- Agile mechanisms
- Unique practice, ideally described
- Customized practice brochures and inserts
- Nifty design guide
- Co-creation process
- Sparking caring conversations
While your locally owned and operated practice capitalizes on strategically competitive advantages, it should consistently increase awareness of the essential ways your trusted hearing care empowers patients to improve their quality of life. In this issue we highlight a commonly thought of, but not often effectively utilized technique, recognizing that agile mechanisms can be highly productive.
This Influential Idea’s rationale:
As each patients’ hearing loss and plan of care are unique, so is your practice. While you aspire to expertly deliver solutions by discovering their personal stories, how well do you tell your own? With differentiation goals paramount, from your perspective, how are your sound advice, continuity of care and client experiences ideally described? Further, what are appraisals of team members on the frontlines with countless interactions which shape perceptions and nurture advocacy? Investigating answers to these probing questions should be healthy catalysts for decisive action.
One building block to develop and deploy customized practice brochures which showcase your best practices story. Do you currently have an attractive version to proudly share? Beyond rack cards, branded tri-fold brochures, along with specialty inserts, furnish more space to convey helpful narratives. From eye-catching covers featuring local imagery to impressive bios, scope of practice details, reputable education, Our Patients Say it Best testimonials and calls to action, there are many informative elements.
Envision this Influential Idea being
In Sight throughout these eye-catching venues:
- Countertop display in reception area
- Consult and final fitting rooms
- Reception or staff areas of medical referral sources
- Upscale senior living communities
- Local businesses focused on employee wellness
- Chambers of Commerce packages
To get your Influential practice brochure In Sight and In Mind requires a practical way to develop it. By recognizing content patterns in co-creating 100’s of versions with collaborators nationwide, our nifty design guide exhibits popular content modules. Take delight in not having to reinvent the wheel when proven winners from others lead the way. Beyond core selections, we suggest integrating other components which promote your distinct practice identity. From specialized services to pricing transparency or admirable support of good causes, highlighting exceptional aspects is worthy.
Our process of co-creating Influential practice brochures with specialty inserts is much easier, efficient and fun than expected. Methodically so, with our hands-on helpful copywriting support, you:
- Review design guide with popular content modules to choose from
- Fill in handy checklist indicating selections
- Provide clinician images, bios and testimonials
- Share custom images to include such as doctor / patient photos.
- Review customized design in days, not weeks
- Offer explicit feedback on desired revisions
- Promptly receive final draft for review and approval
- Get quick delivery of brochures, specialty inserts and tactical displays
As strategic placement maximizes exposure and sparks caring conversations, a potent awareness combination is brought to life. In addition, inspiring practice brochures are points of pride for team members guided to talk about your competitive advantages. For those seeking careers, not just jobs, realizing they are integral to something special can be highly motivating. By making your practice story better known, your brand’s social currency boosts marketing leverage in omni-channel ways.
"Stories are memory aids, instruction manuals and
moral compasses."
— Aleks Krotoski
While your remarkable practice story Starts with Why, to what extent do your target audiences, current patients and key prospects, appreciate all the ways in which Better Hearing is Better Healthcare? From evidence-based evaluation and testing to personalized products and services, clearly there is an Art to how you compassionately deliver optimal outcomes. That is your story, and we are sticking to it. See you next week.
Bruce Essman
High Definition Impressions (HDI)
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