miSci Presents Virtual Classes for Kids During April Break Week
Subjects Include Dinosaurs, the Solar System, Forensic Science, Liquid Nitrogen, and Silly Putty®
Schenectady, NY (March 8, 2021) – The Museum of Innovation and Science (miSci) is offering five virtual classes for kids during the April Spring recess. miSci science communicators will present daily hands-on experiments on Zoom April 5 through 9, between 1 and 2 p.m. Each class includes a materials kit that can be picked up at miSci. The kit contains instructions and all of the items needed to perform the day’s science activity at home. 
The complete lineup is as follows:

Dino Discovery 
Monday, April 5, 1–1:45 p.m. 
How are dinosaurs different from other animals? What happened to the dinosaurs? What did dinosaurs eat? What is a fossil? Explore the prehistoric world as you learn how to identify dinosaurs while creating your very own dino-fossils. 
Hosted on Zoom 
Best for grades: K–3 
Fee: $20 

CSI: miSci 
Tuesday, April 6, 1–1:45 p.m. 
Learn about forensic science and how evolving technology helps scientists and detectives discover the truth about mysterious criminal cases. "Detectives in training" participate in a mock investigation where they identify the main types of fingerprints, explore the science of chromatography, learn about DNA and how to extract it, and use all the evidence to identify the culprit. 
Hosted on Zoom 
Best for grades: K–3 
Fee: $20 

Bouncing Bouncy Ball 
Wednesday, April 7, 1–1:45 p.m. 
Did you know that the famous Silly Putty® was accidentally developed by an engineer at General Electric, James Wright? Bounce into a world of chemistry by mixing different ratios of ingredients to make the best bouncy ball.  
Hosted on Zoom 
Best for grades: K–3 
Fee: $20 

Spinning in Space 
Thursday, April 8, 1–1:45 p.m. 
Why is it light during the day and dark at night? Learn about Earth and its relation to other bodies in the solar system. Students discover, through a pocket solar system model, the movement of the Earth, Moon, and Sun system and how this causes common phenomena such as day and night. 
Hosted on Zoom 
Best for grades: K–3 
Fee: $20 

Liquid Nitrogen 
Friday, April 9, 1–1:45 p.m. 
Nitrogen is a gas that can become a liquid! Participants observe such uncommon states of matter as liquid boiling at room temperature. Through fascinating demonstrations, learners discover how liquid nitrogen is made and used in science, and the curious effects this extreme cold has on a variety of materials. 
Hosted on Zoom 
Best for grades: K–5 
Fee: $20 

All classes include a live presentation with a miSci educator, materials for hands-on experiments, and extra activities for young scientists to explore on their own after the live session.  
Links to join the virtual presentations will be emailed to registrants the week prior to the events. 
*Note: Materials kits will be available via curbside pick-up at miSci on Friday, April 2, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, April 3, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 
Sign up online using the following link:  
Or sign up by contacting Cindy DeMarco, miSci’s Reservationist, by email at or by phone at (518) 382-7890, ext. 228.  

Adam Husted
(518) 382-7890, ext. 297 


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