Equipping farmers to build resilient farms and communities.
Jenny Quiner of Dogpatch Urban Gardens in Des Moines farms on 1 acre of land in a residential area, with roughly ¼-acre under cultivation. The farm is in its fourth year of operation and specializes in growing annual vegetable crops focusing on salad-oriented products.

Jenny is a graduate of our Savings Incentive Program and is a Labor4Learning trainer. In only a few years, Jenny has created a vibrant urban farm and farm stand with help from family and friends. Join Jenny this Sunday for a field day at her urban farm in Des Moines.
Meet our new logo and learn how we got here!
After nearly eight years with our previous logo – and in the wake of monumental organizational growth, including significant increases in membership, budget, staff, impact and public visibility – we felt it was time to re-imagine Practical Farmers’ visual identity to reflect these changes and carry us into this new era of PFI’s history.

The new logos maintain the simplicity that has been the hallmark of earlier PFI logos, but have been modernized to better match the changing design aesthetics of our time. The logos also strive to graphically convey Practical Farmers’ agricultural connection.
While we decided it was time to move forward from the “PFI” acronym that was so connected to our past visual identity, the new logos preserve the shapes and variants introduced in 2012 – and the contemporary yet friendly fonts evoke the core Practical Farmers of Iowa value of welcoming everyone, so that together we can equip farmers to build resilient farms and communities.
Show your support of PFI by buying one of our new merchandise items featuring our new logo! Look good on and off the farm. Items with the new logo include sweatshirts, T-shirts, youth T-shirts, stocking caps and stickers. Check the merch page to see them all!
Hosted by: Jenny Quiner
Sunday, November 10 | 1 – 3 p.m. | Des Moines, IA
Join us for one of four farm transfer and succession workshops with Mike Downey of Next Gen Ag Advocates and Farm Financial Strategies, Inc.

Mike will discuss the why and how of farmland transition, including farm leasing trends and how to communicate with family about your farmland transition.

All workshops will include a meal and networking time and will conclude with some possible strategies and next steps for farm transfer.
Tuesday, Nov. 19 | Red Oak
5-8 p.m. | RSVP

Tuesday, Dec. 3 | Decorah
5-8 p.m. | RSVP
Tuesday, Dec. 10 | Cherokee
5-8 p.m. | RSVP

Tuesday, Dec. 17 | Oxford
5-8 p.m. | RSVP
Upcoming in the next month
Nov. 10: Field Day - Urban Farming
1-3 p.m. | Des Moines

Nov. 19: Workshop - Farm Transfer
5-8 p.m. | Red Oak
Nov. 20: Field Day - Cover Crops for All
12-3 p.m. | Rose Hill

Dec. 3: Workshop - Farm Transfer
5-8 p.m. | Decorah
Volunteer with PFI next Thursday!
We are seeking volunteers to join us in our office on Thursday, Nov. 14, between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., to help us with our annual fall fundraising mailing.

Volunteers are asked to come anytime during those hours. We will be folding letters, stuffing envelopes and affixing stamps. This is a fun, laid-back day and a perfect opportunity to meet other PFI members and staff.

Snacks from our farmers will be provided, and prizes will be awarded to volunteers. If you are interested, please contact Debra at (515) 232-5661 or debra@practicalfarmers.org .
Members in the News
Dave and Susie Differding of Winthrop were featured on Iowa Public Radio: Even In Iowa, Apple Farmers Feel Trickle Down Impact Of Tariffs

Jenny Quiner of Des Moines was featured on Local 5 We Are Iowa: Exploring Urban Farming
Paul Mugge of Sutherland and Sally Worley of Grimes were featured in High Plains Journal: Leopold Center selects farmer researcher Paul Mugge for Spencer Award

PFI in the News
PFI was not featured in the news this week
Have you been featured in the media? Tell us when and where to find a link to the article, and we'll feature you in a future issue of Practical News.