Radicalization, bigotry, and antisemitism are on the rise. To effectively combat hate, it is more important now than ever to support organizations working to protect America, our sacred values, and the Jewish people.

In his new op-ed How to Practice Philanthropy to Create a Lasting Impact, Adam explains how to be an active philanthropist. In addition to providing funds, Adam and Gila donate their time, efforts, and resources to organizations that fight antisemitism, support American values and advance the US-Israel alliance. They utilize their experiences and connections to generate synergies that make every group stronger.
It is also critical to support our vulnerable communities during these trying times. Stand By Me, a nonprofit organization led by Gila, provides care and services to Israeli-American cancer patients and their families in Los Angeles. Please consider donating to ensure that Stand by Me can continue to fulfill its mission of improving the lives of thousands.
Lastly, we invite you to learn about JIMENA: Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa, an organization dedicated to achieving universal recognition for the heritage and history of the 850,000 indigenous Jewish refugees from the Middle East and North Africa. Their programs aim to ensure that the accurate history of Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews is incorporated into mainstream Jewish and Middle Eastern narratives in order to create balance in attitudes, narratives, and discourse about Middle Eastern refugees and the modern Jewish experience. We're proud to support their mission.
With sincere love and admiration for America, the State of Israel, and the Jewish people,
Gila and Adam Milstein
How to Practice Philanthropy to Create a Lasting Impact
The article was originally published in the Jerusalem Post
"To make sure my philanthropy has a high return on investment, I personally help the organizations with funding, provide advice based on my knowledge and experience, establish new organizations and programs to fill voids I see, and make use of my extensive network to help these causes and generate synergies that make every group stronger.

Gila and I have seen firsthand how strategic impact philanthropy makes a significant, nationwide impact. We see the results within our lifetime and are able to leave an enduring legacy to our children, grandchildren, and community.

I invite my fellow major philanthropists and philanthropists-to-be to join me in becoming a strategic impact philanthropist. It requires more than just 'putting your money where your mouth is' but the return is beyond imaginable. Nothing of lasting impact can be achieved without your own blood, sweat, and tears."

Stand By Me
"With a warm heart and open arms, Stand By Me is the extended family in support of its brothers and sisters on their road to recovery." 

- President, Gila Milstein
Stand by Me is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 2009 in order to provide daily support to Israeli-American cancer patients and their families in Los Angeles.

AmazonSmile is a simple way to support Stand By Me every time you shop, at no cost to you. When placing orders through, you'll find the exact same prices and selection as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to Stand By Me! Make sure to select Stand By Me as your charity of choice.
If you would like to join our family of volunteers, please fill out this form or call our office at (818) 664-4100.
For more information, please visit our website at
Spotlight Organization: JIMENA
JIMENA: Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa is committed to achieving universal recognition for the one million Jewish refugees from Arab and Islamic countries and their Mizrahi and Sephardic descendants in Israel and the United States.
As the primary advocacy organization for Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews in North America, JIMENA operates through campaigns aimed at protecting Jewish Americans from antisemitism in all its manifestations and through efforts to uphold the basic human rights of former Jewish refugees who have been denied access to their confiscated assets and cultural properties in the Middle East.
Our work, which has been generously supported by the Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation since 2015, is built upon a commitment to educate, engage, and influence Jewish institutional leaders, policy-makers, and members of the general public to the unknown personal and collective stories of Middle Eastern Jewish refugees and their descendants. We strive to elevate Mizrahi and Sephardic voices and leaders in an effort to combat antisemitic historical revisionism which seeks to de-legitimize Israel and the ongoing historical presence and contributions of Jewish communities in the Middle East for over 2,500 years.

MFF is proud to support JIMENA