For Immediate Release
Media Contact:
Lindsay Gilliam, Marketing
Utility Solutions, Inc.
Utility Solutions Inc has a unique and mutually beneficial relationship with their local Lineman Institute at CCC&TI.
January 18, 2022 - Hickory, NC - The Lineman students at Caldwell Community College & Technical Institute (CCC&TI) delivered and installed a 40 foot pole and cross arm to the Utility Solutions demo yard on December 16, 2021. Utility Solutions will use the pole for product demos and development, and the students gained hands-on experience in a controlled environment.

Marty Walker, Energy Programs Coordinator for CCC&TI, said "Utility Solutions is one of many valuable partners that help CCC&TI provide quality educational opportunities for prospective electrical lineworkwers and skilled, well-trained workers for employers nationwide. We appreciate the opportunities they provide for our students, including access to the latest products and equipment, as well as hands-on learning opportunities in the field like they experienced on our recent visit to their demo yard.”

After the install, students toured the production facility with USI staff. Utility Solutions has Territory Managers stationed across the country, all of which were in town for the install.

"Marty was able to bring his class down to our demo yard and install another pole and cross-arm for us" said Aaron Wood, Sales Director for USI, "Our Territory Managers got so much out of seeing them working in a real-world situation. I really appreciate CCC&TI, we have had a strong relationship for a while now."

Utility Solutions has a long-standing relationship with the local college. In 2014, the group had a similar exchange where the students installed a pole for USI's demo yard. Both parties are appreciative of the experience, and plan to continue this relationship in the future.
About Utility Solutions, Inc.
Utility Solutions, Inc. is a designer and manufacturer of hotline tools and products for the electrical power industry. Founded in 1990 by engineers with broad electrical distribution experience, Utility Solutions has accumulated an impressive list of innovative and patented products that directly relate to a lineman's job.
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