Prelude! BUTI News | Winter 2017
From the Director's Desk

Happy New Year from all of us at Boston University Tanglewood Institute! Read more from Hilary Field Respass, BUTI Executive Director, about the 50th Anniversary Season and plans for summer 2017.
Update: Alumni Challenge

Thank you to those who joined the BUTI Alumni Challenge. We're on our way to our goal of securing 50 new alumni donors in honor of BUTI's 50th Anniversary, but we need your help in adding 15 new alumni donors to meet this challenge. The BUTI alumni community is thousands strong, so we know you can do it!
If BUTI was important and transformational for you, please take a moment to give back, and give now. Gifts of $5, $50, or $500 are all meaningful, and we hope you'll join us in making an impact today. Thank you!
P.S. Please help spread the news about the Alumni Challenge to other BUTI-ers!
New Directions

Administrative Director Grace Kennerly sits down with the Director of the new Junior Strings Intensive, Margaret Cerjan.  Read more about this exciting new program. These kids are our future.
Summer Job Opportunities

Want an amazing place to work this summer? Consider applying for a summer position with BUTI. All positions are paid and offer housing, some or all meals, and a Tanglewood Lawn Pass. Plus, who wouldn't want to spend a summer at Tanglewood?!
Why Apply? A Perspective

Stephanie Chee (BUTI '16) recalls her BUTI experience. On the fence about applying for BUTI?Read what Stephanie has to say and  decide for yourself.

Are you ready? Join the legacy.

Application due January 29, 2017