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President's Update

Dear Families,


I hope you all had a wonderful April Break and enjoyed some well-deserved rest and relaxation. It's great to see our students, faculty and staff back on campus, embracing the spirit of Spring with enthusiasm and energy. 


This week, we had the pleasure of welcoming Mr. Tony Thompson back to Malden Catholic. His message about becoming a positive influence on others resonated deeply with our Grade 9 and Grade 10 students. He reminded us of the importance of empathy, understanding, and overcoming challenges.

Our community has also been actively engaged in various events and activities. MC's Dance Company hosted a touching benefit performance, "Dancers Against Cancer," raising funds for the American Cancer Society. Additionally, our Senior Basket Blessing Ceremony was a heartwarming occasion, with Brother Thomas Puccio imparting blessings upon each of the 188 beautifully crafted baskets prepared for Malden Catholic Seniors. Today, we will celebrate the annual Women's Day of Recollection, bringing together mothers and women from our Malden Catholic family. It will be a day dedicated to reflection, connection, and fostering camaraderie among each other.


As we come together to celebrate the abundance of blessings here at Malden Catholic, it's important to reflect on the relationship we have with God. In times of joy and gratitude, the Scripture offers us guidance, reminding us that genuine happiness stems from the Lord.


Psalm 37:4 tells us, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." This verse speaks to the profound connection between our spiritual fulfillment and the contentment we find in our lives. When we center our hearts on faith and cultivate a deep relationship with God, we discover a sense of joy and purpose. 


Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community. 




Jeffrey P. Smith '95, P'24 ‘26 

At a Glance

Monday, April 29

Day A

Jesuit Excellence College Tour - 12:30 PM

Senior Christian Service

Tuesday, April 30

Grade H

Q4 Second Progress Report (Underclass)

Parent Book Club Meeting - 7 PM

Senior Christian Service

Wednesday, May 1

Day G

Day of Giving Back

Praying of the Rosary - 7:25 AM

Midpoint Q4 (Underclass)

Senior Christian Service

Thursday, May 2

Day F

Senior Christian Service

Friday, May 3

Day E

Weekly Mass - 7:25 AM

Delayed Start - 9 AM

Fourth Quarter Ends (AP Seniors)

Spring Clothing Drive Ends

Drama Club Production - 7 PM

Senior Christian Service

Saturday, May 4

Drama Club Production - 7 PM

MC Weekly Dining Menu

We are providing multiple channels for accessing the MC weekly lunch menu to make it easier for students to plan lunch throughout the week.

The MC lunch menu is also available on our website through this link and on the Malden Catholic Mobile App, which offers easy access to the online portal for adding money to student lunch accounts.

School and College Counseling - Grade 12 Reminders

Naviance Reminder

MC’s School and College Counseling department would like to remind Grade 12 students to update their Naviance account with all college decisions including acceptances, deferred, wait listed and denied.

Graduation Survey

Grade 12 students must complete the mandatory graduation survey located in their Naviance account. The survey is used to create student graduation biographies and collect information about college scholarships.

The survey can be accessed by selecting the drop-down menu arrow under your name at the top of the Naviance sign-in page, and selecting "Surveys from Your School." It is important to remember to save your progress until the survey is complete.

Please reach out to Mrs. DelGenio with any questions at delgenios@maldencatholic.org.

What's New?

Jesuit Excellence College Tour - 4.29 at 12:30 PM

Malden Catholic will be hosting the Jesuit Excellence College Tour (JET) on Monday, April 29 during the school day. JET is a series of recruitment events that allow admissions representatives from top Jesuit colleges and universities to jointly recruit students. MC Juniors will be visiting with the colleges and universities at the following times:

Grade 11 Girls - 12:30 PM to 1 PM

Grade 11 Boys - 1 PM to 1:30 PM

The following colleges will be in attendance at MC:

  • Canisius College (Buffalo, NY)
  • College of the Holy Cross (Worcester, MA)
  • Fairfield University (Fairfield, CT)
  • Fordham University (Bronx, NY)
  • John Carroll University (Cleveland, OH)
  • Le Moyne College (Syracuse, NY)
  • Loyola Marymount University
  • Loyola University Chicago (Chicago, IL)
  • Loyola University Maryland (Baltimore, MD)
  • Loyola University New Orleans (New Orleans, LA)
  • Marquette University (Milwaukee, WI
  • Saint Joseph's University (Philadelphia, PA)
  • Saint Louis University (St. Louis, MO)
  • The University of Scranton (Scranton, PA)
  • University of San Francisco (San Francisco, CA)
  • Xavier University (Cincinnati, OH)

MC Parent Book Club - 4.30 at 7 PM

The MC Parent Book Club will be held on Tuesday, April 30 at 7 PM at MC in the Campus Ministry Center. The April MC Book Club will be discussing Evidence of the Afterlife by Jeff Long and Paul Perry, a story about captivated individuals who have been on the brink of death who provide unique insights into consciousness, the nature of reality, and the human experience.

Please R.S.V.P. to Vange Egizi at vangiemassagain@yahoo.com if you can attend.

MC's Day of Giving Back - 5.1

Be sure to mark your calendar for MC's Day of Giving Back which will be held on Wednesday, May 1. Our goal is to provide as many students as possible the superior quality education that Malden Catholic has to offer. This special day creates opportunities for the next generation of Lancers!

Ticket Sales for Senior Awards Ceremonies, Commencement and Baccalaureate Mass - 5.1

Ticket sales for the Girls Division Awards Ceremony, Boys Division Awards Ceremony, Baccalaureate Mass and Commencement will close on Wednesday, May 1. Please purchase tickets through the following links:

Ticket Reservations for Commencement and Baccalaureate Mass

To reserve seats for Commencement and Baccalaureate Mass, please email Mrs. Jeannine Reardon at reardonj@maldencatholic.org with the following information:

  • Graduating student’s first and last name
  • Number of tickets requested (no more than 6)
  • First and last names of up to (and no more than) six guests who will be attending.

Please note that there will be no waitlist for unused tickets. Students will be responsible for communicating with each other if they do not plan to use all of their seats. In the event a student opts to donate one or more of his/her seat(s), he or she must reserve the seat under his/her name.

Delayed Start - 5.3 at 9 AM

Please note that there will be a delayed opening for a Faculty/Staff Meeting on Friday, May 3. School will begin at 9 AM, and LBK transportation will run on its normal schedule. 

Spring Clothing Drive - through 5.3

MC is collecting new or gently used spring and summer clothing to donate to the Lazarus House, a homeless shelter for families in Lawrence. Collection bins are located in MC's Campus Ministry and front lobby through May 3. Please reach out to Mrs. Connolly or Br. Puccio with any questions.

Copy of Clothing Drive 2024.jpg

"Mamma Mia!" Drama Club Production - 5.3 to 5.5 & 5.10

MC's Drama Club will host four performances of "Mamma Mia!" from May 3 to May 5, as well as on May 10, in the Thomas '66 and Olivia McDonough Performing Arts Center. Tickets are limited, so be sure to purchase them through the following Eventbrite links:

Make-A-Wish SOC'S Ice Cream Social - 5.9 at 12 PM

MC's Make-A-Wish Club is hosting an ice cream social in collaboration with Soc's Ice Cream in Saugus on Thursday, May 9 from 12 - 9 PM. A portion of all MC sale proceeds will be donated to help grant a wish for a child with a critical illness. Stop by for treats for the whole family and mention that you are supporting MC Make-A-Wish!


2023 - 2024 Student Recognition Ads & Underclass Yearbooks - 5.9 and 5.31

Student Recognition Ads - Thursday, May 9

Senior parents are encouraged to purchase Student Yearbook Recognition Ads that will be displayed in Malden Catholic's 2023 - 2024 yearbook. The ads can be customized to feature the individual student and are available in three sizes: full page, half page or quarter page.

If you're interested in purchasing an ad, please create a Jostens account through this link. The deadline to order a MC Student Recognition Ad is Thursday, May 9.

Yearbooks (Underclass Only) - Friday, May 31

Students in Grades 9 - 11 may purchase a 2023 - 2024 yearbook through this link by Friday, May 31.

Please note that the cost for the yearbook is included in the fees that Seniors paid at the beginning of the school year.

College Affordable Financial Aid Webinar - 5.9 at 6:30 PM

The final College Affordable Financial Aid Webinar for the 2023 - 2024 school year will be held on Thursday, May 9 at 6:30 PM, which will be focused on finding affordable schools. Access to past webinars and recordings are available through this link.

To register for a webinar, please complete the Family Registration Form located here: https://collegeaffordable.org/maldencatholichs.


Malden Catholic families can email College Affordable at financialaid@collegeaffordable.org with any college financial aid questions. 

Senior Prom - 5.11 at 6 PM

The Senior Prom will be held at Black Swan Country Club in Georgetown on Saturday, May 11 from 6 - 11 PM. There will be a DJ, dinner and photo booth for the students.

MC students attending must complete and pass in a Code of Conduct form, signed by their parent or guardian and any outside guests must sign a permission slip. Both forms are available at the front office. Information regarding prom attire policies can be found in the MC Parent/Student Handbook through this link.

What's Happening Around MC?

MC Leadership Series Featured Speaker, Tony Thompson

This week, Malden Catholic had the pleasure of welcoming back Tony Thompson as part of our Leadership Speaker Series. Tony, an award-winning author and entrepreneur, shared his inspiring message with Grade 9 and Grade 10 students, encouraging them to overcome challenges and pursue their passions. Earlier this year, Tony had visited to address Grade 11 and Grade 12 students.

