Photo from Prenatal & Infant Care Network Advisory Board Member Women's Care Center
- December 2020 Newsletter -
Prenatal & Infant Care Network resources
Video and slides from the
November 19 Prenatal & Infant Care Network webinar
on interconception health are now available
This year the Prenatal and Infant Care (PIC) Network wrapped up with an extremely informative webinar on interconception care. Dr. Emily Scott, Indiana University School of Medicine, shared research and models that all providers can use to screen, counsel, and treat mothers. The network's goal is to ensure all infants celebrate their first birthday and are raised in a safe, stable, nurturing environment. Using well-child checks to screen mothers and connecting those at risk to community resources can lead the Network closer to their goal.

To access the video and PowerPoint presentations, go to
Prenatal & Infant Care Network participation
Prenatal & Infant Care Network
year-end review survey
The PIC Network needs your input to plan for 2021 webinar content. In 2020, webinar topics included; Common Causes of Infant Mortality, COVID-19 Crisis & Community Response, Implicit Biases in Healthcare, and Inter/intraconception Care. As COVID continues to change the prenatal and infant care environment, emerging topics will arise. Please take a moment to identify the most needed education for 2021 by completing a year-end survey.
Prenatal & Infant Care Network campaign
The ABC's of sleep are: Alone-Back-Crib
Sleep Safely education campaign launching in 2021
Imagine if every infant in Allen County has a safe place to sleep, is surrounded by educated, nurturing family members, and celebrates their first birthday!

All Allen County babies will have their own crib or pack-n-play to sleep. This is just one of the goals of the Sleep Safely Campaign. Key partners from area resource centers strategized throughout the year on developing a community-wide safe sleep education for all moms and families. Educators will continue the great work they are doing today, but will incorporate a one-page flyer and survey into their program.
Parents who have a baby in 2021 will know:

  1. Babies should sleep alone in a safety-approved environment with a tightly fitted sheet up to 1 year of age.
  2. Babies sleep safest on their backs. They should not sleep on their side or stomach.
  3. Nothing and no one should be in the baby's sleep area/crib.

The campaign includes Sleep Safely Facilitators (trained professional educators at each partnering site) and Sleep Safely Ambassadors (trained community volunteers). The St. Joseph Community Health Foundation will develop a resource site to share information and events so that everyone can participate. Stay tuned for more details!
Prenatal & Infant Care Network resource
2021 PIC Directories are now available! The St. Joseph Community Health Foundation provides these free directories to connect users with over 80 high-quality, free and low cost, prenatal and infant health resources in Allen County, Indiana.

Send Your News to Us!
Starting a new program or event? Send your information to,, or to have your announcement added to the next Prenatal & Infant Care Network newsletter.

Steering Committee
 A ministry sponsored by the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ.