Labor Council
Friday, November 6, 2020 Special Edition
Post Election & COVID 19 Update
Special Editor's Note: As this edition is prepared (Thursday, November 5, 2020), our Nation's Presidential Election still hangs on the outcomes of a full and fair counting of the votes in Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. Given the fluid and changing nature of this election, we are keenly aware that by the time this edition reaches your inbox early Friday morning, November 6, much of the currently unknown may be known, including the outcome of this all-important Presidential race. So, given our high regard for your readership and out of respect for it, we do not want to provide any information that is not fully verifiable and defensible at the time of this publishing. So, to the extent the information included herein is limited, we do not wish to include anything that may well be out of date or no longer accurate upon your reading.
The labor movement continues to lead the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to fight for economic opportunity and social justice for America’s workers.
Joe Biden’s Firewall Was Union Made
Richard Trumka November 5, 2020 
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka delivered the following remarks at his post-election press conference:

Good afternoon. Thank you for joining this call.

More than that, thank you for your role in making our democracy strong.
I am hopeful that the end of the Trump presidency will bring a newfound respect for the institution of journalism.

This has been an unprecedented election. And it came during an unprecedented year.
A year of anger and sorrow and civil unrest. A year of unfathomable loss. Loss of jobs and economic security. Loss of life.

The U.S. just reported more than 100,000 new COVID-19 infections, the most cases in a single day since pandemic's start.

But during this trying year, union members have delivered for America—every day in every way. Stocking the shelves. Moving goods and people. Fighting the fires. Healing the sick.

The resilience of unions is the story of 2020. It’s been on display all year.

It’s guided by our belief that a better day is still within our reach. And today, I am more confident than ever that better day is near.

Joe Biden has won more votes than any candidate for president—ever. And he is on a path to 270 electoral votes.

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka Unpacks 2020 Election
Today, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka hosted a press call breaking down the labor movement’s role in this year’s election and discussing the path ahead for working people. 
“The resilience of unions is the story of 2020. It’s been on display all year. It’s guided by our belief that a better day is still within our reach. And today, I am more confident than ever that a better day is near,” said Trumka. “Joe Biden has won more votes than any candidate for president—ever. And he is on a path to 270 electoral votes. Biden's path to the White House ran through America’s labor movement.”

"Every Vote Must Be Counted"
Statement from AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on the presidential election: 

Democracy is rising in America. Despite the worst pandemic in a century, voters came out in record numbers to exercise our rights as citizens, and now those ballots must be counted. As we said in our statement with business and faith leaders today, this is a moment “to exercise patience with the process and trust in our system, even if it requires more time than usual.”
Joe Biden’s growing national lead reflects a country ready to turn the page on the dysfunction and division of the Trump era, and we are confident that when all the votes are counted, the Electoral College will render the same verdict. 

In the days to come, America’s labor movement will defend our democratic republic and ensure our next president will be the person who is the choice of the citizens of the United States. Simply put, voters must decide—not courts, not legislators and certainly not one of the candidates.

Contact: Carolyn Bobb (202) 637-5018
AFL-CIO, Chamber of Commerce, National Faith Leaders Call for Votes to Be Counted
As Americans headed to the polls on Election Day, U.S. Chamber of Commerce CEO Thomas J. Donohue, National Association of Evangelicals President Walter Kim, AFL-CIO President Richard L. Trumka and National African American Clergy Network Co-Convener Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner called for all votes to be counted in accordance with applicable laws: 

“As leaders in business, labor, and the faith community, we celebrate the record turnout this election has produced. 

“With voting ending today, it is imperative that election officials be given the space and time to count every vote in accordance with applicable laws. We call on the media, the candidates and the American people to exercise patience with the process and trust in our system, even if it requires more time than usual. It is important to remember that challenges are a normal part of every election. We are confident our country and its institutions can rise to this historic moment. 

“Although we may not always agree on desired outcomes up and down the ballot, we are united in our call for the American democratic process to proceed without violence, intimidation or any other tactic that makes us weaker as a nation. A free and fair election is one in which everyone eligible to cast a ballot can, all ballots are counted consistent with the law and the American people, through their votes, determine the outcome.”

Contact: Carolyn Bobb (202) 637-5018
"We won. Unions and working people won."
by Pete McLinden
We won. Unions and working people won. American democracy is winning throughout our nation, a shining beacon of light for all of us to be proud of. Elections in the United States represent our deepest values: democracy, equality and fairness; where every vote counts and we count every vote. In Hamilton County, with the help of our union affiliates, we handed out and literature dropped over 18,000 union slate-candidate endorsement cards. And sisters and brothers, the election results speak for themselves. 

