April 26, 2024

Dear Friends,

We are ending this day with sadness as the little town of Minden, Iowa, has been devastated by one of today's many tornados. Some fifty homes have been lost. A few serious injuries were sustained. Thankfully, no fatalities.

RIGHT: the trees across the road from our property, just sheared off, and the town of Minden, a mass of debris.

We so appreciate everyone who has written to us, checking to see that we and our family are safe. We are. Many have asked whether Pork HQ in Minden is okay, and it is. We sustained relatively little damage, mostly from the debris of our neighbor's metal building, the pieces of which became airborne.

ABOVE RIGHT: Our poor neighbor's building collapsed,

and much of the material flew uphill to our place.

BELOW: Long-time Minden resident Todd Lehan shared this photo.

ABOVE: In the aftermath, county officials weren't allowing folks to drive into town. We turned into our driveway, ahead on the left.

RIGHT: Pete and George, fueling the skid steer, after we drove 20 miles to find a gas station with power.

At our place, everything can be cleaned up and fixed soon enough.

George has used our equipment--tirelessly-- to help clear debris in town, and he is keeping in touch with the county officials about what might be needed and how else we can help. We'll keep you posted.

We know everyone has their special causes, and that's as it should be. But if you're wishing for a way to help, why, please stay tuned. We hope to let you know how to assist the people of Minden, many of whom are without a home tonight.

Thank you, friends, for your concern. Thanks also to the PBV crew members who wrote, called, and drove out tonight. Everyone, please keep little Minden, Iowa, in your prayers.

We'll be back soon with other happier news.


Tammy and Pete

BELOW: After fueling up, George headed back into town

to continue helping.

ABOVE: It's kind of amazing how

wooden debris impaled the coffee trailer

(and other things).

We'll get that all fixed up.

ABOVE, RIGHT, BELOW: We looked things over tonight, and it'll be fine at our place. This debris came from elsewhere, most of it (sorry to say) from our neighbor's building to the west.

More in this news report.

We thank Roger Clark, Daphnie Boone, and Todd Lehan for some photos and images from the news.

Pork Belly Ventures LLC 

Tammy: 808-375-8921 c, tammy@pkbelly.com

Pete: 402-681-2613 c, pete@pkbelly.com
