Upton Bass Barn
Just Listed
 Jens Paulus German Style Bow, just listed on UptonBass.com
Just Listed
 Jean-Paul Martin German Style Double Bass Bow, just listed on UptonBass.com
$500 OFF!
Have you noticed that Gary has kept the $500 off Standard Laminated & Hybrid basses in place? With fast lead times...you could be playing an Upton faster than you think!
Although we can't speak to the true origins of pretzels and beer, we can confirm that the Mittenwald style of basses originated in the Bavarian region of Germany at the Matthias Kloz shop in 1686. Today Mittenwald style basses are the "working man's bass," stout bodied basses generally constructed from a moderate woods, but known for their big bass tone.
Upton Bass was recently commissioned to build an extraordinary interpretation of our Mittenwald model, and we want to share this beautiful double bass with you. This Mittenwald is special due to its exceptional wood choice and fully carved back. Read the full story below.
Give Gary or myself a call and lets talk about building a Mittenwald for you. A select amount of the fine lumber used on the "Wortsmith" bass is available for future commissions. We love what we do, and we'd love to do it for you!
Upton Bass String Instrument Co.
The Mittenwald Model UptonBass.com
The Mittenwald was the last to debut from our line of six hero models. It represents our interpretation of the classic basses from the German municipality of Mittenwald, located in Bavaria on the northern foothills of the Alps. Violinmaking took root in Mittenwald in the late 17th Century, with the establishment of Matthias Kloz's shop in 1686. With abundant resources of spruce and maple at his disposal and a favorable trade location, he and his sons would establish a design style, refined by exposure to northern Italian masters, that lives on to this day.
The contrabasses from the Mittenwald school are characterized by a high-shouldered gamba pattern with outside linings on deep ribs. The large, but stout body paired with a flat back creates the big bass tone that is powerful enough to lift a string section or push a big band.
Listen to Gary play the Mittenwald Model on UptonBass.com
The "Wortsmith" Mittenwald
What's the difference between a Mittenwald and an
extraordinary Mittenwald? In this case, it is our classic Mittenwald design, with a fully carved round back, upgraded wood choice, and customized varnish. This bass was a commissioned piece, and possibly one of the top 10 Upton Bass has ever made (but we tend to say that whenever we make a bass like this!). It features a German spruce top with European maple back, neck, and sides. A light amber finish was chosen to highlight the wood underneath. We could gush about this bass all day, but we feel that the pictures speak louder than words.
We just completed building this bass, in fact, the crate was just delivered to its new owner today.