As of this date, twenty-three (23) of our thirty-four (34) endorsed candidates and issues affirmatively were passed. We elected Labor-friendly candidates in seven of eight Hamilton County offices, eight of twelve County judgeships, and won a pro-worker majority on the Ohio Court of Appeals – First District! We help to pass important school levies for our students and union sisters/brothers in the Cincinnati Public School District and Norwood School District. We won a strongly contested race in the Ohio House 28th District, sending pro-Labor/pro-public education Representative Jessica Miranda back to Columbus. Finally, we are bringing more fairness and balance to the Ohio Supreme Court, by electing Judge Jennifer Brunner.

Sadly, some gloomy cynics will drown in their sorrows and regrets, negatively focusing on what/where Labor did not win. However, as soon-to-be President Joe Biden would say: “With all due respect, that’s a bunch of malarkey!” Labor continues to be and always will be strong, active and respected, in Hamilton County, in the State of Ohio and in the United States of America. I thankful and greatly appreciative of the dedication and hard-work of all of our Labor 2020 released staff and volunteers, who put in countless hours throughout this election cycle. I was proud to see these union members working co-operatively and collaboratively together week after week, to mobilize union household voters and to help elect pro-union, pro-working family candidates at all levels of government. And as the results prove, we won

In Solidarity, U and I . . .
Peter McLinden, Esq.
(Peter M. McLinden Esq. is a proud member of AFSCME Local 2461/Union Township, the Chair of the Greater Cincinnati Occupational Health Center (GCOHC), Board President of Cincinnati Labor Agency for Social Services, Treasurer for the Hamilton County Democratic Party, Chairperson/Commissioner - Cincinnati Civil Service Commission, Commissioner - Ohio Real Estate Commission, former Commissioner - Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation, and the Executive Secretary of the Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council. -
"Tonight we’re gonna party like it’s 2099"
Sponsoring Co-op Cincy's Annual Celebration
We invite you to join us and sponsor Co-op Cincy's Annual Event, a futuristic celebration titled “Tonight we’re gonna party like it’s 2099,” on Thursday, Nov 19 from 7-8:30pm. It is inspired by the profound transformation sparked in Prince’s hometown of Minneapolis in 2020 and during it we will look “back” on the ways that Co-op Cincy accelerated the worker co-op movement between 2020 and 2099. When 2020 brought the start of a profound transformation, Co-op Cincy accelerated our vision of eliminating barriers and creating an economy that works for all, alongside everyday people from all walks of life. 

While our event will be held a little differently this year, as you can guess... virtually, it doesn't mean that your support will be any less noticed or impactful. We so appreciated your support last year of $500 and are hoping the Central Labor Council would be interested in making a similar or increased contribution as a sponsor for our event this year. We have attached our flyer for the event, a sponsorship letter and sponsorship grid for your review. 

Thank you so much for your ongoing support of our work!

Ellen & the Co-op Cincy Team
Labor Invitation to Premiere Stand! Dec. 1st
"Stand! tells the important story of the power of collective action. Workers should see this film to learn not only about labor history but the important value of fighting for our rights and greater justice."
-Richard Trumka, President, AFL-CIO

Hello. It's Danny Schur, composer/producer/co-writer of the new Hollywood, labor movie musical Stand! premiering at a special one-night-only screening across the United States on December 1st, 2020.  AFL-CIO president, Richard Trumka, was instrumental in the movie's production.
Union Made for a Union Audience!
Stand! is a union production, made in partnership with unions across North America. It tells a riveting labor story (the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike) with a diverse cast of working-class heroes and an inspiring ode to solidarity. In its Canadian debut, the movie was #1 at the Canadian box office.

Union Movement Theater Take-Overs Dec 1st

December 1, unions across America will take over theaters for the premiere of Stand! in a national show of solidarity. Check out this personal invitation from director Robert Adetuyi and me:
Book Your Union Group Now!
My colleagues and I will follow up this e-mail with a list of participating theaters in your area. We would be pleased to book your union group into the theater of your choice. Call 204-227-1167 or e-mail to arrange for your group tickets.

In solidarity,

Danny Schur
COVID - 19 By The Numbers

Global Confirmed: 48,280,133

Global Deaths: 1,227,891

U.S. Confirmed: 9,499,459

U.S. Deaths: 233,836

(As of 2:00 PM, Thursday, November 6, 2020)
Ohio COVID-19 Dashboard
Current Trends
Below are the current reporting trends for key indicators calculated from data reported to the Ohio Department of Health. These trends are updated daily and are presented by report date.
Hamilton County
Clermont County
Brown County
Butler County
Warren County
Other Important Headlines and Information: