Dr. Heidi  brings awareness to
parents about
Teen Prescription Drug Abuse
Recently, my daughter shared with me a story about a Burbank teen that overdosed at a party. The kids at the party thought he was sleeping on the couch but in fact he was no longer breathing after an overdose of Xanax, Vicodin and other "pills ". Allie shared with me how common it is for teens to use prescription medications to "Get High" (pain killers), "Numb Themselves" (Xanax, Valium) or even use them to "Study Longer" in hopes of getting better grades (Adderall) .

I felt so sad to hear this story, my heart broke for this young man who ended his life prematurely. I felt moved to write this newsletter to bring awareness to parents who may be looking for signs of pot or alcohol use in their teens but may be totally missing THE NEW DRUG OF CHOICE: PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS .

( Forward to ALL families of teens)
Teens have grown up asso ciatin g medicine with solving problems - and have a heightened familiarity and awareness of RX and OTC medicines:
Two-thirds (66 percent) of teens who report abuse of prescription pain relievers are stealing them from friends, family and acquaintances OR buying them from friends at school.
Must Watch Video for All parents & family of Teens :

Where do I get HELP if I suspect Prescription Drug Abuse with my teen?

Therapists we recommend for your Teen:

Children & Family Counseling

Dr Melissa Springstead specializes in working with children & teens who struggle academically due to a learning disability and other various educational barriers. She helped my daughter immensely with test anxiety & overall school pressures. Melissa can help alleviate teen stress that can often lead to future problems with depression, alcohol and drug use, relational problems, anxiety, etc.

Shauna DaBiri-Far LMFT specializes in providing therapy to young adults, teens, children age 0-5 y/o.  She is a personal friend & colleague with my highest recommendation. She works successfully with Special Needs children 0-5, Young Adults on the Spectrum, Domestic Violence families/children, School-Based children, Behavioral problems, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Self-Harming Behaviors, Life Changes, Farsi-Speaking, Trauma, Grief, Drug/Alcohol issues.

Tree of Life Healing

Andrea-Marie provides intuitive counseling and psychological healing through body release techniques. She is a long time friend, healer and colleague with my highest recommendation. Sometimes talk therapy is not an option for children and teens. In these cases Andrea-Marie addresses the trauma that is stored in the body using energy work and somatic psychology.

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Inner Movement | InnerMovementChiro@gmail.com | 818.549.1300 | www.InnerMovement.net