public Health also provides guidance on when schools should cancel outdoor sporting activities based on the National Weather Service's heat risk forecast. Our coaches have access to this information. Let’s continue to pray for cooler days ahead!


Our annual Back-to-School Night will be held next Monday, September 16, at 6:30 p.m. We will begin in church with a general assembly, followed by grade level teacher presentations in the classrooms. This event is for parents/guardians only. Please mark this date on your calendar and plan to join us for an evening of important information, especially in regards to our school’s forthcoming accreditation, any policy changes, and any pertinent information regarding the education of our students. 

The PWC will need parent volunteers to help make the social fun of Back-to-School Night possible. Please sign up for set-up, bar service or clean-up, and don't worry, we promise you will not miss out on any of the presentations. We also need donations of red and white wine for the reception. Wine donations may be dropped off at the school front office. Please sign-up today using the following link to donate or help out:

Volunteer SignUp Link

We look forward to having you join us! 


Picture Day for our students will be held on Thursday, September 12th. Order forms will be sent home with all the students this week. Please make certain that your children will be in their regular SPA school uniforms — NO P.E. or Festival attire may be worn for pictures.

Please note that in addition to completing the order form you may also order pictures online at WWW.PICTURESWITHCLASS.COM

If that doesn't connect for any reason, you can also log into the Storefront website at and use this password: 0021297IN.

All online orders must be submitted between now and 24 hours after Picture Day. When an order is placed online, you will receive a "camera pass" via email. Please print that pass and have your student(s) bring it with them to school on Picture Day. The photographer will photograph the "camera pass" along with the student. After 24 hours, the online ordering access may close. Parents will have a second opportunity to order prints when the pictures have been delivered, but all those orders are subject to shipping and handling costs and will be shipped directly to your home.


Unleash your creativity and dive into the world of performance with our Drama Club: Thursdays, starting September 19th in classroom 4B from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. Under the direction of Mr. Alberti and Ms. Mizo, you’ll get to perform a short play, explore a two-partner scene, and showcase a monologue. Plus, enjoy exciting theatre games and improv exercises! It’s a fantastic opportunity to enhance your memorization skills and have a blast.

Some words from the Hollywood cast (SPA Actors)

“Drama Club is a great way to interact with classmates. It’s fun to perform! Also, it helps you see if you want to be an actor.” -Dylan Haghighi (5th grade)

“I love the improv! It helps me be in front of people. It’s all about teamwork.” -Duncan Davis (6th Grade)

“I love the whole experience, being with my classmates, and most of all, having fun after school!” -Nixon Lee (5th Grade)

“I can’t wait!” – Tallulah Gardiner (4th Grade)

Sign-up now at and step into the spotlight with us!


Please note that if your child will need to take any type of medication during school hours, the doctor must complete a “request for medication” form that will be given to Nurse Anderson. Our school nurse cannot, and will not, dispense medication of any kind without a physician’s signature. Please contact Nurse Anderson by email at to request the form.


As a school, we value both attendance and punctuality. Both are life skills, and when developed at an early age help to form good habits, reduce student anxiety, and lead to growth for the individual student. Parents are the key for the student’s timely preparation for the day and the on-time arrival of students. Of course, life happens and being late for school can occasionally happen.  

Our new Tardy Policy was developed because the number of families/students who are consistently tardy has grown to an unacceptable level. Consistent tardiness is viewed as a sign of disrespect to teachers, classmates, and the tardy student as well. Effective immediately, this is our Policy:

  1. Any students in grades 1 through 8 arriving after 8:05 a.m. will enter the school campus and remain in the garden area of the patio until the completion of Morning Prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, and announcements. 
  2. The students will then be issued a Tardy slip to be able to enter their Homeroom.
  3. The students will go to their Homeroom, quietly give the Tardy slip to the teacher, and store their phone (if applicable) in the class lock box.
  4. The students will then proceed to quietly join their first period class.

Upon receiving 5 Tardies, excluding medical appointments, parents will be contacted by the Administration and the student will be issued a Detention.

The Detention must be served BEFORE school the next day beginning at 7:20 a.m.

A member of the School Administration will be on the bench outside of the gym to receive the students. At 8:00 a.m. the students will be sent to their Homeroom. Please note: Missing or being late for the assigned Detention will result in additional Detention days.

If a student continues to be consistently late for school, a meeting with the Principal will be scheduled to discuss continued enrollment at St. Paul the Apostle School. We respectfully request that you help us teach your children the lesson that school is important by having them arrive on time every day.  

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