In This Issue
Tax Credit for Qualifying Dependents: What's Your Eligibility?
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January 15, 2019
Individuals: Fourth quarter estimated tax payments due

January 2019

Happy New Year! As the calendar rolls over to 2019, make sure to remember this: Collect your 2018 tax info sooner rather than later -- it pays off... really!
Post-2018 Alimony Agreements: Irrelevant for Tax Purposes

Until now, alimony payments have been reportable on both sides of the divorce isle. Even if you have a divorce attorney, consulting your enrolled agent will help you determine a tax strategy that works best for you. > Read on
Tax Credit for Qualifying Dependents: What's Your Eligibility?

A credit reduces your tax bill dollar-for-dollar. So if you earn less than $200,000, make sure you take advantage of the child tax credit increase that takes effect with 2018 returns. > Get the details
Choosing a business entity
What Type of Business Is Best?

Double taxation, strictness of operational processes, liability -- these are a few factors that distinguish one type of business entity from another. In the end, it's much easier to make the right decision right off the bat, so choose carefully. > Food for thought
Need help with your 2018 return? Call our office at 505-984-0646 to schedule an appointment.