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CFVI Announces Availability of $25,000 Grants

for Humanities Projects  

Funding provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)


APPLICATION DEADLINE: Thursday, March 28, 2024 (11:59 pm AST)

U.S. Virgin Islands, March 1, 2024  The Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands (CFVI) in partnership with the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is pleased to announce the availability of funding for humanities-based projects in the USVI, with grants of up to $25,000 each.


CFVI has partnered with the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) since 2020 and since then has awarded nearly $1.3 million to community organizations throughout the U.S. Virgin Islands to support humanities programming and activities.


"We are so very thankful to NEH for continuing this important Initiative which provides opportunities to enrich the lives of people throughout the U.S. Virgin Islands through projects focused on humanities education, lifelong learning, and public humanities programming," said CFVI President, Dee Baecher-Brown. 

CFVI will make dedicated subawards for humanities programming that reflects the unique needs of the U.S. Virgin Islands' diverse communities, advances the public’s knowledge and understanding of the humanities, culture, heritage, and preservation, and makes humanities programs accessible to all people throughout the U.S. Virgin Islands.  

Grants are available to fund humanities programs, projects, and initiatives such as book festivals, literacy campaigns, speaker’s bureaus, teacher development, cultural tourism, humanities publications, films, exhibitions, and projects that preserve and provide access to cultural and educational resources in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Projects that incorporate U.S. Virgin Islands' history/culture are encouraged.

Applications will be reviewed for eligibility and completeness, and evaluated by a committee composed of experts in humanities, nonprofit grantmaking, and/or U.S. Virgin Islands’ history and culture.

Applications must be submitted by 11:59 pm AST on March 28, 2024 through the CFVI grant portal at For more information on grant requirements, eligibility, evaluation criteria and reporting, or to submit an application, visit

Applicants with additional questions are encouraged to contact CFVI Grants and Programs Director, Beth Nuttall, at  


About the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands
Since 1990, CFVI has been a catalyst for positive change in the territory through initiatives committed to youth, learning, family support and the environment. With a professional staff and a volunteer Board of Directors composed of community leaders, CFVI is a trusted advocate and supporter of programs that ensure opportunity and sustainability for current and future generations. CFVI is a registered non-profit organization entirely supported by individual donors, grants, trusts, corporate donations and estate planning. For more information, visit
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