Prince of Peace Anaheim | May 2nd, 2024

Don't forget to click view entire message at the bottom to see the full newsletter!

Doing “New Math” in Jesus


And he said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written, “ ‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ (Mark 7:6)


 In the Name + of Jesus. Amen. The Old Adam in us loves math; he is forever adding and subracting, multiplying and dividing. When it comes to God’s Word, the Old Sinner in us falls into the temptation to add to the Word of God or to subtract from it. We make the Scriptures say more than they do by adding our ideas and reasoning to the inspired Word, or we take away from the words of Scripture, especially when those particular words don’t fit our views of who God is and how he works out his plan of salvation.


The Pharisees were at the top of their class in mathmatics. They added their own ideas of law keeping to the Scriptures as if following these manmade laws would multiply their righteousness before God. They were so caught up in religious accounting, micromanaging the dos and don’ts of the letter of the law, that they neglected the very spirit and heart of the law – to love God and neighbor by faith. This kind of love can only come from faith, and by this faith alone does God count one as righteous; without faith it is impossible to please God. 


God has solved our math problems in Jesus. The accounting books have been settled on the cross of Christ. There all our sins were nailed to his blood shed cross, and there our Lord took all our sins upon himself and canceled our record of debt agasinst God’s holy law! You are washed, you are clean, you are forgiven, you are made holy and blameless all on account of Jesus. There is nothing to add to his cross and we dare not subtract from it.


This is the miracle of the Christian faith that we actually and simply believe what God has decalred to be true for us on account of Jesus. I know the math doesn’t add up, but God is not bound by our formulas for how we think we are to be saved. Grace throws the math out the window and welcomes you to believe the logical ridiculousness of the Good News for you in Jesus Christ. 


“Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.” (Jude 24-25)


In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.

-Pastor Darrin Sheek



Pastor's Book of the Month:

Luther's Small Catechism:

Manual for Discipleship

-by John T. Pless

"Who are disciples? What is a life of discipleship?

This book answers those important questions by looking at Luther's Small Catechism as a field manual for how to live in faith and serve in love according to God's commandments.

Author John Pless capitalizes on the Lutheran view of discipleship to equip pastors and laity to better utilize Luther's Small Catechism as a guide for a life of discipleship."

Purchase a copy from the link below:

Buy Book here

Free Books/Devotions Available in the Narthex!

Add to your daily routine with some inspirational spiritual reading! The church has many different devotional and prayer books to choose from at our free literature table, located in the Narthex. We receive new editions every few months so be sure to check back frequently.


Upcoming Events:

  • Pacific Southwest District Convention - 6/ 7-9 /24

Convention held in Rosemead. Registration has started and going through May 1. If anyone is interested details can be found on the website:


Annual End of the School Year Luau!

Please come enjoy our students singing at the 10:30 service followed by festivities!


Annual P.O.P. Angel's Game! Get Your Tickets Early!


This month our congregation is supporting

The 1517 Organization

1517 is a nonprofit organization that exists to declare and defend the Good News that you are forgiven and free on account of Christ alone. 

Donate to this Month's Mission Here

Sunday Service

Please Join us this Sunday as we gather for worship. Service times are 8:00am & 10:30am. We are looking forward to seeing you this Sunday!

Click Here to View Past Sermons

Upcoming Service: Love One Another

Scripture Readings: 

Service Bulletin:

Those Who Serve in Worship May 5th


8:00am: John Henderson

10:30am: Randy Cade & Steven Sarandis


8:00am:  10:30am:


8:00am: Matt Cooper 10:30am: Randy Cade

Altar Guild

(1st, 3rd, & 5th Sunday)

8:00am: Judy Vega 10:30am: Linda Henderson

Children's Sunday School

9:15am: Kayleen Ojeda

Ways you Can Serve:

We are thankful for those who support our Divine Service every Sunday by filling much these needed positions. If you are interested in learning more about these roles, or how you can help during service,

Please Contact Pastor Sheek:

(949) 370-7198


Sunday Morning

Bible Study

Please join us Sunday, May 1st at 9:15am for coffee and discussion.

Led By: Guest Rev. Nader Hanna

Tuesday Morning

Bible Study

Please join us every Tuesday morning at 9:30am for coffee, fellowship and discussion.

Led By: Elder Steven Sarandis

Topic: Hebrews

Wednesday Night

Bible Study

We Resume May 8th

Returning Soon!

