Primary Care Update on COVID-19
If you received this from a colleague and wish to receive updates directly
April 11, 2020

PPE "Hub" now live

 A new process and ordering system has been launched to consistently address urgent requests for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) across the Ontario Health West Region. 

The process for accessing PPE is as follows:

NON URGENT PPE needs (i.e., running low but not critical), please:

  1. Go through usual vendors to attain
  2. Access local donations. If unable to attain then...
  3. Submit a request to the Ontario Health West Portal

URGENT PPE SHORTAGES: submit your request through the Ontario Health West Portal to the local London Middlesex PPE Hub. A three-day supply of PPE will be provided based on availability of supply.

If you receive a response saying "request declined" : the 'declined' message is for internal inventory communication that allows the central virtual warehouse to track inventory that needs to be sent to the Hub.

Since our Hub is also storing a limited supply of Donated PPE, the Hub volunteers will contact you immediately if Donated Supply is available.

Please note: the London Middlesex PPE Hub Volunteers will do their best to ensure that you do not run out of PPE.

Mandatory Reporting of PPE Inventory to MOHLTC

Physician offices and any organizations providing health care or social services requiring PPE must report their inventory levels  daily to the Ministry of Health .   Please use the Ontario PPE Survey   (Password: PPEsurvey2020) following these   instructions .

Reporting of PPE to the OMA

Physician offices: the OMA asks that you continue to respond regularly to the OMA PPE Survey to effectively advocate on your behalf to access PPE for community-based physicians. 

Thank you to Frank Rubini, OMA Regional Manager who assisted in having this data shared on a daily basis with the Sub Regional Pandemic Clinical Leads and the PPE Hubs.

Recommendations for the Use of PPE

Please ensure your office is using PPE appropriately and following OMA Recommendations for Use of PPE .

Community Donations of PPE

Please direct any donated PPE supplies to Janet Dang, Transformation Lead at to ensure it becomes part of the "Donated PPE Supply" for community providers.
Please share this email or any of the links above with community HCPs who may not be hearing from Ontario Health directly.
If there are non-hospital COVID-19 related issues/solutions in your region, please escalate them to your
Regional Pandemic Clinical Lead
(tasked by Ontario Health West to facilitate, coordinate, and engage with stakeholders for the pandemic response within the SW LHIN area RE: primary care/vulnerable populations)...structure HERE .
Dr. Gordon Schacter
Co-Chair, SW Prim Care/Vulnerable Pop'n Response
London Middlesex Region Pandemic Clinical Lead