 | [PHARMACY] [MANUSCRIPT] Pharmacist Notebook. Cobb, Fred U. 1888. Hardcover. 110 pages. 20 x 13 cm. Fred Cobb was a pharmacist who attended the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy in 1887 and had part of his thesis "Proximate Analysis... (#4200) Price: $385.00 | |
 | [MANUSCRIPT] [COOKERY] Handwritten Recipe Book. Glass, Sarah E. ND (c. 1940's). Sewn binding. 15 x 9 cm. A well organized, handwritten recipe booklet styled in the dos-à-dos fashion - recipes written one way going forward and written the... (#4201) Price: $50.00 | |
 | [DESIGN] Maytag Washing Machine Design Archive. Dykes, Downer P. Newton, Iowa: 1950's. This interesting collection represents the large part electrical appliances had on the American consumers during the post W.W.II era. The Maytag brand, originated in 1893 by Frederick... (#4175) Price: $725.00 | |
 | [MANUSCRIPT] Journal - 2 Volumes. Gallant, Rosella Mae "Rose" Thomas (1856-1939). Delaware, Ohio: 1929-1930 & 1937-1939. This particular set of journals, was, at first glance, an archetypal account of small town living in the midwest. The overlooked aspect of the detail... (#4119) Price: $525.00 | |
 | [TEXTILES] My Own Kenmore Sewing Scrap Book. Sears, Roebuck and Co. Sears, Roebuck and Co., c. 1960. Wraps. Unpaginated [20pp.] 22 x 28 cm. Sewing instructional book filled with completed assignments. Handwritten instructions along with completed pieces of work, pinned in... (#3477) Price: $200.00 | |