Saturday Morning

Women's Bible Study

Ladies, please join us Saturday mornings at 9:30 in the board room for fellowship around the Word of God! We are currently studying Acts. For more information and study materials, please contact Kim Violette @

NEW! Saturday Morning

Men's Group

~Once a Month~

Next Meeting: May 18th

We have a new group starting for men that we would love for you to check out! 5/18 @ 9:30am in the Fellowship Room. For more information please contact Matt Cooper @


Children's Sunday School

Children's Sunday School is held Every Sunday at 9:15am in the school building and is open to all children age 4-12. Sunday school students enjoy a Snack, Craft and Bible lesson.

Please encourage your children to try out Sunday School and maybe even bring a friend from the neighborhood!

Youth Group

Next Wednesday! 3:30-6:00PM

Youth Group meets every Wednesday after school in the Youth Room for Prince of Peace students and friends in 7th-9th grade

(located upstairs next to the 7/8 grade classroom)

Youth Group at Zion Tomorrow!


Please check out our church bulletin board for some items needed by our teachers and church staff. Our giving tree is an opportunity for our congregation to support our church, school and preschool. Please choose a blossom and turn it into either the church or school office with a donation towards your selected item, or feel free to donate the item outright if it's something you already have!

Here are some items we are in need of so far:



Click here for the Youth Group Amazon Wish list


Click here for the Kindergarten Amazon Wish List

1st/2nd GRADE

Click Here for 1st/2nd Grade Amazon Wish List

3rd/4th GRADE

Click Here for 3rd/4th Grade Amazon Wish List



$40 provides 1 hour counseling session for one student

Donations toward tuition assistance

Donations toward Field Trips


Single-serving crystal light packets

Small water bottles

We are happy to be able to live stream our 8:00 am service to our YouTube Channel for those that would like to view from home. You can find a link to our services and other videos on our channel. Please Subscribe to our channel using the YouTube icon below, and click the 'Notifications Bell' to ensure you are alerted every time we post a new video. Thank You!

We thank God that our congregation remains healthy! We pray for everyone's continued health and strength as we move forward!

•We pray for our school staff and all of our students and families that God has placed in our care here at Prince of Peace Lutheran School, this year. We pray for continued good health for our staff to continue their dedication, commitment and love for the families and students that God has placed in our school. We are so thankful for their loving service each and every day. We keep our school & staff in our prayers daily.

•We give thanks to God for the love and financial support from the congregation as we continue to see His blessings each day in our ministries here at Prince of Peace.

•We thank God for all the new and returning families at our school this year. We continue to pray for and welcome new families & students throughout the school year.

•We pray that members at Prince of Peace grow in faith and love for one another, willing to give of our gifts and talents within the congregation, serving and sharing Christ with our neighbors, family, and friends.

•For Cynthia Cade for healing and strength

•For Warren Carr, for strength and healing

• We give thanks for Robin Biringer's recovery of health

•For Bob Sheppard for care and healing during treatment for prostate cancer

•For John Henderson for continued healing and strength 

•For Roman, Thanksgiving for improved kidney function and for continued healing

•For Sharon Walter, sister of Lynn Zeilenga, for comfort and healing from illness

•For Christine Day, Mother of Deborah Cekorich's grandchild, recently diagnosed with breast cancer

For Ellen Puente, mother of Sarah Salazar, starting chemotherapy

For Kimmery, sister of Kayleen Ojeda, for good results on a pending medical diagnosis

For Karyn, grandmother of Kayleen Ojeda, recovering from a broken rib

For Magdalena, For health and family and help in finding employment


If you would like to add a prayer request to this list, feel free to reply to this email or contact the church.


Pastor Sheek And Our Elders

Pastor Sheek and our Board of Elders continue to pray for you and are here to support you. Pastor Sheek is available any time and can be reached via email or his cell for continuing support.


Cell #: (949) 370-7198

Our Board of Elders have been reaching out and are hard at work to keep our flock in contact during these challenging times.


  • We have been working hard to update our member contact information. if you would like a Church Directory, please stop by the church office so we can get you one.

  • Our goal is to send out a new “News and Updates” email to all of our members every week. This email highlights important upcoming events for both the church and school. You can even check out the scripture readings for upcoming Sunday Services ahead of time! Please be sure to check your emails every week.



During this time of uncertainty, your continuing support is as important as ever! There are several options for you to give this month to help our church succeed and grow in the challenging times ahead. Please consider pledging a donation on our secure donation page which can be found on our website or simply by clicking the Donate Now button below. You can also mail a check or drop off a donation to the church office at :

1421 W Ball Road

Anaheim, CA 92802

Church Office Hours:

Monday -Thursday

10:30am -3:30pm

Donate Now
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