Finding a New Pace: A Labor Day Prayer

by Daniel Heath, Associate Chaplain at Davidson College

Presbyterian Outlook, August 22, 2023

Holy God, we give you praise for journeying alongside us with patience and with a steady tempo during the pandemics, Covid-19 and 1619. We are grateful for your presence that transcends cultural, religious, economic, political, and social distancing. Thank you for the new academic year upon us and the new communities it forms and how you will slowly grow them.

Lord, teach us the pace of Christ.

We ask, God, for your peace in our hearts and minds as we discern how we might participate in your work. Equip us to offer our gifts, education, and resources, not for a faster world, but a world that would move according to the rhythm of your heart.

Lord teach us, the pace of Christ

[for full prayer, click here.]


SEPT. 10 - "More than Curse Words: The Gospel in the English Language"

One-day class led by Chris Currie | Frampton Fellowship Hall

SEPT. 17 - "Opportunities and Challenges in Theological Education Today"

One-day class led by the Rev. Dr. José Irizarry, President of Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary

STARTING SEPT. 17 - "Study of the Early Church: Exodus, Matthew, & Galatians" | Land Building Riverside Room

STARTING SEPT. 24 - "When Kids Ask Hard Questions" | 2nd Floor Conference Room


Classes for grades 6-12 take place in the Youth Room on the third floor. Occasionally classes are posted on our youth Instagram page, @SCAPC_Youth. Learn about all youth programming on our youth page.


The Challenger Class (grades 4-5) meets in a special place that is set up with sofas and chairs where students can explore their faith, ask questions, and begin to verbalize what they believe. This year’s class topics include Psalm 23, the books of the Bible, John Calvin, the Apostle’s Creed, and The Gospel According to Dr Suess.

Our 3 year-olds through 3rd graders use the Spark Classroom curriculum. Each lesson follows a four-part sequence:

  • GATHER – Beginning the day by gathering together with a warm-up activity
  • OPEN THE BIBLE – Opening Bibles and exploring the day’s story
  • ACTIVATE FAITH – Becoming engaged in the story they just read by using their leaflets
  • SEND – Finishing with a closing activity & prayer.

Children gather by age group for classes with a focus on hands-on learning. They are divided into three groups: 3 yrs to PreK, Kindergarten-1st grade, and 2nd-3rd grade. They engage in Bible stories with lessons packed with activities, interactive games, and creative crafts. Throughout the year we explore stories from the Old and New Testaments. These lessons help kids navigate the stories and begin to compare what they learn to their own lives.

The Nursery is open 8:15-11:45 a.m. in the Bear Classroom which is the corner classroom on the first floor. Our experienced sitter staff invites all children under the age of four into our fully equipped nursery and playroom. Our classrooms meet all State requirements and we strive to maintain a safe and enriching environment for our youngest visitors. The staff is trained on church regulations and guidelines.

Volunteers & Men's Clothing Needed for Homeless Ministry

For the month of September, SCAPC volunteers are needed to help serve lunches and offer assistance on Wednesday mornings from about 9:00-10:30 at the Program of Hope homeless ministry, located at First Presbyterian Church, 5401 S. Claiborne Ave. If interested, please contact Karen Donaldson at khdonaldson57@gmail.com. In addition, we are collecting men’s clothing this month to go towards Program of Hope. There is a blue collection bin in Frampton Fellowship Hall where you can place your donated items through the month of September. Thank you!

Bring Cereal Boxes for Food Bank

Since 2004, Jefferson Presbyterian Church has hosted a food bank that serves the elderly and others in need in the community. Their most requested food is cereal, and they are now reaching out to sister churches to help provide this valued item. Everyone is encouraged to bring a box of cereal with them to church this Sunday. They can be dropped off in the Phifer Library.

Sunday Snacks

The Congregational Life Committee needs your help! Please sign up to bring finger-food snacks one Sunday morning. They will be served during the fellowship time following worship services. For details and to sign up, click here.

Youth Sunday Programming

Youth Group and Sunday School begin this Sunday! For those who are unfamiliar, Youth Group (5-7:30 p.m.) begins with an informal time for socializing and welcoming friends through board games, video games, and other youth room engagements; moves towards guided activities and reflective exercises (from meditative prayer stations to educational scavenger hunts to thematic obstacle courses and more!); and concludes with dinner on the third floor. Though we are a Presbyterian ministry, 6th-12th graders of all beliefs and backgrounds are welcome, as are their friends. We are a safe space that cares about all young people finding a sense of belonging in this world, bar none.

Sunday School (9:30-10:30 a.m.) is also on the third floor and is open to all middle and high schoolers. It is a time for our kids to check-in with one another about their weeks and get some context around the Scripture of the Day, so they have background when they enter worship at SCAPC.

We are floored to be offering a Parent’s Group (6-7:30 p.m.) at the Land Building during the first youth group of each month, where moms and dads have a space to socialize over drinks and snacks and even discuss some of the same Christian themes their children will be digesting across the street before picking them up. Any other programmatic info you are seeking can likely be found on our calendar or on our updated youth web page.

