In Colossians 4, Paul writes these words to the Colossians,
As I read Paul’s words, I can’t help but see that his message fits perfectly into our appeal to you as we begin to wrap up 2020. Pray with us. Join us as we approach the throne of grace with grateful hearts for all that God has done. Pray that doors open so that as we train leaders around the world they are able to reach even more students with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
. . . for 670 leaders trained over the last two months, in the midst of the continuing pandemic!

These trainings occurred in Mozambique (120 leaders), Uganda (40 leaders), Ethiopia (120 leaders), DRC (80 leaders), Botswana (80 leaders), Malawi (40 leaders), Zanzibar (40 leaders), and Kenya (150).
. . . for providing the additional funds this year, through our donors, to meet significant humanitarian needs that arose in our leaders lives and the lives of those they serve, due to the pandemic.

(Click image to watch Charles’ video!)

. . . for a celebration event that was beyond what we could have ever hoped or dreamed!

Thank you God…that you worked it all in such a way that technology allowed country leaders, interpreters, and participants across four continents to celebrate together what you are doing around the world!
. . . our Cuban brothers and sisters who are still picking up the pieces from the devastation that resulted from Hurricane Eta. Please pray for the community of Sabana Nueva. In this particular community, pastors and church members lost their harvest, and water flooded their homes. Yulio Granados (pictured below) pastors a church there where we have trained many to reach the younger generation in their community.
. . . the online training experience that will launch in January!

God, we pray that this new method of training is multiplied exponentially, and that leaders are encouraged and mentored, in spite of the pandemic, so that they are able to evangelize and disciple the younger generation, regardless of the issues that our world will face in 2021.
. . . our leaders around the world who have training events planned in December.

We pray that training will not be hampered by the virus. We pray for our country leaders as they finalize plans for these final events of 2020: Asher, Billy, Christopher, Harry, Iwell, Lawrence, Mwema, Nyuma, Reuben, Timothy, Zemen, Enock, Fred, Mark, Obadiah, Joseph, Charles, Pasha, and Elio.

We specifically pray for Christina and her team in Ukraine, as they prepare for a gathering of Eagle Leaders from across the country that will take place the first weekend of December. May they be encouraged as they gather together to prepare for the new year.
. . . specifically for Iwell and his team in Mozambique, as they train and encourage leaders during a time of extreme crisis in their country.

In Mozambique, according to the UNDP index, 80% of Mozambicans already live on less than $2 a day, and the average life expectancy is 55 years old. This year they are facing the added reality of ISIS activity growing in northern Mozambique. Since January, ISIS has torched churches and homes, killed over 1,500 people, and displaced more than 250,000.
. . . the end of the year fundraising goal of $300,000 to be achieved.

Thank you for taking time to join with us this month as we not only celebrate with thanksgiving regarding what God has done, but also pray together regarding what is before us.
Jesus is Lord,