Dear Colleagues,
I wanted to provide you with a brief update on the status of our title and scope of practice legislation, but first, I hope you had a restful and reflective Memorial Day. Thank you to all our Veteran CRNAs for your service.
Daily conversations continue even as the legislative session draws to a close.
After a successful Lobby Day at the Capital and substantive meetings with members of the Higher Education Committee, our Government Relations team, lobbyist, legal counsel and Board of Directors remain laser-focused on our main legislative priority–to pass Senate Bill S769 (Cooney)/Assembly Bill A6958-B (Reyes). As of this writing, both bills are in committee.
With only a short time left in session, we are in almost daily conversations between our teams and key members in Albany. In early May we finally received more updates via the technical review process from the State Education Department (NYSED). After discussions with and feedback from this office, we have adjusted the bills’ language to closely align with state regulations, offering a path toward the successful passage of this important piece of legislation this session.
We will continue to hold discussions throughout the next week.
Click here for a refresher on this legislation and the main talking points.
As soon as we have more updates I will share them.