News Advisory
Contact: Deana 703-631-0650

2023 Health Care Symposium

Fundamental Social Priorities in Modern Health Care

Washington, DC, June 2, 2023  -- Dialogue on Diversity presents its 2023 Symposium on Health Care in a day-long session Thursday, June 15th at the UNIDOS-US.conference site on Sixteenth Street in central Washington. The agenda brings together, notes Ma. Cristina Caballero, longtime head of Dialogue on Diversity’s efforts, a phalanx of medical scientists, academics, and practicing providers.  Some of the guest experts are noted below. Long time Dialogue associate Franklin Garcia brings welcome greetings from the city. Among guests greeting attendees are Eduardo Perdomo, director of the Mayor’s Office on Latino affairs, a D.C. agency generously supporting a portion of the Dialogue’s activities. Our appreciation goes as well to the Ana G. Méndez University for generous support, and to UNIDOS-US for the welcome Sixteenth Street program site.

Thursday, June 15th, 2023 -- 10am - 4pm

Reception & Awards -- 4pm - 6pm

UNIDOSUS - Raul Yzaguirre Building

1126 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C.

Register here for the 2023 Health Care Symposium

In the morning’s lead-off session, Melissa Rohan holds forth as head of a private, non-sectarian school in downtown Washington, Waterfront Academy, for kids pre-kindergarten on up,  with a sophisticated regimen of early reading and language facility. All coupled with the analysis of Professor Melissa Hladek, Ph.D., of the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing — persuasively continuing the theme of responsibility incumbent on parents, and on their schools, with staffs of skilled professionals, displaying the never quite seen, nearly innate, and indisputably potent linguistic and thinking faculties of ordinary young subjects.

Women’s Health Equity,  in both Law and Policy, forms the lead-off topic for the afternoon session, with the analysis by Prof. Asha Scielzo leading figure  in the Health Law Program at American University, tracing the complex evolution of this aspect of our  jurisprudence.

A well-focused Look Ahead is the theme of the last third of the Symposium agenda, as a trio of speakers take the floor in the afternoon session, Luz E. Nieves Professor of public health at Ana G. Méndez University, Katerín Coronel, a gifted high-school student, a recent transplant from Peru to Falls Church, VA, and Ms. Patricia Corrales, an experienced entrepreneur running a thriving D.C. construction firm — each recounting the provocative viewpoint of a distinct milieu, all united in the day’s themes.

Perhaps the most significant of the day’s panels is titled: the Shape of Health Care in Prospect. Professor Monica S. Ruíz of the Milken School of Public Health at GWU holds forth on the emerging shape of a future health care apparatus, while Ana Sierra, Ph.D,  stands among  the experts in the several fields of direct health care, along with the diligent workers who power the skein of ancillary organizations that complement and power the growing health care exertions of a concerned society. The mechanisms of financial support for the fortunes of health care are reviewed by Antonio Guérnica, Business Development Director, of the D.C. Health Benefit Exchange authority.

The Symposium’s crowning event is the presentation to Lily Waterston, a language Maven known chiefly for work with the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association, whose tireless labors have up-ended the perennially backward notions of language forms only recently current  throughout Central and South America — regions now benefiting from the shrewdly fashioned package of modernizing concepts.  The Award is to be presented by Dialogue on Diversity’s President,  Ma. Cristina Caballero.                                            

An Invitation to the Dialogue’s gala Reception following the Symposium sessions is extended to all Dialogue friends and to each of the participants and attendees at the day’s symposium. 

Register here for the 2023 Health Care Symposium
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Dialogue on Diversity: Founded in 1991, Dialogue on Diversity, a §501(c)3 non-profit, is an international network of women, and men, entrepreneurs and professionals, NGO executives and staff, a non-profit civil society organization bringing together Latino and other diverse ethnicities and cultural traditions, for exploring essential social and policy questions.
Dialogue on Diversity, Inc.  1629 K Street, N.W., Suite 300, Washington, D.C.  20006
Tel: (703) 631-0650 Fax: (703) 631-0617 Web:, Email:
Dialogue on Diversity, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Organization,  Contributions are tax-deductible.