Power of Self-Reflection
The benefits of learning and looking back on the day are outlined in this HBR article, Don't Underestimate the Power of Self-Reflection.
Power of Quality Meetings
Read Stop Wasting People's Time with Meetings for five strategies leaders can use to showcase their best selves during meetings.
Power of Stress
According to the guests on Harnessing the Power of Stress, it's not the stress that's harming us but how we think about it. How can you use stress effectively?

Power of Stay Conversations
Retention is at the top of many leader's mind. What Stops Your Team from Leaving explores the power of "stay" interviews.

Power of Clean Power
Art Petty offers three ways leaders can cultivate clean power in his piece Why You Need to Rethink your Approach to Power in the Workplace.

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If you're interested in chatting about any of these topics, schedule time with me.