Pizza and Prayer

Senior Christian Service

34th Annual Catholic Schools Foundation Gala

The 34th Annual Catholic Schools Foundation (CSF) Gala honored Mariana Hincapie Gutierrez '24 and MC Spanish teacher Shadi Lopez as featured CSF alumni and student speakers. Their inspiring stories and achievements served as a testament to the impact of an MC education and the commitment to learning that resonates within the MC community. Check out the article in "The Boston Pilot."

Register for MC Summer Camp 2024!

Summer is right around the corner! Malden Catholic is once again pleased to offer onsite sports camps and classes this summer. These classes typically fill up quickly, so be sure to enroll soon!

Register today on the MC website to secure your sport in MC Summer Sports Camps and engaging classes in HSPT Test Prep, Math and more!


MC Accepting 2024 Nominees for Induction into Brother Daniel Cremin, C.F.X. Athletics Hall of Fame

MC is now accepting nominations for 2024 inductees, recognizing exemplary MC alumni and Girls Catholic alumnae, employees, coaches, and volunteers until June 15 through this link. The new roster of Hall of Fame inductees will be announced in the fall of 2024 and formally inducted at a banquet at the school in November.

Spring Sports

Stay updated on the athletics schedule and events by visiting the MC website or subscribing to text alerts through this link.

Livestreaming for MC athletic home games held in the Doherty Gymnasium and on the Donovan Field, are accessible on MC's YouTube channel through this link or through Hudl TV.

Monday, April 29

2:30 PM Girls Varsity Golf @ Cardinal Spellman HS

3:30 PM Girls JV Golf @ Brookline HS

4 PM Boys Freshman Baseball @ St. John's Prep School

4 PM Girls Varsity Tennis Home vs Archbishop Williams HS/MS

4 PM Boys Varsity Lacrosse @ Central Catholic HS

4 PM Boys JV Baseball Home vs St. John's Prep School

4 PM Girls JV Softball @ Marblehead HS

4 PM Boys Varsity Baseball Home vs St. John's Prep School

4 PM Girls Varsity Softball @ Marblehead HS

4 PM Boys Varsity Tennis @ Boston College HS

4 PM Girls Varsity Lacrosse Home vs North Quincy HS

5:30 PM Boys JV Lacrosse @ Central Catholic HS

5:30 PM Girls JV Lacrosse North Quincy HS

Tuesday, April 30

3:30 PM Girls Varsity Golf @ Ursuline Academy

4 PM Boys Varsity Tennis Home vs Beverly HS

4 PM Boys Varsity Lacrosse @ Catholic Memorial School

4 PM Boys Varsity 0utdoor Track @ St. John's Prep School

5:30 PM Boys JV Lacrosse @ Catholic Memorial School

Wednesday, May 1

4 PM Boys Varsity Baseball @ Boston College HS

4 PM Girls Varsity 0utdoor Track @ NDA CCL Track Meet #3

4 PM Boys Varsity Tennis Home vs St. John's HS

4 PM Boys Freshman Baseball Home vs Boston College HS

4:45 PM Girls Varsity Lacrosse Home vs Gloucester HS Varsity Only

4 PM Girls Varsity Tennis @ North Reading HS

4 PM Boys JV Baseball @ Boston College HS

Thursday, May 2

2:30 PM Girls Varsity Golf Home vs Notre Dame Academy--Hingham

3:45 PM Girls Varsity Lacrosse @ Ursuline Academy

4:30 PM Boys Varsity Rugby @ Worcester Public Schools

4 PM Boys Varsity Lacrosse Home vs Xaverian Brothers HS

5 PM Girls JV Lacrosse @ Ursuline Academy

5:30 PM Boys JV Lacrosse Home vs Xaverian Brothers HS

Friday, May 3

3:45 PM Girls Varsity Softball Home vs Ursuline Academy

3:45 PM Girls JV Softball Home vs Ursuline Academy

4 PM Boys Varsity Baseball Bristol @ Plymouth Voc. Tech. H.S.

4 PM Boys Freshman Baseball Home vs Bristol Plymouth Voc. Tech. H.S.

4 PM Boys Varsity Tennis @ Arlington HS

4 PM Girls Varsity Tennis @ St. Mary's

4 PM Boys JV Baseball @ Bristol Plymouth Voc. Tech. H.S.

Saturday, May 4

10 AM Girls Varsity Lacrosse @ Bishop Fenwick HS

11:30 AM Girls JV Lacrosse @ Bishop Fenwick HS

Please visit the Athletics Coaches page on the MC website to find contact information for each of our spring sports teams.