Principal's Post

Dear Saints Peter and Paul Parents,

In The Imitation of Christ Book III, Chapter 56, Jesus says, “ Without the way there is no going; without the truth there is no knowing; without the life there is no living. I am the Way you must follow; the Truth that you must believe; the Life that you must hope for.”  To have the opportunity each day to see your children follow His example is a gift.  A kind word, a contagious smile or laughter, a joyful expression, and witness to a student placing the needs of another student before their own are daily expressions of your children’s witness of their faith.

Many of you saw the photo this week of two sixth graders at their lockers praying when noon prayers began from the studio.  This was a moving example of what a strong faith and relationship with God means to the community of SSPP. These students exemplified what it means to imitate Christ!  

May we all grow stronger in our relationship with God and try to imitate Him as we journey through Lent.

Have a lovely weekend! 


Veronica Chandler

Veronica Chandler 

Looking Ahead…

March 10th - Second Trimester ends

March 13th - Third trimester begins.

March 15th  - 1:30 pm. Come see some of our younger students perform their Irish dances in 

                       the school gym!

March 14th & 15th - Grandparents/Special Person’s Day is 8:30 am

March 17th  - Report cards go home.  Parents  sign and return the envelope

March 20th - Confession for grades 3-8

March 20th - 7:00 pm in the Church. 

March 23rd - 7th Graders Visit Bishop Shanahan High School   

March 24th - No school. Faculty retreat.

April 5-10- Easter Break

April 22nd - Wild Wild West, Spring Auction and Fundraiser - Save the Date. 7 pm at SSPP.

  • Proceeds raised benefit a security and privacy fence around the playground and field
  • If you wish to contribute to this exciting cause CLICK HERE for additional details.

May 12th - Save the Date: Sweetheart Dance for SSPP girls and guest, More details to follow shortly 6:00-8:00 pm grades K-8 in the gym.


        If you wish to contribute to SSPP's new security fence, click here  

Tyler's Service Project

                Living beyond Sunday, Jesus in your daily life - YouTube

                 CLICK HERE to support the new school security fence

Saints Peter and Paul School

1327 Boot Road

West Chester, PA 19380

tel. (610) 696.1000 fax (484) 631.0181

Mrs. Veronica Chandler, Principal

Mr. Dan McKinney, Board Chairman

Barbara McCarron, Advancement Director