PW Circles Begin Next Week

Presbyterian Women Circles offer an environment in which faith is nurtured and growth takes place through worship, studying the Bible, fellowship, and outreach. The 2023-2024 PW Horizons Bible Study is Sacred Encounters: The Power & Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts by the Rev. Dr. Olive Mahabir. Circles meet monthly as follows (except where otherwise noted), and all women are welcome:


Second Mondays (first meeting Sept. 11) | 11:30 a.m. | Land Building | Lunch served


Second Mondays (first meeting Sept. 11) | 4:00 p.m. | Lambeth House

TUESDAY EVENING CIRCLE:                                         

Second Tuesdays (first meeting Sept. 12) | 5:45 p.m. | Land Building

Refreshments and wine served

If you’d like to purchase the Bible study book and/or the 2023-2024 SCAPC PW Yearbook, you can meet Sarah Edgecombe this Sunday, September 10th, in the Phifer library between 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. or pick up at the first circle meetings. Books are $10/each (checks payable to Presbyterian Women). You can also download the 2023-2024 SCAPC PW Yearbook at this link

Wednesday Night Out Resumes September 13!

WNO returns! Join in the excitement on September 13 beginning with a pastor-led study on the Book of Acts at 5: 15 p.m. in the Phifer Library, followed by supper at 6 p.m. in Frampton Fellowship Hall. On the menu are Ingles' Market meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green peas, tossed salad, fresh fruit, cake and ice cream. Make your reservation at scapc.org/wno by Monday at 5 p.m.

It's SCHOOL SPIRIT NIGHT, so be sure to wear your team colors! At 6:30 p.m. the Strategic Planning Committee will lead a listening session, so come share your ideas for our church's future! The session will be held in Frampton Fellowship Hall, and you do not have to attend dinner to participate.

Theology Reading Group

Looking to delve into a dynamic study of theology? Chris Currie will continue his theology reading group on Thursday, September 14 at 12:15 p.m. in the second floor conference room or by Zoom. The group will be examining Frederick Buechner's Telling the Truth: The Gospel as Comedy, Tragedy and Fairy Tale. 


Chris thought picking theologically insightful but smaller-bite classics might provide more variety and shorter term assignments over a period of time. So, in the coming months, he would like to read Frederick Buechner’s Telling the Truth, Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Life Together, and some other theological classics that can be covered in about a chapter per week but only contain 4-6 chapters each. 

If you are interested in joining in person or on Zoom, contact Miriam Hollar at miriam@scapc.org for further information. The discussions are recorded and available on the study groups webpage.

Events for Young Adults & Families (YAF)

YAF POLO ("Parents of Little Ones") Party!

Join Pastor Sarah and Tyler for a special gathering for little ones ages three and younger on the Land Building Lawn on Sunday, September 17 from 4:30-6:00! We will have water tables, bubbles, and chalk for the littles to play with as the grown-ups gather for fellowship and fun. We will have plenty of kid-friendly snacks to share and adult refreshments in the cooler. For questions or to RSVP please email tyler@scapc.org.

Saints Watch Party at Urban South with YAF

Wear your black and gold and join us at Urban South to cheer on the Saints as they take on the Panthers on Monday, September 18. We'll gather around 5:30 for the 6:15 kickoff. Urban South has a variety of beers and usually hosts a food truck on-site or you're also welcome to bring in food to enjoy while you watch the game. Please RSVP to tyler@scapc.org by Friday, September 15.

Welcome, Steffan!

This month, we welcome to SCAPC (and New Orleans!) Steffan Johnson, a member of the Young Adults Volunteer (YAV) program. In May, Steffan earned his Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, having received his Bachelor's from St. Andrews University in North Carolina. Steffan is a native of Florence, South Carolina. During his YAV year, he will help coordinate our RHINO program, as well as serving at Program of Hope, Jefferson Presbyterian Food Bank, and others. He can be reached at rhino@scapc.org.

Peacemaker Visitor from Cuba

On Wednesday, September 20, SCAPC will be visited by PC(USA) Peacemaker Alison Infante Zamora. Rev. Zamora is Moderator of the Synod of the Iglesia Presiteriana-Reformada in Cuba where our sister churches, El Fuerte and Juan G. Hall, reside. While here, members of the Global Ministry Committee will bring Rev. Zamora to the Program of Hope homeless ministry and Okra Abbey, both of which are partners of our church. To learn more about our mission work in Cuba, visit scapc.org/cuba. Contact Laura St. Clair at laura.st.clair1@gmail.com with any questions.

Ghana Mission Conference

The Ghana Mission Network Team of the Presbyterian Church (USA) invites everyone to their 22nd Annual Conference at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Virginia. To inform everyone about their work, SCAPC's own Henrietta Harris will facilitate a zoom session on Friday, September 29 from 10-11 a.m. on “Foundations and Perspectives on Mission & Evangelism”. If you are interested, please register at this link.

Welcome, New Members!

Welcome to Jacob Bruno and the Robbert Vorhoff family who officially joined SCAPC on Sunday!

Jacob Bruno

Jenny and Robb Vorhoff with children Julian, Virginia, Marian, and Evelyn.

This Week's Prayer List
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