miSci Presents Virtual Education for Schools, Libraries, and Groups
Subjects Include Engineering and Technology, Life Science, Earth and Space Science, and Physical Science
Schenectady, NY (January 12, 2021) – The Museum of Innovation and Science (miSci) is offering a variety of engaging STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) educational programs as virtual experiences for schools, libraries, and groups. Each program features a miSci science communicator performing demonstrations and guiding hands-on experiments designed to excite and inform learners. These virtual programs cover a wide span of scientific disciplines with experiences that can be tailored for all ages, all presented in less than an hour.
The complete lineup is as follows:

Engineering, Technology, and the Application of Science
Rosie Revere: Engineer 
Learn about the science of engineering through an engaging story and hands-on engineering project. Students build their own take-home flying machine and get to test and improve its performance.
Capacity: Up to 25 participants
Program length: 35–45 minutes
Best for grades: K–2
Engineering Mission
Following the engineering process, students design, build, test, evaluate, and redesign a shock-absorbing system that protects two marshmallow “astronauts” while they land on the moon.
Capacity: Up to 25 Participants
Program length: 35–45 minutes
Best for grades: 3–8

Life Science
Insect Invasion
What makes a butterfly an insect? Learn how scientists collect, study, and group arthropods according to structure. Students explore the amazing diversity of insects by observing mounted collections and identifying basic insect biology while creating their own “insect”.
Capacity: Up to 25 Participants
Program length: 35–45 minutes
Best for grades: Pre K–3
Optical Illusions
Trick your eyes and brain with optical illusions and discover how artists have used techniques to trick us for hundreds of years. Participants observe a real cow’s eye dissection and learn about how the parts of the eye work together to create our sense of sight.
Capacity: Up to 25 participants
Program length: 35–45 minutes
Best for grades: 3–8 grade
Crime Lab Science*
Explore forensic science and how evolving technology helps scientists and detectives discover the truth about mysterious criminal cases. “Detectives in training” participate in a mock investigation where they identify the main types of fingerprints, explore the science of chromatography, learn about DNA and how to extract it, and use all of the evidence to identify the culprit.
Capacity: Up to 25 participants
Program length: 35–45 minutes
Best for grades: 3–8

Earth and Space Science 
Just a Phase* 
Just a Phase investigates Earth's closest neighbor, the Moon. Students explore lunar phases by creating and observing a scale model of the Earth-Sun-Moon system, identifying the phases of the Moon, and discussing how and why they occur.
Capacity: Up to 25 participants
Program length: 35–45 minutes
Best for grades: 2–5
Spinning in Space
Why is it light during the day and dark at night? Learn about Earth and its relation to other bodies in the solar system. Students discover, through kinesthetic activities, the movement of the Earth, Moon, and Sun system and how this causes common phenomena such as day and night.
Capacity: Up to 25 participants
Program length: 35–45 minutes
Best for grades: Pre K–5
Let’s Talk Space 
Learn about the newest discoveries and most exciting science missions beyond our planet with an interactive lecture from miSci’s experienced program designers. Topics range from the most recent footage of other planets, to the design and launch of brand-new research missions, to the search for life beyond Earth.
Capacity: Up to 25 participants
Program length: 45–60 minutes
Best for grades: 6–12

Physical Science
Fun with Physics
Physics is everywhere, even when we play! Students identify different forces by observing Bernoulli’s principle, falling objects, gyroscopes, and more. In the second half of the program, participants create a helicopter toy to illustrate the principles that they have investigated.
Capacity: Up to 25 participants
Program length: 35–45 minutes
Best for grades: 3–8
The smallest things around us make a big difference. Through five different demonstrations, students observe and learn about how things at the nanoscale act in unexpected ways, and how these differences are harnessed by scientists and engineers to create the fascinating technology all around us.
Capacity: Up to 25 participants
Program length: 35–45 minutes
Best for grades: K–6
Dry Ice*
Explore the states of matter with some super cold chemical ice! Participants watch as objects are frozen before their eyes, bubbles float on an invisible bed, and clouds of gas erupt from the lab table. Learners also get to observe firsthand the process of sublimation, where a solid becomes a gas without first becoming a liquid.
Capacity: Up to 25 participants
Program length: 35–45 minutes
Best for grades: 2–8
The Magic of Electricity
We use electricity every day, but what is it and how does it work? In The Magic of Electricity, students observe both static and dynamic electricity and learn about the difference between the two. Participants also discover how electric circuits are formed, how electric charges work, and witness hair-raising demonstrations with a Van de Graaf generator.
Capacity: Up to 25 participants
Program length: 35–45 minutes
Best for grades: 1–12
Liquid Nitrogen
Nitrogen is a gas that can become a liquid! Participants observe such uncommon states of matter as liquid boiling at room temperature. Through fascinating demonstrations, learners discover how liquid nitrogen is made and used in science, and about the curious effects this extreme cold has on a variety of materials.
Capacity: Up to 25 participants
Program length: 35–45 minutes
Best for grades: 2–8
Virtual Programs may be scheduled by visiting or by contacting Cindy DeMarco at or by phone at (518) 382-7890, ext. 228.

All classes include a live presentation with a miSci educator, materials for hands-on experiments, and pre- and post-activities for teachers. Classes or groups will be invited to join a private Zoom session to connect with the science communicator at miSci. Two weeks prior to a scheduled virtual program, miSci will send a package containing the required supplies to your school or organization.
Each program is offered at the cost of $160, which includes materials for hands-on experiments.

Financial aid, including support from the Jane Golub STEM Fund, may be available for those who qualify. Please inquire during booking for details.
*An advanced version of this program is available for students up to grade 12.

Adam Husted
(518) 382-7890, ext. 297 


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